
2012/12/14 金曜日

Heavy Rotationヘビー・ローテーション

Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59




限界を超えた予測外のアナログとデジタルによる強烈な一夜!Open Reel Ensembleの2012年の最後のライブになりますので、忘年会も兼ねて多いに盛り上がりましょう!

Open Reel Ensemble
内藤哲郎 (太鼓)
チェ・ジェチョル (チャンゴ・Korean Drumming/Dance)
onnacodomo (アナログVJ)
柏原晋平 (ライブ・アート)
アンドレ・アレクシ (インターアクティブ・グラフィックス)
知夏七未 (ダンス)
D.H. ローゼン (ライブ・アート)

##Open Reel Ensemble (オープンリールアンサンブル)
[facebook / OpenReelEnsemble](http://www.facebook.com/OpenReelEnsembleBraunTubeJazzBand)

[内藤哲郎 Homepage](http://www.tokorohare.com/)

##チェ・ジェチョル (崔在哲)
[チェ・ジェチョル blog](http://mokurenblog.blog72.fc2.com)

onnacodomo は日常の出来事や物からアイディアを得て、何でもないものをすばらしいものにしてしまう。コンピューターグラフィックやすでに準備されたものを使うのでは なく、メンバー3人DJ Codomo、せきやすこ、野口路加はビデオカメラを使い即興で映像を作り出す。水や鏡、ライトを使いきらきらしたプロジェクションが 映し出される間に、昔の写真や台所の用具やおもちゃ、文房具、即興のアート作品を使い美しいイメージが作り出される。目まぐるしく変わり、非日常的、 onnacodomoの映像は見るものを奇妙な世界に引き込み、アイディアが独創的。
[onnacodomo Homepage](http://www.onnacodomo.com/)

[柏原晋平 Homepage](http://kashiharashinpei.com/)

##Alexis Andre (Interactive Graphics)
フランス出身、東京住まいのメディアアーティスト。Sony CSLで「Interactive Aesthetics」というテーマで研究を行っています。音遊びから情報の可視化まで幅広く研究を進んでいます。
[Alexis Andre Homepage](http://alexisandre.com/)

舞台やミュージカル等で活動後、2007年にNYへ渡りDevouaux and co. dance company に入団。舞台、イベント、映画、PV等に出演する傍ら、現地ダンススクールで2歳~高校生へのダンス指導を行う。また写真家のFrank Capri氏のdancers in NY作品に参加したことからモデル活動も開始。その後現在まで、170cmというダンサーにしては大きくモデルにしては小さい微妙な身長を生かせる場として国内外のファッションイベントでダンサーモデルを務める。演出、振付も手掛ける中、企画演出の楽しさに目下目覚め中。

##D.H ローゼン
[TOKYO DEX](http://www.tokyodex.com)


An unforgettable evening of unexpected analog and digital collaborations across myriad genres. Open Reel Ensemble's last show of 2012! LIVE: Open Reel Ensemble Tetsuro Naitoh (Taiko) Choi Jae Chol (Korean Drumming/Dance) onnacodomo (Analog VJs) Shinpei Kashihara (Live Art) Alexis Andre (Interactive Graphics) Nanami Chinatsu (Dance) D.H. Rosen (Live art) Artist Information: ##Open Reel Ensemble ![/sdlx/121214-Open-Reel-Emsamble.jpg](/sdlx/121214-Open-Reel-Emsamble.jpg) In 2009, composer Ei Wada and four musician friends—Kimitoshi Sato, Takuya Namba, Yu Yoshida and Tadashi Yoshida—had a wacky retro idea: Let’s mix analogue sounds generated from old rolls of magnetic tape on open reel decks with computer-digitized samples! The crazy concept worked, and the Open Reel Ensemble was born. Open Reel shows feature four decks, but they also frequently toss in guitar and bass licks, percussion, their own vocals, old CRT TVs and even a vacuum cleaner as sampling sources, sequencing everything live into pulsating and progressively complex tracks. The ensemble just released its first full-length album—plus a bonus DVD for the full effect—featuring guest artists such as Yellow Magic Orchestra’s Yukihiro Takahashi and Sotaisei Riron lead vocalist Etsuko Yakushimaru. [steamblue.net](http://www.steamblue.net/) [facebook / OpenReelEnsemble](http://www.facebook.com/OpenReelEnsembleBraunTubeJazzBand) ##Tetsuro Naitoh (Taiko) ![/sdlx/121214-Naito02.jpg](/sdlx/121214-Naito02.jpg) Tetsuro Naito was a member of the internationally renowned Japanese drum ensemble Kodo for over 10 years, throughout which time he not only performed as a central figure on stage, but also served as a composer and artistic director. Many of his compositions were released on Kodo's CDs and continued to be performed on the stage today. In 2002, Naito left Kodo to launch a career as a solo artist. His superior technique and original sensibilities eanred him invitations to work on recordings and tours with innumerable artists including Toshiki Kadomatsu, DJ Krush, Soul Flower Union and the Yoshida Brothers. With an earnest fascination for the taiko and am unquenchable curiosity about what makes something "Japanese," Naitoh continues to explore new possibilities with this ancient instrument. In addition to his multiple solo and collaborative projects, he also directs the groups Dong Gara and ToMoRo. [Tetsuro Naitoh Homepage](http://www.tokorohare.com/) ##Choi Jae Chol ![/sdlx/121214-Che.jpg](/sdlx/121214-Che.jpg) [Choi Jae Chol blog](http://mokurenblog.blog72.fc2.com) ##onnacodomo ![/sdlx/121214-onnacodomo.jpg](/sdlx/121214-onnacodomo.jpg) Taking their inspiration from moments and objects from everyday life, visual unit onnacodomo make the ordinary decidedly extraordinary. Eschewing computer-generated graphics or recorded material, the three members (DJ Codomo, Yasuko Seki and Ruka Noguchi) perform in real time using a video camera to capture their spontaneous creations. Shimmering projections are created using water, mirrors and an array of lights, while a world of fantastic images is constructed with found photos, kitchen utensils, toys, stationary and improvised artwork. Kaleidoscopic, absurd and unreal, onnacodomo takes you into a slightly-unhinged world that is absolutely original in its conception. [onnacodomo Homepage](http://www.onnacodomo.com/) ##KASHIHARA SHINPEI ![/sdlx/121214-kashiwahara02.jpg](/sdlx/121214-kashiwahara02.jpg) KASHIHARA SHINPEI is an artist and designer whose works are based on the traditional Japanese art form of "suiboku-ga" (ink painting). Mixing media such as ink, acrylic gouash and crayons, his works evoke an eastern sense of beauty. Works include interior decoration, live paint performances in collaboration with musicians and textile design. He has had many successful exhibitions within Japan and overseas and his tranquil yet powerful works are held in high regard. Kashihara aims for further communication and cultural development through his artwork. [KASHIHARA SHINPEI Homepage](http://kashiharashinpei.com/) ##Alexis Andre (Interactive Graphics) ![/sdlx/121214-Andre.jpg](/sdlx/121214-Andre.jpg) French media artist residing in Tokyo, Alexis does research on "Interactive Aesthetics" for Sony CSL. His works span data visualization to new interfaces for sound interaction. [Alexis Andre Homepage](http://alexisandre.com/) ##Nanami Chinatsu ![/sdlx/120323-Chinatsu.jpg](/sdlx/120323-Chinatsu.jpg) Aftrer working in dance shows and musicals in Tokyo, Nanami moved to New York City where she became the member of Deveaux and Co., a NY-based comtemporary dance company. She also began her career as a model while in NYC and currently works as both a model and a dancer in various fashion shows and events in Tokyo. ##D.H Rosen ![/sdlx/120310-rosen.jpeg](/sdlx/120310-rosen.jpeg) Tokyo-based visual artist D.H. Rosen loves to play with analog and digital media. His live sets are a combination of prepared digital imagery and spontaneous collage. [TOKYO DEX](http://www.tokyodex.com) ![/sdlx/120310-TOKYODEX_logo-2.jpg](/sdlx/120310-TOKYODEX_logo-2.jpg)

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