TeRra and Friends (テラと友達)

2012/06/06 水曜日

TeRra and FriendsTeRra and Friends (テラと友達)

Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 19:30 - 23:59




ハン・テラ リサイタル公演

ハン・テラ:カヤゴ (韓国伝統琴)
藤田龍平 (ふじた りゅうへい):Performance
Aquiles Hadjis (ハッジス・アキレス):Guitar
Benjamin Efati (ベンジャミン・エファティ) :Buzuki and some noise instruments (handmade), video
宇田川 元子(うだがわ もとこ):cello

ハン・テラ演奏会情報はこちら >> [在日韓国文化院](http://www.koreanculture.jp/info_event_view.php?page=1&number=3562&cate=2&keyfield&key)

韓国のカヤゴ (韓国伝統琴) 演奏家、ソウル大学音楽大学院修士―号取得(M.A)後、現 ソウル大学音楽大学院博士課程中(D.M.A)生田流筝曲の安藤正輝にも師事。
幼少期より韓国国内にて様々なコンクール、オーケストラを経て韓国KBS、国樂放送などにも出演、MIT工科大学招請、カヤゴリサイタルやプレセンテ―ションを経験。日本国内では耳にする事の少ないカヤゴ (韓国伝統琴) の響きと共に、今後も国内外問わずさらなる飛躍が期待される。

##藤田龍平 (ふじた りゅうへい):Performance
1979 京都市に生れる
1998 京都市立銅駝美術工芸高等学校西洋画科卒業
2006 東京藝術大学美術学部先端藝術表現科卒業

##Aquiles Hadjis (ハッジス・アキレス):Guitar
マラカイボ市ベネズエラに生まれ 東京都台東区に在住
[Aquiles Hadjis Homepage](http://www.aquileshadjis.com)

##Benjamin Efati (ベンジャミン・エファティ)
Buzuki and some noise instruments (handmade), video
2004-2008: Master in philosophy, Lyon 3 University, France (thesis about dream/neuroscience/signification/art)
2008-2012: Master in arts, Beaux Arts de Paris; exchange at Tokyo Geidai

##宇田川 元子(うだがわ もとこ) :cello
桐朋学園大学卒業後、ドイツ・アーヘン音楽大学を首席で卒業、同大学院にて国家演奏家資格を取得。これまでにチェロを藤原真理、毛利伯郎、山崎伸子、R. メッツマッハー、E. バイスヴェンガーの各氏に師事。昨年ロッシーニ:弦楽四重奏6曲を収録し近々発売予定。


Han TeRra Recital Performance by; Han TeRra: Gyago Ryuhei Fujita: Performance Aquiles Hadjis: Guitar Benjamin Efati: Buzuki and some noise instruments (handmade), video Motoko Udagawa: cello Marina Mise: Piano More information about Han TeRra Recitals >> [Korean Cultural Center](http://www.koreanculture.jp/info_event_view.php?page=1&number=3562&cate=2&keyfield&key) Artist information: ##Han TeRra ![/sdlx/120606-HanTeRra_info_1.jpg](/sdlx/120606-HanTeRra_info_1.jpg) Han TeRra is a star performer of the kayagum, the twelve-string zither of Korea.  Ms. Han began her training at the age of five in classical Korean music and Korean traditional performing arts including singing and dancing. Additionally she has studied traditional performing arts of Japan and China. Ms. Han is currently completing the requirements for the D.M.A. degree in kayagum performance from Seoul National University.  Active as a concert soloist since age 12, Ms. Han has received numerous awards for her performance, including commendation from Korean National Commission for UNESCO, and is widely recognized as one of the most outstanding kayagum musicians in Korea.  Ms. Han serves as an honorary ambassador of the Korean Center for International Affairs, member of the Korean Zither’s Association, and member of Asian Musicology. In order to expand her understanding of the kayagum and its repertory, Ms. Han is researching other Asian zither traditions including the Japanese koto, the Chinese jaeng, and the Vietnamese dan bao, and she hopes to further develop her frame of reference through a focused period of study in the United States. 2012, Asian Cultural Council, New York ##Ryuhei Fujita: Performance ![/sdlx/120606-fujita-L.jpg](/sdlx/120606-fujita-L.jpg) ##Aquiles Hadjis: Guitar ![/sdlx/120606-aquiles-L.jpg](/sdlx/120606-aquiles-L.jpg) Born in Maracaibo, Venezuela (1981) Lives and work in Tokyo, Japan since 2009. Currently enrolled in Tokyo University of the Arts' Oil Painting MFA [Aquiles Hadjis Homepage](http://www.aquileshadjis.com) ##Benjamin Efati ![/sdlx/120606-benjamin-L.jpg](/sdlx/120606-benjamin-L.jpg) Buzuki and some noise instruments (handmade), video 2004-2008: Master in philosophy, Lyon 3 University, France (thesis about dream/neuroscience/signification/art) 2008-2012: Master in arts, Beaux Arts de Paris; exchange at Tokyo Geidai ##Motoko Udagawa: cello ![/sdlx/120606-udagawa-L.jpg](/sdlx/120606-udagawa-L.jpg) ##Marina Mise: Piano ![/sdlx/120606-mise-L.jpg](/sdlx/120606-mise-L.jpg)

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