2012/08/29 水曜日水曜日
Bushman's Revenge & Team HegdalBushman’s Revenge & Team Hegdal
Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59
北欧から強烈なフリージャズロックサウンドを携えbushman’s revengeと Team Hegdalが来日!

##Bushman’s Revenge

Even Helte Hermansen (g / Shining, Solveig Slettahjell)
Rune Nergaard (b / Humvee, Bullet)
Gard Nilssen (ds / PUMA, Zanussi Five, Lars Horntveth)
##Team Hegdal

Gard Nilssen (drums)
André Roligheten (saxophones/bass clarinet)
Rune Nergaard (double bass)
Eirik Hegdal (saxophones/clarinet)
Team Hegdal [myspace](http://www.myspace.com/teamhegdal)
runegrammofon (label site)
[Click Here!](http://www.runegrammofon.com/artists/bushman_s-revenge/)

##Bushman's Revenge

Even Helte Hermansen (g / Shining, Solveig Slettahjell)
Rune Nergaard (b / Humvee, Bullet)
Gard Nilssen (ds / PUMA, Zanussi Five, Lars Horntveth)
runegrammofon (label site)
[Click Here!](http://www.runegrammofon.com/artists/bushman_s-revenge/)
"The instrumental power trio of guitarist Even Helte Hermansen, drummer Gard Nilssen and bassist Rune Nergaard expand on the sprawling blues jams of Cream and Hendrix, adding a Metallic punchiness as well as sophisticated Improv instinct..." - The Wire (UK)
"Although all still in their 20s, Bushman ́s Revenge exude the cosmic intuition of hardened veterans. Their thunderous, improvised blend of heavy rock and heavier jazz sounds far beyond what one might expect from even the most gifted youngsters." - Prog (UK)
"More than a few young lads have tried to find that link between the stone free ways of Hendrix, the psychedelic yawp of Blue Cheer, and the chops of the Mothers of Invention, but oh-so-many have failed. Not Bushman’s Revenge. The compositions are solid, adventurous, and as tightly woven as a Norwegian sweater." - PopMatters (US)
Named After A Dangerously Hot Chilli Sauce, This Young Norwegian Power Trio Seeks To Combine A Jazz/Improv Rhythm Section With A Balls-To-The-Floor Rock Guitarist To Create An All-Out Free-Rock-Fusion That Bursts Through The Door Opened By Label-Mates Scorch Trio - And It Succeeds Brilliantly. If Anything, There..S Less Fusion In The Mix, And A Lot More Metal, With The Trio Switching From Free-Form Meltdown To Bone-Crunshing Black Sabbath Riffage With Frightening Precision. Hermansen..S Guitar Seems To Encapsulate Rock History, Touching On Everything From Henrdix..S Feedback Bliss-Outs Through Eddie Van Halen..S Fretboard Acrobatics, Right Up To The Straight-Faced Histrionics Of Acid Mothers Temple..S Kawabata Makoto. But It..S The Supremely Lithe And Powerful Bass/Drum Partnership That Helps It Achieve Lift Off; "No Sleep Till Hemmerfest" Slips Deliriously Into An Extended Bout Of Ecstatic On-The-Ride Swing, Like Elvin Jones Backing Jeff Beck; And "King Of Hello" Coalesces On A Monumentally Funky Power Riff That Will Have You Headed For The Chiropractor In The Morning. Insanely Good.
Jazzwise (UK)
Led By The Down-Tuned Riffs Of Even Helte Hermansen, The Guitarist For The Outstanding Norwegian Prog-Jazz Group Shining, Bushman’s Revenge Filters A Heavy Rock Trio Through The Lens Of An Improvisational Jazz Outfit. The Group Cites Inspiration As Much From Black Sabbath And Jimi Hendrix As Ornette Coleman And Albert Ayler, And You Lost Me At Hello Oddly Sounds A Bit Like All Of It, Even If It Leans On The First Two. Boundless Free Jazz Meets Structured Rock And Roll On The Album, Which Comes Recommended For Fans Of Both Styles.
Alarmpress (US)
##Team Hegdal

Gard Nilssen (drums)
André Roligheten (saxophones/bass clarinet)
Rune Nergaard (double bass)
Eirik Hegdal (saxophones/clarinet)
Team Hegdal is Eirik Hegdals compositional playground for small band format. Hegdal is well known for his work with the Trondheim Jazz Orchestra (especially the last record "Triad and More" with star saxophonist Joshua Redman). In Team Hegdal each musician gets greater freedom, and the music is even more transparent. The quartet consists of Hegdal himself (Zanussi Five) and André Roligheten (Albatrosh) on saxophones / clarinets, Rune Nergaard (Bushmans Revenge) on bass, and Gard Nilssen (Puma, Mathias Eick) on drums. The band has released two albums on the Norwegian label Øra Fonogram.
Team Hegdal [myspace](http://www.myspace.com/teamhegdal)
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