We hope everyone had a chance to relax and enjoy during oshogatsu and now back into the swing for another exciting year. We’re kicking off the calendar with a killer event, see speaker line-up below, and are expecting a fantastic evening is in store for all. Will there be food, maybe.. drinks certainly.. tons of awesome people to connect with.. Most Definitely. We look forward to welcome a couple hundred folks there!
Nicolas Loeillot – CEO – LM3Labs
Masato Kuninori – Senior Producer – Sony Digital Network Applications Inc
Paul Pugh – VP Creative – frog designReservation
→ [momoto.doorkeeper.jp/events/2505](http://momoto.doorkeeper.jp/events/2505)
Nicolas Loeillot – CEO – LM3Labs

LM3LABS launched a new service service called Xloudia that can recognize millions of images, products or buildings. Pronounced cloudia, the solution targets B2B integration into mobile applications. Until today, image recognition, which is necessary for most augmented reality applications on a mobile phone was limited by capabilities of the device. Reference images were limited to a hundred maximum. Xloudia relies on a cloud architecture to recognize millions of images leaving to the mobile the lighter task of extracting feature points from the camera video flow and rendering contents. Xloudia supports iOS and Android platforms and is available to large e-commerce companies as well as to independent app developers.
Masato Kuninori – Senior Producer – Sony Digital Network Applications, Inc

Pictures pile up on your smartphone. Don’t let your cherished memories languish in a forgotten corner of your phone. Bring them alive with million moments, a photo viewing and sharing application that lets you enjoy and share your favorite pictures in elegant, magazine-like layouts. Take, import, and browse pictures. Create albums without editing your images, import the pictures from your smartphone or your Facebook albums, or take new pictures from within million moments to create an album automatically. Imported pictures are automatically sorted by date, with one-to-five pictures displayed per page. Each page displays the dates the pictures were taken and any comments added using the comment feature. The layouts randomly change each time you open an album, ensuring each viewing is a unique experience. It’s a beautiful and easy new way to explore your memories.
[Sony Digital Network Applications, Inc](http://www.sonydna.com/)
Paul Pugh – VP Creative – frog design

As one of the leading handset manufacturers in Japan, Sharp recognized the need to address an expanding market of smartphone users. Sharp collaborated with frog’s team of designers and technologists to design a new mobile user-experience model, called “Feel UX”, that is uncluttered and effortless to organize and use. frog and Sharp ideated, designed and launched this Android front-end in a short 9-month time span which is now the standard install on Sharp AQUOS smartphones with 3 different carriers in Japan.
Note we expect to have a few additional updates heading into the event.. meanwhile, mark the date and spread the word.. it’s shaping up to be the hottest ticket in town!
[frog design](http://www.frogdesign.com/)
[Feel UX](http://www.sharp.co.jp/corporate/news/120618-a.html)
– MoMo Tokyo Team