2013/02/12 火曜日火曜日
Test ToneTest Tone
Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59
[キャル・ライアル × 鈴木康文 スペシャルインタビュー](http://sdlx.blogspot.com/2008/12/blog-post.html)
町田良夫 (steel pan) + Peter Knight (trumpet, from Australia) + Andrew Brooks (saxophone, from Australia)
Cycle~ 440 (from Australia)
Kynan Tan (from Australia)
Evil Penguin
町田良夫+Peter Knight+Andrew Brooks

それぞれの楽器で最高の音楽性を極めた3人のユニークな即興ミュージシャンが、初めてステージを共にする。トランペットのPeter KnightとサックスのAndrew Brooksはオーストラリアから来日し、町田良夫とアコースティックを基調とした演奏で共演する。
Yoshio Machida (steel pan) [町田良夫 Homeapge](http://yoshiomachida.com)
Peter Knight (trumpet, from Australia) [Peter Knight Homepage](http://www.peterknightmusic.com)
Andrew Brooks (saxophone, from Australia) [Andrew Brooks Homepage](http://www.andrewbrooksmusic.com)
Cycle~ 440 (from Australia)
(Sam Gillies: piano, Kevin Penkin: laptop)

西オーストラリアのパースを拠点に活動にするCycle~ 440は、ピアノのSam GilliesとラップトップのKevin Penkinから成る即興エレクトロアコースティックデュオだ。彼らの音楽は、アコースティックピアノ、ラップトップサンプリングとプロセシングを基調にして、キラキラと光る光景と濃密で切ない情景を彷彿させる音の間を行き来する。人のいない公園や農地、黒白の巨大な空間を連想させるCycle~ 440の音楽はBergmanやTarkovskyのような映画のサウンドトラックになってもいいだろう。
[Kevin Penkin.com](http://www.kevinpenkin.com)
Kynan Tan (from Australia)

オーストラリア出身のKynan Tanは、いくつかのメディアを駆使してデジタル音を操り、エレクトロアコースティックな楽曲、インスタレーション、オーディオビジュアル作品や即興ライブ演奏を手がける。デジタル技術の利用は、彼の作品の研究対象で、音や光を通してデータを消化していく。今回のTest Toneでは、マルチスクリーンの新作品Multiplicityを披露してくれる。Kynanのオーディオビジュアルに対する総合的なアプローチを聴くことができるだろう。
[Kynan Tan Homepage](http://www.kynantan.com)
Evil Penguin

About Test Tone….

[Test Tone Homepage](http://www.soundispatch.com/ttsnews/)
[Cal Lyall and Yasufumi Suzuki Special Interview!! (JP only)](http://sdlx.blogspot.com/2008/12/blog-post.html)
Yoshio Machida (steel pan) + Peter Knight (trumpet, from Australia) + Andrew Brooks (saxophone, from Australia)
Cycle~ 440 (from Australia)
Kynan Tan (from Australia)
Evil Penguin
Artist Information:
Yoshio Machida + Peter Knight + Andrew Brooks

Deep listeners get ready. Coming together for the first time will be three distinct improvisors who have taken their instruments to the far reaches of sound artistry. Not only fine musicians, but performing listeners locating those sounds between the sounds. Trumpet player Peter Knight and saxophonist Andrew Brooks make the long journey from Australia to Japan, where they meet with peerless steel pan player Yoshio Machida for some immersive acoustic conversations.
Yoshio Machida (steel pan) [Yoshio Machida Homeapge](http://yoshiomachida.com)
Peter Knight (trumpet, from Australia) [Peter Knight Homepage](http://www.peterknightmusic.com)
Andrew Brooks (saxophone, from Australia) [Andrew Brooks Homepage](http://www.andrewbrooksmusic.com)
Cycle~ 440 (from Australia)
(Sam Gillies: piano, Kevin Penkin: laptop)

Hailing from Perth in Western Australia, Cycle~ 440 is the semi-improvisational electro-acoustic duo of Sam Gillies (piano) and Kevin Penkin (laptop). Fusing acoustic piano with laptop sampling and processing, their music moves between shimmering soundscapes to dense and complex passages with haunting cinematic intent. Conjuring up nostalgic worlds of empty playgrounds, deserted farmlands and monolithic open spaces in black and white, Cycle~ 440 could very well create a fitting soundtrack for the films of Bergman or Tarkovsky—given the chance.
[Kevin Penkin.com](http://www.kevinpenkin.com)
Kynan Tan (from Australia)
Working within a range of media, Australian artist Kynan Tan manipulates the digital realm to create electroacoustic compositions, installations, audiovisual work and improvised live performances. His work investigates the use of digital technology, manipulating data to express it into environments through sound and light. On this night, he will show his new multi-screen work 'Multiplicity', which should give a healthy dose of Kynan's all-encompassing approach to audiovisual exploration.

[Kynan Tan Homepage](http://www.kynantan.com)
Evil Penguin

##About Test Tone
A monthly experiment offering irregular art, music and performance in Tokyo.
The Test Tone series aims to offer a venue for diverse and challenging artists to bring their ideas to a larger community. As a free event open to the public, we hope to bypass the old economies in order to create new ones, while encouraging collaboration in all forms. A collage of media, sound and art in a space available to anyone off the street, the event is a bazaar of potential collisions, where passersby are treated to the unexpected.
For all of this, we found our home base at Super Deluxe, a unique space in Tokyo's midtown, providing a relaxed atmosphere within its modular interior. The event continues to be a celebration of off-kilter creativity in the city: from installation pieces to performance art and visual collaborations; from noise, electronica, ambient sounds and free rock to disorderly jazz and manipulated field recordings. To date, close to 500 artists have been a part of the event, together creating opportunities for unexpected improvisation, collaboration, and festival spirit.

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Open: 15:00 | Start: 15:00 - 20:00
入場無料 Free Entry
開場 15:00 Open 〜 終了 20:00 Close
主催 Presented by: Permaculture AWA, Kosmic Market, SuperDeluxe
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