ライブ ラウンジ

2012/08/31 金曜日

Live Loungeライブ ラウンジ

Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59




オーストラリアのエレクトロニックメディアアーティストのPia van Gelderがやって来る!現在は世界20都市以上が感染している「電気を使って変なコトをする人々」のコミュニティ「ドークボット」のシドニーより「ライブアート」の新旗手として既存のアナログモジュラーシンセを用いて映像とサウンドをコントロールし、パフォーマンスに仕上げる独創的な手腕を披露してくれるというPia van Gelderが来日。彼女は8月末より3ヶ月東京に在住する予定。そんな彼女の初お披露目となるこの一夜に是非ともお立ち寄りください。

##Pia van Gelder
写真: Kate Blackmore, 2012

トップ画像はPia van Gelderがライブパフォーマンスによって生み出した映像。タイトルは「moduluxxx (モジュラックス)」

This is an Asialink Project supported by Arts NSW and the Australia-Japan Foundation.

Come join us in welcoming Pia to Tokyo. Pia van Gelder is an Australian electronic media artist, Dorkbot Sydney Overlord and Director of Serial Space, a curatorial collective for interdisciplinary and live art. In her practice, Pia works predominantly developing and researching machinic affinities. Her investigations often happen by hacking pre-existing media-machines to expose their internal nature and language. Recently, Pia has been performing with an analogue modular audio video synthesiser, often configuring what she calls ‘machine vision patches’. These patches illustrate electro-cosmic relationships between machines, plants, animals and objects. ##Pia van Gelder ![/sdlx/120831-Pia.jpg](/sdlx/120831-Pia.jpg) Pia van Gelder performance photo by Kate Blackmore, 2012 Pia is currently in Tokyo on a 3 month residency hosted by SuperDeluxe and supported by Asialink. Pia is conducting creative research into the unique space that exists in Japan between people and machines, investigating its complex origins. She wonders; “Do machines have kami?” Pia is interested in exploring the historic Shinto understanding of animism; the belief that all things have a spirit. She will engage in a variety of ways to illustrate her research, this performance included. To find out more about Pia’s activities go to her website [piavangelder.com](http://www.piavangelder.com) Top image is a live performance capture by Pia van Gelder. Titled "moduluxxx." This is an Asialink Project supported by Arts NSW and the Australia-Japan Foundation. ![/sdlx/120831-asialink.jpg](/sdlx/120831-asialink.jpg)

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