Test Tone

2013/04/09 火曜日

Test ToneTest Tone

Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59




[キャル・ライアル × 鈴木康文 スペシャルインタビュー](http://sdlx.blogspot.com/2008/12/blog-post.html)

Marvel Machine (from Norway)
Fallopian Disco Force

Evil Penguin

Artist Information:
硬派で繊細でクレイジーな役者の揃った東京のスーパー音楽家集団。2005年7月18日(海の日)の初対面ライブにて誕生。スッパマイクロパンチョップによる唯一無比な歌とアコギのタッチを合図に、その時だけのニュアンスで自由に反応し合う無敵の5人組。何的でもない世界一メロディアスなリアルヒップホップロック。独特の愉快さとスリル。沸騰する演奏の端々に見え隠れする柔らかさと鋭さが同居してるユーモア。音楽の力。「ラブミー0点だー」「キアヌリーブス」「いんぺいソング」「海岸線」「カマキリ」「猫になりたくない」等名曲多数。メンバーは水越タカシ(vocal/acoustic guitar:スッパマイクロパンチョップ)、岸田佳也(drums:トクマルシューゴバンド、etc)、DJミステイク(bass:PANICSMILE)、マスダユキ (keys: 俺はこんなもんじゃない) 、橋本史生 (guitar: 星ト獣)
[スッパバンド Homepage](https://sites.google.com/site/suppaband2)

Marvel Machine (from Norway)
ノルウェーのMarvel Machineは、アバンロック、ポップ、ジャズ、即興やエレクトロニカなどのジャンルを織り交ぜながら、複雑で巨大なサウンドを作り上げる大胆なミュージシャン(トリオ)だ。ギターのPetter Vågan、ベースのRune Nergaard、ドラムのHenning Carlsenの3人は、他の色々なプロジェクトにも関わっており、難しいフレーズをも、華麗なテクニックで簡単に演奏しているように見せる。エレクトロニカ風の情景や、ノイズロックとでもいうようなサウンドまで、ノルウェー人にしかできないような激しいセットを見せてくれるだろう。
[Marvel Machine bandcamp](http://marvelmachine.bandcamp.com/)

自分のliveは一見、稚拙に見えたり、????に思うと思いますが、その奥に存在する何かを確認しにきて下さい。自分の作品は、「聴く」、「見る」、以外に「感じる」事が大事だと思っております。 それは、音にも反映されます。何かを感じた方は、是非、LIVEに足を運んで下さい。LOVE!そして、長い間、この一見稚拙に思える表現に人生をかけ、魂を注いできました。研ぎすまされた ???? な、稚拙な live、を体感しにきて下さい。lo-fiを信念を持って追求してきた。アヴァンギャルド、サウンド/パフォーマンスアートを表現。
[川染喜弘 Hatena](http://d.hatena.ne.jp/yoshihiro-kawasome/)

Fallopian Disco Force
ヒップホップやノイズ、ダブステップ、さらにはターキッシュロックまであらゆるジャンルを挑戦的にミックスし、独自のサイケデリック・ディスコサウンドでフロアを揺らす完全即興ライブバンド。90年代後半に結成、発狂カーニバルの余興からデルタ・ブルースのハウリングノイズをもカバーするモンドサウンドと、カオスに練り上げていく即興パフォーマンスを貫いている。HS LOVE Hennessy(エレクトロニクス/ダブ)とMORO(ドラム)を中心に様々なゲストパフォーマーとのセッションを経て、2012年よりDJ MEMAI(ターンテーブル)を迎え、現在の3人編成となる。ぶっ壊れていくビート、おぼろげなエキゾティカ、そしてキテレツなインプロヴィゼーションで構築された予測不可能なマッシュアップがオーディエンスを別次元のパーティーへと誘う。
[Fallopian Disco Force bandcamp](http://fallopiandiscoforce.bandcamp.com)

Evil Penguin

About Test Tone….


[Test Tone Homepage](http://www.soundispatch.com/ttsnews/) [Cal Lyall and Yasufumi Suzuki Special Interview!! (JP only)](http://sdlx.blogspot.com/2008/12/blog-post.html) featuring: Suppaband Marvel Machine (from Norway) Yoshihiro Kawasome Fallopian Disco Force DJ: Evil Penguin Artist Information: Suppaband ![/sdlx/130409-suppabando.jpg](/sdlx/130409-suppabando.jpg) A consummate blend of the most deranged and beautiful stalwarts from Tokyo's underground scene, Suppaband creates the world's first 'melodious real hip-hop rock' with its five super members. Joining forces in 2005, the band was the brainchild of singer-songwriter Suppamicropanchop, who wanted to embellish his acoustic melodies with a group of likeminded musicians. With Takashi Mizukoshi (aka Suppamicropanchop) on vocals, Yoshinari Kishida (Tokumaru Shugo band, OWKMJ, etc.) on drums, DJ MISTAKE (PANICSMILE) on bass, Yuki Masuda (OWKMJ) on keys, and Shisei Hashimoto (Hoshitokemono) on guitar, the group weaves and lurches its way through the sublime and the absurd with equal grace. Bear witness to the power of music! [Suppaband Homepage](https://sites.google.com/site/suppaband2) Marvel Machine (from Norway) ![/sdlx/130409-marvel-machine.jpg](/sdlx/130409-marvel-machine.jpg) Bridging the worlds of avant rock, pop music, jazz, improvisation and electronica, Norway's Marvel Machine manages a complex behemoth of sound from a tight trio of audacious musicians. The three members consist of Petter Vågan on guitar, Rune Nergaard on bass and Henning Carlsen on drums, all of whom work on a wide range of other musical projects, bringing forth a vocabulary of structures they seem to navigate with virtuosic ease. From dense electronica-laden soundscapes to motorik grooves that teeter on the brink of noise rock, they are set to deliver a blistering set that could probably only come imported from Norway. One night only! [Marvel Machine bandcamp](http://marvelmachine.bandcamp.com/) Yoshihiro Kawasome ![/sdlx/130409-kawasome-yoshihiro.jpg](/sdlx/130409-kawasome-yoshihiro.jpg) Beginning his musical exploits over 10 years ago with the Cannibalism Gandhi Band, Yoshihiro Kawasome has morphed into a singular power to be reckoned with. Breaking down conventional barriers between audience and performers on stage, Kawasome has created a kind of magical act, extracting bizarre epiphanies through artful burlesque performances. From selling bananas onstage to 24-hour concerts or koto wrestling, there is something ludicrous and wonderfully phantasmic to every Yoshihiro Kawasome show. And after it's finished, you might just have a difficult time explaining what you just saw. [Yoshihiro Kawasome Hatena](http://d.hatena.ne.jp/yoshihiro-kawasome/) Fallopian Disco Force ![/sdlx/130409-FDF.jpg](/sdlx/130409-FDF.jpg) With a defiant mix of genres ranging from hip-hop, Turkish rock and Asian pop, the FDF have been forging their own style of psychedelic disco scuttle for over 10 years. Forming in the late 1990s, the group has remained a bastion of unpredictable sound and eclectic performances, covering everything from demented carnival sideshows to howling Delta-blues noise. After hosting a succesion of new wave vocalists, the FDF has now emerged as a trio featuring HS Love Hennessy on electronics, DJ MEMAI on turntables, and MORO on drums. Delivering an eclectic mash-up of stumbling beats, spaced-out exotica, and weird junk improv, the group continues to incite crowds and take festivals to the outer reaches. [Fallopian Disco Force bandcamp](http://fallopiandiscoforce.bandcamp.com/) Evil Penguin ![/sdlx/120214-evilpenguin-w-388.jpg](/sdlx/120214-evilpenguin-w-388.jpg) About Test Tone A monthly experiment offering irregular art, music and performance in Tokyo. The Test Tone series aims to offer a venue for diverse and challenging artists to bring their ideas to a larger community. As a free event open to the public, we hope to bypass the old economies in order to create new ones, while encouraging collaboration in all forms. A collage of media, sound and art in a space available to anyone off the street, the event is a bazaar of potential collisions, where passersby are treated to the unexpected. For all of this, we found our home base at Super Deluxe, a unique space in Tokyo's midtown, providing a relaxed atmosphere within its modular interior. The event continues to be a celebration of off-kilter creativity in the city: from installation pieces to performance art and visual collaborations; from noise, electronica, ambient sounds and free rock to disorderly jazz and manipulated field recordings. To date, close to 500 artists have been a part of the event, together creating opportunities for unexpected improvisation, collaboration, and festival spirit. ![/sdlx/test_tone_388.jpg](/sdlx/test_tone_388.jpg)

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