This&That Café Vol.10

2012/07/21 土曜日

This&That CaféThis&That Café Vol.10

Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59


ドリンク込み/Drink included



アツい音楽とクールなアート。土曜の夜に入場無料じゃ、行くっきゃない! サマー・グルービーの波に乗れ。

Jimmy Binks and the Shakehorns
The Watanabes
Ruby Room Orchestra
Bitter Haze

Live Art:
Daniel Cesar
Jay Horinouchi

David Roy
DH Rosen

Don Coglione

##Jimmy Binks and the Shakehorns(ジミー・ビンクスとシェイクホーンズ)
バンドです! 東京で活動中! オルタナティブ/カントリー/フォーク/ロック/ウンパが融合した音楽をやっています。
よく分からない? 百聞は一見に如かず。聞きに来てください。
[Jimmy Binks and the Shakehorns facebook page](

##The Watanabes(ザ・ワタナベズ)
[The Watanabes Homepage](

##Ruby Room Orchestra(ルビー・ルーム・オーケストラ)

##Bitter Haze(ビター・ヘイズ)
[Bitter Haze Homepage](

##Daniel Cesar(ダニエル・セザール)

##David Roy
[堀之内ジェイ Homepage](
##Don Coglione (DJ)
イギリス人のNick Coldicotとしても知られているファンクとレア・グルーブのDJ。
[Blogging with Fuji Rock: Don Coglione](
##D.H ローゼン
##VJ exert (Ryosuke Takayama)

Hot tunes, cool art. Entrance is free and it’s a Saturday night, so no excuses! Come catch a wave of Summer Groovy.

Jimmy Binks and the Shakehorns
The Watanabes
Ruby Room Orchestra
Bitter Haze

Live Art:
Daniel Cesar
Jay Horinouchi

David Roy
DH Rosen

Don Coglione

##Jimmy Binks and the Shakehorns
We is band! In the Tokyo! Alt/Country/Folk/Rock and Umpah fusion. Confused? Come see us and it will all make sense.
[Jimmy Binks and the Shakehorns facebook page](

##The Watanabes
Five years performing in Tokyo and two albums on the shelves, The Watanabes play whimsical pop rock with a twist. They enjoy flower arranging and drinking banana milkshakes.
[The Watanabes Homepage](

##Ruby Room Orchestra
Ruby Room Orchestra (RRO) was formed in Tokyo, Japan in 2008. What started as one man playing solo acts at “The Ruby Room” in Shibuya, quickly grew into what is now RRO. They have chosen the name Ruby Room Orchestra as a tribute to their original venue where they still play to this day. Members of RRO come from various backgrounds. Nationally they spread as far as the US, Australia, and Japan while musically their experiences range from classical to rock to jazz and even to marching band. Their mission is to weave together a unique distinguished sound by combining their many musical influences and playing styles. They hope to leave their audience with a memorable experience and a desire for more.

##Bitter Haze
Bitter Haze started in January 2012 in Tokyo, Japan. Three of the members; Yosuke (bass), Greg (Guitar), and Daniel (Keys) were brought in from separate projects by Sean Deely (vocalist). The goal of the Bitter Haze project is to take elements from R&B, Soul, and Rock to make an energetic and yet soothing sound to captivate you as much in the live show as well as through the produced recording. The band is also currently working hard on putting out a full album by 2013. Fueled by hard work and motivation, they have given 110% from the start and will continue to for as long as the band exists.
[Bitter Haze Homepage](

##Daniel Cesar
Daniel Cesar is a Graphic Designer, Video-maker and Painter, based in Tokyo, with a multi-discipline skill-set that allows him to design and create artistic concept across any support. After Graduating from a leading visual effect and cinema school in Paris, Daniel is now traveling around the globe to explore and absorbe different cultures that he translates throught the colors in his art.

##Jay Horinouchi
Born and raised in the Bay Area, California, Jay spent a couple years studying art in Napa County, then moved down to Southern California and graduated from the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena in 2006. He then worked as a professional artist and designer in Los Angeles for a few years before moving overseas to Tokyo in the spring of 2010. Duality is a theme that Jay constantly explores with his art. Being a bilingual Japanese American, there is a duality in thoughts, words and translation. He also receives a lot of his artistic inspiration from the Japanese culture itself, and how that differs from his American life. His art is a mix of abstract watercolor and hyper detailed robot technology, constantly questioning the balance between man vs nature, old vs new.
[Jay Horinouchi Homepage](
##Don Coglione (DJ)
Funk and rare groove DJ otherwise known as Englishman Nick Coldicott.
[Blogging with Fuji Rock: Don Coglione](
##D.H Rosen
Tokyo-based visual artist D.H. Rosen loves to play with analog and digital media. His live sets are a combination of prepared digital imagery and spontaneous collage.
##VJ exert (Ryosuke Takayama)
Born in the city of Oita in 1988, exert began DJing in high school, and soon after he discover the joys of mixing visuals with the sounds he was creating. After studying design and film in college, he came to Tokyo where he makes his living as a 3D video programmer. As a VJ, he is armed solely with a Macbook Pro and QuartzComposer.

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