2013/03/08 金曜日金曜日
This&That CaféThis&That Café Vol.14
Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59
ドリンク込み/Drink included
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VJ calpas
pokke104 aka 池城由紀乃
D.H. Rosen

[Moss Homepage](http://www.growonrock.com)

1987年より和太鼓集団「鼓童」の中心的プレーヤーとして世界32ヶ国で演奏。作曲、編曲、および演出や音楽監督も手がける(国際芸術祭アースセレブレーション、坂東玉三郎演出”アマテラス”など)。また、自らデザインしたチャッパ(日本の小型シンバル)とそのオリジナル奏法によって、和太鼓アンサンブルに革新をもたらした。 2007年独立。豊かで繊細な響きと多彩なリズムを追求。柔軟な音楽センスと即興性を生かし、ソロ演奏からジャンルを超えた異種コラボレーション(様々な音楽、ダンス、彫刻や墨絵など)まで幅広い。ワークショップは多様なプログラムがあり、特に自身の奏法の核をなす「脱力(リラックス)」がテーマのワークでは、心身へのアプローチにより、音やフォームのめざましい変化を体験することができ、海外でも高い評価を得る。
[金子竜太郎 Homepage](http://ryu-beat.com/)
渡辺亮(Ryo Watanabe)

[渡辺亮 Homepage](http://www.ryo-watanabe.com)

広島をベースメントに長年活躍。10代で広島のクラブで出会ったラップクルーのバックコーラスに参加したことをきっかけに人前で歌いはじめ、クラブイベント、ライブハウス、カフェ、路上等で活動。char、rainy wood、AI、jamosa、full of harmoneyなどとの共演やオープニングアクトを努めるなどし、“広島に噂のcayo
[久和田佳代 Homepage](http://cayo-kuwada.com/)

地球出身、四種の color が集まり一つ新たな色となった “ShamanZ” 2008年、tama tsuboi のソロ活動を始め日本国内さまざまなフェスやイベントに出演。2012年の冬,ワンマンライブ (tama & friends Session Unplugged)で力を貸したなかまたちとのジャムセションに影響され tama はバンド意識にめざめる。違う音のバックグラウンドを持った4人は2012年の夏に ShamanZ を結成。”Acoustic” に拘り南米風なリズムを中心に、Reggae, Soul, Flamenco, Organic rock, Ballad….etc
[ShamanZ facebook](https://www.facebook.com/shamanzsounds)
Tama Tsuboi (acoustic guitar/vocal/composer)
born on March 3, 1991 Auckland city, New Zealand, Earth
Kozi Sonoda (percussion/chorus vocal)
born onAugust 25, 1985 Jiyugaoka, Japan, Earth
Ryan Mizuno (trumpet)
born on December 5, Seattle, Washington, Earth
Kai Petite (hentai guitar/chorus vocal)
born on March 1, 1982 Kamakura, Japan, Earth
VJ calpas (Sweet Rave Party Productions / FUTURESCAPE)

本名 Fujita Yoshihisa。1984年東京都出身。一級建築士。15歳でアンダーグラウンドダンスミュージックカルチャーとの衝撃的な出会いを果たす。以降その世界に傾倒し続け、いつしか興味は無意味とも言える抽象的な映像表現に向かっていた。2011年よりVJとしてのキャリアをスタート。同時期に多国籍なメンバーで構成されたSweet Rave Party Productionsに加入し、Tranceをコンセプトジャンルとしたイベント「INNER SPACE @module」を開催。オーガナイザー兼VJを勤める。現在は建築士としての活動と平行して、WOMB・ageHa BOX・CUBE326・VISION・module等で、MinimalからPsychedelicまで、ジャンルにとらわれない多種多様なイベントに出演。公私共に自身の活動領域と独創性を模索しながら、人の意思をカタチにする行為に携わり続けている。

演劇・舞踊・音楽などの舞台写真やチラシ・パンプレット・ジャケットなど多方面で写真撮影・作品制作を行っている。高校時代から身の回りの写真を撮り始め、日本大学芸術学部写真学科で学んだ後、映画のスチールマンの経験へ経て、舞台写真家 瀬戸秀美氏の専属アシスタントとなる。2003年頃独立。人間の色んなことが凝縮される、とある一瞬を求めて、転がりながら撮影活動を続けている。ポートレイト、ステージフォト、ドキュメンタリーフォトを手がけ、2006年より日本舞台写真家協会会員。当面の野望は、朝崎郁恵写真集出版。
[宮川舞子 Homepage](http://soaring-photo.com/gallery/portrait/index.html)
pokke104 (ぽっけいちまるよん) aka 池城由紀乃

2008年より沖縄在住アーティストfc∞pyとライブペイント&アニメーションユニット“TWINKLE☆JAM”を結成し今も活動中。昨年4月にロンドンのクリプトギャラリーで開催された沖縄出身アーティストによる「LOOCHOO展」にも参加、同10月にはRed Bull社主催のCanvas Cooler Projectに日本の著名アーティストとしてノミネートされ、参加。海外での評価も高く、世界を視野に入れ、国内外と広く活動を展開している。
[pokke104 Homepage](http://www.pokke104.com/)

[堀之内ジェイ Homepage](http://www.jaykun.com/)

神奈川県平塚市出身。装飾やライブペイントを軸に、都内のクラブイベントで活動中。cafeやレストランの壁画、アパレルブランドのディスプレイを担当するなど、活動の幅は多岐にわたる。また、先日行われた渋谷芸術祭にてハチ公前広場「アオガエル」にて作品展示を行う。現在、総合芸術集団 “trip art gallery”に所属しており、自身達によるイベントアートの確立を目的とした【音楽×アート×空間】による体験型の展示を行うなど精力的に活動している。
[小野留依聖 Homepage](http://louiseono.xxxxxxxx.jp/)

グラフィクアーティストとして、東京都中野区で居住中。兵庫県尼崎市出身。幼き頃に、すでに才能を生み出していたが、小さな市営住宅団地で育った彼女に、才能があるかないか、信じる人も気付く人は誰もいませんでした。彼女自身すら、思いもよらず、描く事を辞めてしまいました。とある日、80年代に制作された、グラフィクのドキュメンタリー映画、”Style Wars” “Wild Style”を観賞し、大きな衝撃を受ける。どんな環境で生まれ育とうが、誰もがアーティストなんだと気づき、

[友星 tumblr](http://yusei-sagawa.tumblr.com/)
[輪派絵師団 Homepage](http://rinpaeshidan.jp/)

[WAIFone Twitter](http://www.twitter.com/WAIFone)
[WAIFone Facebook](http://www.facebook.com/WAIFone)
ペンシルベニア州のピッツバーグで生まれ育ち、16歳からDJを始める。後にカナダのトロント、大阪に移住、現在は東京中野区在住。世界各地で多種多様なLPやドーナツ盤を買い集め、レアものからメジャーまで何千枚ものレコードを所有。目下フリーマーケッ トやリサイクルショップ等で、くまなくレコードを発掘中。60年代から70年代の世界中のレコード を巧みにプレイする。
The 2013 Artist Caravan is an art project produced by TokyoDex designed to bring a much-needed cultural infusion to a community in Northeastern Japan hit hard by the 2011 disaster. In April of this year, artists and musicians from all over Japan will gather in the town of Karakuwa, Kesennuma to engage in art installations and live performances culminating in an opening party that celebrates life in the face of hardship. This launch party in Tokyo, held within the framework of the regular TokyoDex art & music series “This&That Café,” is designed to raise awareness about the project and showcase some of the artists who will take part in the caravan.
Ryutaro Kaneko
Ryo Watanabe
Cayo Kuwada
VJ calpas
Maiko Miyakawa
pokke104 (Yukino Ikeshiro)
Jay Horinouchi
Luise Ono
Emi Nishiyama
D.H. Rosen
Frankie Gee
Artist Information:

Based in Tokyo, Moss have been gigging as an acoustic and electric band since 2007. Blending rock, funk, and a passion for melodies, Moss leaves the you with a warm glow that you just can’t resist.
Ryutaro Kaneko

In 1987, Ryutaro Kaneko became a member of Kodo, the internationally acclaimed taiko group based on Sado Island in Niigata, Japan. He has been performing both throughout Japan and around the world ever since. Ryutaro was a central player in Kodo, performing with them in 32 countries on six continents. Beyond his stage work, he was also a key figure in both composing and arranging pieces for the stage as well as recordings and held the positions of musical director and artistic director for the group. From early on, Ryutaro began performing in unique and different styles, both individually and collaboratively. His performance contradicts the traditional image of Japanese drums that is predominantly based on sheer stength, and instead also expresses delicacy and richness in various types of rhythm and sound. He has been involved in a great number of on-stage jam sessions and collaborations with artists from many different genres, such as jazz, rock, world music, traditional Japanese music, and dance to name a few. Ryutaro left Kodo to become an independent artist in 2007. He continues to perform and teach both in Japan and around the world.
[Ryutaro Kaneko Homepage](http://ryu-beat.com/)
Ryo Watanabe

[Ryo Watanabe Homepage](http://www.ryo-watanabe.com)
Cayo Kuwada

Hailing from Hiroshima, Cayo Kuwada began her music career in her teens. She started singing back-up for a rap crew which led to performances at clubs, live houses, cafes, and even on streets. After successful performances opening for musicians such as char, rainy wood, Al, jamosa, and full of harmony, she made a name for herself in Hiroshima. Her music blends R&B, Jazz, Folk, Caribbean and African sounds along with children’s songs and even traditional enka. Together with producer s-ken, she creates unique tunes with a sound all her own.

Born on Earth. Four colors gathered to make a brand new tone. “SharmanZ”was founded in 2008 by Tama Tsuboi who had been performing at several events and festivals all across Japan. In the winter of 2012, Tsuboi had a memorable jam session at “Session Unplugged” which inspired him to create a new band. In the summer of that same year, ShamanZ was formed drawing on the talents of four members with
different backgrounds and tones. With an acoustic groove, ShamaZ delivers everything from Reggae and Soul to flamenco, organic rock, and ballads, all with touch of South America.
[ShamanZ facebook](https://www.facebook.com/shamanzsounds)
Band members:
Tama Tsuboi (acoustic guitar/vocal/composer)
born on March 3, 1991 Auckland city, New Zealand, Earth
Kozi Sonoda (percussion/chorus vocal)
born onAugust 25, 1985 Jiyugaoka, Japan, Earth
Ryan Mizuno (trumpet)
born on December 5, Seattle, Washington, Earth
Kai Petite (hentai guitar/chorus vocal)
born on March 1, 1982 Kamakura, Japan, Earth
VJ calpas (Sweet Rave Party Productions / FUTURESCAPE)

Born in 1984, Tokyo native Yoshihisa Fujita made first contact with the allure of underground dance music culture at the age of fifteen. He has since remained immersed in this world, eventually finding himself drawn to graphical expression, and creating abstract entities of elusive meanings. 2011 marked the start of his VJ career and that same year he joined the international party crew Sweet Rave Party Productions. The group’s trance-centric event, dubbed “INNER SPACE,” is regularly held at club “module,” with Fujita onboard as both a VJ and organizer. Currently, while balancing his day job as an architect, he performs regularly at illustrious venues across Tokyo, including WOMB, ageHa, Studio Cube 326, SOUND MUSEUM VISION, module, and fai aoyama. He boasts an impressive track record of many events across a multitude of genres, from minimal to psychedelic and beyond. A tireless explorer in all facets of both his public and private lives, he continues to search for new creative depths while bestowing physical form unto human thought.
Maiko Miyakawa

Photographer Maiko Miyagawa started taking photos as a high-school student and would later go on to study photography at the Nihon Univerity College of Art. Upon graduation she worked as an assistant for renowned photographer Hidemi Seto and began her solo career in 2003. Today she takes photos of live events including theater, dance and music for magazines, printed advertisements, album covers et al.
[Maiko Miyakawa Homepage](http://soaring-photo.com/gallery/portrait/index.html)
pokke104 (Yukino Ikeshiro)

Upon graduating from high school, pokke104 began her career as a graphic designer. With her outside-the-box sense of style, she lends her unique talents to illustrations, designs, live paintings, and workshops. She participated in the “LOOCHOO Exhibition” in London representing Okinawa, and in 2012, she was invited to to be a part of the Red Bull Canvas Cooler Project along with many popular Tokyo-based artists.
[pokke104 Homepage](http://www.pokke104.com/)
Jay Horinouchi

Born and raised in the Bay Area, California, Jay spent a couple years studying art in Napa County, then moved down to Southern California and graduated from the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena in 2006. He then worked as a professional artist and designer in Los Angeles for a few years before moving overseas to Tokyo in the spring of 2010. Duality is a theme that Jay constantly explores with his art. Being a bilingual Japanese American, there is a duality in thoughts, words and translation. He also receives a lot of his artistic inspiration from the Japanese culture itself, and how that differs from his American life. His art is a mix of abstract watercolor and hyper detailed robot technology, constantly questioning the balance between man vs nature, old vs new.
[Jay Horinouchi Homepage](http://www.jaykun.com)
Luise Ono

Originally from Hiratsuka City in the Kanagawa Prefecture, Luise mainly creates decorative and live paintings all over for the Tokyo club scene. She also creates murals for cafes and restaurants, and directs in-store displays for apparel brands. She also took part in the recent Shibuya Art Festival by having an exhibition inside of the “Aogaeru” train located in Hachiko square. She’s currently a part of the artist collective “trip art gallery”, which focuses on exhibiting energetic experiences by combining music, art, and spaces.
[Luise Ono Homepage](http://louiseono.xxxxxxxx.jp/)
Emi Nishiyama

Emi Nishiyama is a graphic artist living in Nakano, Tokyo. Though she exhibited artistic talent from a very young age growing up in the public housing projects of Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, the concept of being a “real artist” was incomprehensible to her. Upon viewing classic graffiti movies such as “Style Wars” and “Wild Style,” Emi realized that anyone from any background could be an influential artist, and decided to start her art career in earnest at the age of 30.

Based mainly in Tokyo, YUSEI is artist that paints live mainly at clubs and events. Also a designer, he creates graphics for apparel and skate brands as well as for flyers for club events and parties. He is also an active member of the artist collective “Rinpa Eshidan,” creating corporate and commercial artwork for various companies.
[yusei Homepage](http://yusei-sagawa.tumblr.com/)
[Rinpa Eshidan Homepage](http://rinpaeshidan.jp/)

WAIFone was born in Fukushima Prefecture in 1986, currently lives in
Tokyo and has been performing live art in and around the Tokyo
metropolitan area since 2010.
[WAIFone Twitter](http://www.twitter.com/WAIFone)
[WAIFone Facebook](http://www.facebook.com/WAIFone)
Frankie Gee
DJing since the age of 16, Frankie Gee was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, also calling Toronto and Osaka home. Traveling extensively, Frankie has amassed an eclectic collection of donuts and LPs from across the musical spectrum. Nowadays he is based in Tokyo, and you’ll find him digging through dusty boxes of records at flea markets and recycle shops, mixing and blending the music of the 60s and 70s from the world over.
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