2012/08/07 火曜日火曜日
Test ToneTest Tone
Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59
[キャル・ライアル × 鈴木康文 スペシャルインタビュー](http://sdlx.blogspot.com/2008/12/blog-post.html)
Simon Whetham (from UK)
Dave Miller (drums, from Pet Bottle Ningen) + 坂口光央 (keyboards) + シマジ マサヒコ (bass) and special guest.
FELL: toktek (Holland) and Simon Berz (Switzerland)
Evil Penguin
Artist Information:
##Simon Whetham (from UK)

2005年アイスランドを旅して、主にフィールドレコーディングで作曲に取り組んできたSimon Whetham は、精力的な活動を続けている。アイスランドでの初のサウンドアート作品。ブラジル、アマゾンの森林でのMamori サウンドプロジェクト。ニューヨークでのExperimental Intermedia のような国際的フェスティバルでのパフォーマンス。様々なレーベルからの作品リリース。インスタレーション作品の製作。世界中でのレジデンスへの参加。
2012年は世界中を駆け巡り、それぞれの国でミュージシャン、アーティストと演奏したり、レコーディング、コラボレーションに参加したりもした。今回Simonが日本滞在中にTest Toneに参加してくれるのは嬉しい限りだ。
[Simon Whetham Homepage](http://www.simonwhetham.co.uk/)
##Dave Miller (from NYC, drums from Pet Bottle Ningen) + 坂口光央 (keyboards) + シマジ マサヒコ (bass) and special guest

日本風のグループ名で活動しているPet Bottle Ningen(ニューヨーク)は 、何かしら日本っぽい面を持っているに違いない。日本人サックス奏者がメンバーというだけでなく、バンドは高円寺の裏通りから聞こえてきそうな鋭角的な音を出す。バンドの中心的存在であるドラマーの Dave Millerは7~8月に長期ツアーで日本にやってくる。今回のTest Toneでは、日本が誇るシマジ マサヒコ (ベース: Leningrad Blues Machine) 、坂口光央 (キーボード: STAND ALONE-404, Guru host, Polylis, Alan Smithee’s MAD Universe) と天田透 (フルート) がDaveのサポートを務める。
[Pet Bottle Ningen Homepage](http://www.petbottleningen.com)
[坂口光央 Homepage](http://enjyaqu.main.jp)
[シマジ マサヒコ Homepage](http://junkjoint.net)
##FELL: toktek (Holland) and Simon Berz (Switzerland)

サンプラーの達人toktekは、過去数年、高々と響き渡るようなライブサンプリングのパレットを作ってきた。ドラマーの Simon Berzは自作のアナログエレクトロニクスや加工したキットを使う。2人編成のこのデュオの名は FELLで、エネルギー溢れるセッションを見せる。自作のエレクトロニクス楽器、インターフェイスを演奏し、2人は新たな音楽的ボキャブラリーを使って息のあった熱い演奏を見せてくれる。
[FELL (video)](http://vimeo.com/33493173)
[toktek Homepage](http://toktek.org/Site/toktek.html)
[Simon Berz Homepage](http://www.simonberz.ch)
##Evil Penguin

About Test Tone….

[Test Tone Homepage](http://www.soundispatch.com/ttsnews/)
[Cal Lyall and Yasufumi Suzuki Special Interview!! (JP only)](http://sdlx.blogspot.com/2008/12/blog-post.html)
Simon Whetham (from UK)
Dave Miller (drums, from Pet Bottle Ningen) + Sakaguchi Mitsuhisa (keyboards) + Shimaji Masahico (bass) and special guest.
FELL: toktek (Holland) and Simon Berz (Switzerland)
Evil Penguin
Artist Information:
##Simon Whetham (from UK)

Capturing and composing almost primarily with field recordings since a research trip to Iceland in 2005, Simon Whetham has since become a very busy man: exhibiting his first sound art piece in Iceland; recording in the Amazon Rainforest of Brazil with the Mamori Sound Project; performing at international festivals like Experimental Intermedia in New York; releasing his work from a wide number of labels; building installations and taking part in residencies worldwide. Throughout 2012 Simon is traveling the globe, performing, recording and collaborating with other musicians and artists in each country he visits, and Test Tone is very happy to be part of his itinerary during his Japan travels.
[Simon Whetham Homepage](http://www.simonwhetham.co.uk/)
##Dave Miller (from NYC, drums from Pet Bottle Ningen) + Sakaguchi Mitsuhisa (keyboards) + Shimaji Masahico (bass) and special guest

With their Japanese moniker, New York City's Pet Bottle Ningen have got to have some local flavor. In addition to their Japanese sax player, they play lurching, angular compositions that would fit right at home in Koenji's backstreets. It just so happens that the pulse of the band, drummer Dave Miller, will be visiting Tokyo on an extended Japan tour through July and August. He'll be joined in a session by equally atypical local improvisors Shimaji Masahico (bass from Leningrad Blues Machine) and Sakaguchi Mitsuhisa (keyboards from STAND ALONE-404, Guru host, Polylis, Alan Smithee's MAD Universe).
[Pet Bottle Ningen Homepage](http://www.petbottleningen.com)
[Sakaguchi Mitsuhisa Homepage](http://enjyaqu.main.jp)
[Shimaji Masahico Homepage](http://junkjoint.net)
##FELL: toktek (Holland) and Simon Berz (Switzerland)

Over the years, sampler guru toktek (Holland) has built up a rattling, resounding palette of live sampling chops, while drummer Simon Berz (Switzerland), using DIY analog electronic devices, creates a a myriad if musical feedback from his doctored kit. Together they are FELL, battling it out in supercharged music sessions. Playing their self-made electronic instruments/interfaces, they create brand new musical languages that evolve into spasmic, sweaty conversations between toktek, Berz and their machines.
[FELL (video)](http://vimeo.com/33493173)
[toktek Homepage](http://toktek.org/Site/toktek.html)
[Simon Berz Homepage](http://www.simonberz.ch)
##Evil Penguin

##About Test Tone
A monthly experiment offering irregular art, music and performance in Tokyo.
The Test Tone series aims to offer a venue for diverse and challenging artists to bring their ideas to a larger community. As a free event open to the public, we hope to bypass the old economies in order to create new ones, while encouraging collaboration in all forms. A collage of media, sound and art in a space available to anyone off the street, the event is a bazaar of potential collisions, where passersby are treated to the unexpected.
For all of this, we found our home base at Super Deluxe, a unique space in Tokyo's midtown, providing a relaxed atmosphere within its modular interior. The event continues to be a celebration of off-kilter creativity in the city: from installation pieces to performance art and visual collaborations; from noise, electronica, ambient sounds and free rock to disorderly jazz and manipulated field recordings. To date, close to 500 artists have been a part of the event, together creating opportunities for unexpected improvisation, collaboration, and festival spirit.

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入場無料 Free Entry
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