This&That Café Vol.11

2012/09/04 火曜日

This&That CaféThis&That Café Vol.11

Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59


ドリンク込み/Drink included



「あれやこれやカフェ」Vol. 11には、地球を横断したり、海を渡ったり、あちこちからさまさまアーティストがやってきます!

Medicine Bone
Ryan Mizuno


Eric Alvin Wangel

James Hadfield

and more!

##Medicine Bone
[Medicine Bone Homepage](

スロバキアを中心として活躍するエクスペリメンタルヒップホップアーティストN’toko。以前はローカル funk/hiphop バンドMoveknowledgementのリーダーとして活躍した。その後彼のラッパーとしてのテクニックやスピードが認められ、2つのナショナルフリースタイル選手権で優勝している。それをきっかけに彼のソロデビューが決まり、スロバキア語でのアルバム’Cesarjeva nova podoba’, ‘Dobrodelni koncert ob koncu sveta,’ and ‘Parada Ljubezni’を2010年にリリースしメインストリームに進出を果たす。その後3つのEPs(‘Where’s Waldo’, ‘Elixiryproslam’ and ‘Fight Like A Girl’)をリリース、彼のrock, free-jazz,electro, noise and psychadeliaを取り入れたユニークなスタイル、そしてラップに対するオープンな姿勢や歌詞がアンダーグラウンドhiphoファン、alternative愛好家の間で爆発的な人気をはかる。近年ではスロバキアと日本の間を行き来し、これまで40ものコンサートで他の著名アーティスト共に東京ミュージックシーンで活躍している。

1991年ニュージーランド、オークランド州生まれ、現在、都内で音楽活動を続けているソングライター・ミュージシャン・ギタリスト。3歳の時にネパールに引っ越し、4歳までポカラで過ごすが、再びオークランドで14歳まで少年時代を過ごし、その後、14歳で家族と共に静岡県伊豆市に移住。現在、都内で音楽活動を続けている。12歳を過ぎると、キースジャレット、ベートーベン、モーツアルト、パコデルシア、ステイング、シャーデイなどのアーテイストを両親の影響で聴くようになる。15才で、ミュージシャンとして本格的な道に進むことを選び、16才で、東京渋谷区にあるMI音楽学校に1年通う。都内の音楽イベント、光祭り、天空祭り、アロハサンセット、フォレストジャムなどに参加し、音楽活動の場を広げ2010年冬、The Stone Sunのショーン原田と出会いライブや、セッションに参加、2011年には以前から知り合いであったナオキ川嶋と3人でSHAMANZを結成。同年6月、 福島県相馬市にてSHAMANZとして初めてのチャリテイコンサート “Smile Note” に参加して活動を広げている。

##Ryan Mizuno
1978年ワシントン州シアトル生まれ。10歳からトランペットを吹き始める。学校オーケストラのソロ奏者としてアワードの数々 を受賞し、ロシアやカナダへのツアーを経験。本格的に音楽家としてのキャリアを目指す為に1999年にニューヨーク市に移りElisha Laverne, Black Buddafly, Raekwon (Wu Tang Clan),Mobb Deep and Fat Joe、その他アーティストの楽曲をプロデュースする。2010年に日本・東京に移住、移住後はトランペットプレイヤー/シンガーとして活動。R&B/Soul, Hip Hop, Funk, Electronica and Jazzをブレンドした音楽スタイルで日本から世界に発信している。

[曄田依子 Homepage](

##Eric Alvin Wangel
Sundførの” The Brothel”のミュージックビデオを監督。

##James Hadfield
Twitter: @JamesHadfield

This&That Caféは、あらゆるジャンルやバックグラウンドのアーティストが共有の精神のもと時間と作品を持ち寄る、という一般公開の無料イベントです。ここは音楽とヴィジュアル・アートが思いがけないコラボレーションで融け合う場所。東京という濃密で幅広い才能の海で、遠方からのアーティストが現地の輝く才能に出会う、アーティストのためのフォーラム。古い友人と新たな知人が入り混じったコミュニティは、人が集まり、アイディアが飛び交い、アートの傾向や好みが共有され、詩が生まれる場。早めに来て席に着き、SuperDeluxeのおいしそうなメニューを楽しむのもよし。仕事帰りの一杯にちょっと寄るのもよし。みんな大歓迎です。今後のThis & That Caféの企画についてアイディアがあれば、<[](>へ一言メッセージをください。新しい、刺激的な表現の場を探しているミュージシャンやDJ、ビジュアル・アーティストか らの連絡をお待ちしています。

##Powered by TokyoDex


TnT Café Vol. 11 welcomes an eclectic array of artists who have literally traveled “Over Land & Sea” to join this cross-cultural art
and music collage. Gifted globetrotters include include Ken Shima, who is in from California, N’Toko from the rolling hills of Slovenia, and
some super top-secret special guests! You will not want to miss this one.

Medicine Bone
Tama Tsuboi
Ryan Mizuno


Yoriko Youda

Eric Alvin Wangel
James Hadfield
and more!

##Medicine Bone
Medicine Bone is the duo project of singer/drummer Samm Bennett andsinger/guitarist Ken Shima. Drawn together by a mutual interest in Mississippi hill country blues (and other roots/Americana styles) as well as a mutual desire to move that inspiration into new areas of personal expression, they formed the group in 2009 and performed frequently around Tokyo until 2011, when Ken returned to the US,putting the band on hold for a while. Now Ken is back for a two-month stay in Japan, and he and Samm are rekindling the band: picking up where they left off, and as always moving it forward. Please check their web page to learn more about them, see videos, etc.
[Medicine Bone Homepage](

N’toko is an experimental hiphop artist from Slovenia. He first made aname for himself as frontman of a local funk/hiphop collective called
Moveknowledgement and later became well known for his technical skills and speed as a rapper, winning two national freestyle championships in a row. Competitions scored him his first record deal as a solo artist,the result being his Slovenian language albums ‘Cesarjeva nova podoba’, ‘Dobrodelni koncert ob koncu sveta,’ and ‘Parada Ljubezni’,which brought him mainstream success in 2010. N’toko also released three EPs (‘Where’s Waldo’, ‘Elixiryproslam’ and ‘Fight Like A Girl’).These records gained cult status among underground hiphop fans and alternative music lovers for their open aproach to rap and spoken word, blending influences from rock, free-jazz, electro, noise and psychadelia to name a few. Currently he is moving between Slovenia and Japan, where he has played over 40 concerts and worked with many artists in the Tokyo music scene.

##Tama Tsuboi
Born on March 6, 1991, in the North Island of New Zealand (Auckland City), Tama was raised in Pohkara, Nepal until he was 4 years of age.By the time he was 9 years old, his family moved into the South Island Motueka where he attended a freedom school near the mountains of Kahurangi National Park, a school with only 20 students. During this time, his parents rented an old house that had an up-right piano came in Motueka, a small town in the South Island of New Zealand. The piano was the first instrument that he played. His passion grew when he started listening to music his parents listened to such as Kieth Jarret, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Mozart, Paco De Lucia, Sting, Sade…. In 2002, he and his family moved to Nelson Bays where he attended the Golden Bay Intermediate School. He moved back to Japan in 2005, and by the age of 16 with a dream of becoming a musician, he left home to live in Tokyo. By 2010, he met Sean Harada from the band, “The Stone Sun” where he took the offer of becoming the guitarist. He reunited with percussionist Naoki Kawashima, and in June of 2011, the three started an acoustic, latin, alternative, reggae band called “SHAMANZ”.That same year he traveled to Souma, Fukushima with the SHAMANZ and played at the “Smile Note” charity concert for the earthquake victims.

##Ryan Mizuno
Ryan was born in Seattle, Washington in 1978. He began playing trumpet at 10 years old. In High School, he was a soloist in an orchestra that won many awards and toured Russia and Canada. In 1999, he moved to New York City to pursue a professional career in music, where he produced music for artists like Elisha Laverne, Black Buddafly, Raekwon (Wu Tang Clan), Mobb Deep and Fat Joe. In 2010, Ryan moved to Tokyo, Japan performing as a trumpet player and singer. His music is a blend of R&B/Soul, Hip Hop, Funk, Electronica and Jazz.

##Yoriko Youda
Youda Yoriko is a graphic artist who works with both digital, analog,and 3D media. Currently she has been working under the theme “medetai”meaning auspicious and “komainu”, which refers to a pair of stone guardian dog talisman from the world of Japanese mythology. She holds a solo exhibition a few time a year and she has a name for herself overseas as well. Her next solo exhibition is coming up in 2013 in the U.S.
[Youda Yoriko Homepage](

##Eric Alvin Wangel
Eric Alvin Wangel is a visual and performance artist. Born in Copenhagen, Denmark. Grew up in Norway. Currently based in Tokyo. His work consists mainly of video installations and sound exploring such themes as alienation, melancholia, the struggle and duality of the mind. Most of his video works are endless loops without a clear beginning or end, which he calls “video paintings”. The work is never accompanied with any kinds of descriptions of what the viewer is watching, following his idea that artists create art for the audience to interpret. He hopes to create a unique association, not influenced by what he himself puts into his works. In 2009, he directed, produced and edited the music video for award winning Norwegian artist Susanne Sundfør’s single “The Brothel” from the album of the same name.

##James Hadfield
Writer, editor, dreamer, James plays saxophone and other things with Ecchi Shoushin, Shit!, The HNK Experience, Jahilyyah and Human Wife, and co-organizes the monthly Fashion Crisis party in Koenji.
Twitter: @JamesHadfield

This&That Cafe is a free event open to the public in which artists from all genres and backgrounds donate their time and talents in the spirt of sharing. It is a place where music and visual arts meld in unexpected collaborations. A forum for artists from afar to meet with local luminaries amidst the dense and eclectic pool of talent in Tokyo. A venue to gather, exchange ideas, share artistic inclinations and wax poetic in a causal community of old friends and new acquaintances. Come early to get a seat and take advantage of the fetching fare on the SuperDeluxe menu, or just pop in for a drink on your way home from work. All are welcome. If you have an idea for a future This & That Cafe event, please drop a line to <[](>. We look forward to hearing from musicians, DJ, visual artists et al looking for a new and exciting venue for their expressions.

##Powered by TokyoDex


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