Mobile Monday

2012/06/11 月曜日

Mobile MondayMobile Monday

Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 19:00 - 23:59




App Annie 役員は年中行事インフィニティ・ベンチャ-ズ・サミット2012春-札幌 (IVS in Sapporo) でスピ-チをしますが、その前の2-3日は東京滞在する予定です。そこでMoMoイベントにて歓迎するという凄い幸運に恵まれました。同社のプラットフォームについて知らない人は最初にここをクリック- check it out -。同社のサ-ビスとは、iOS, MacとAndroid単位にカテゴリ-や国別に有料ダウンロ-ド件数と金額について世界規模のアプリ店舗における追跡と順位の形で無料にて精度が高い推定情報を提供することにあります。同社役員はイベント来場者の皆さんにお会いできることを楽しみにしています。


開催日: 2012年6月11日(月曜日)
時間: 19:00 – 23:00 PM
入場料: 事前登録 1.000円、当日2,000円

MoMo Official Site

— MoMo Tokyo Team

App Annie execs will speak at the annual IVS in Sapporo and are set to visit Tokyo for a few days en-route so we're most fortunate to welcome them to our stage - First! If you don't know the platform - check it out - you should; their service tracks and ranks the global app store economy providing accurate estimates on free vs. paid downloads and revenues, by category and country, for the iOS, Mac and Android ecosystems. Please Do Register in Advance Here! Plus, we have a few other really interesting players, just clearing their internal hurdles now, apparently good-to-go as well - so it's shaping up to be a Super Special Guests Surprise event! We'll be updating with full details here asap - meanwhile, make a bold note in your calendar. btw: hope you like our new site design.. it should render 'pretty' on your screen of choice.. Date: Monday, 11th June, 2012 Running Time: 19:00 — 23:00 Fee: 1,000 JPY with Advance Registration – OR – 2,000 JPY at the door Includes: 1-drink and fun evening with all the greatest mobile biz folks in Tokyo! MoMo Official Site [here]( btw: hope you like our New Site.. it should render ‘pretty’ on any screen.. — MoMo Tokyo Team ![/sdlx/120611-mm-tokyo-L.jpg](/sdlx/120611-mm-tokyo-L.jpg)

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