1st set: Koenigleopold (from Austria)
2nd set: Antiehdas (from Austria)Koenigleopold
The young Vienna duo KOENIG LEOPOLD is the inventor and sole proprietor of a highly original musical-theatrical style with a show that veers from virtuosic exultation to comedy to embarrassment, often in the course of a single piece. They've also got a hell of a wardrobe. Lukas König's drum and synth work is built on the best beats of the last fifty years - dismantled, reassembled and played at full volume on an ancient turntable sitting in a junkyard on the slope of an active volcano. We now pause for a natural disaster. Leo Riegler is by turns a pimp, a dada MC, a gifted turntablist, a hopeless but convincing opera singer and a back-alley clarinetist ... and a consummate showman throughout. The music is a roller-coaster mix of dirty hip-hop, rock and roll and weird takes on bubblegum pop punctuated by pure noise improvisations, played with high precision and a strange, fierce intensity that becomes positively unsettling when coupled with, say, the sounds of Darth Vader enjoying a nice steak (which can happen). It's almost like they're hearing voices onstage - but whether it's the ghosts of Zappa and Biggie Smalls they're channeling, the complete works of Monty Python in Cantonese or a doll that just says "Mama!" over and over again - the results are dangerously grooving and completely unique.
Photo by Rania Moslam.
[Koenigleopold Official Website](http://www.koenigleopold.at/main.html)
[Koenigleopold Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/heatthewater)
With his solo project "Antiehdas", Andreas Harrer is searching for fascinating and extraordinary sound scapes which are not easy to categories. Although he mainly integrates field recordings and sampling, his tracks do not sound like loose fragments but complex and direct. He mainly uses self recordings, from drums to kitchen ware. Music which playfully combines countless details to a one and could also easily work as film sound track.
[Antiehdas Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/pages/antiehdas/339836190484)
[Antiehdas YouTube](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsrqVkIx-Yo)
[Antiehdas Soundcloud](https://soundcloud.com/antiehdas)
Austrian Cultural Forum [Twitter](http://twitter.com/#!/AustrianCulture)
Austrian Cultural Forum [Facebook](http://www.facebook.com/austrian.culture)
前売チケット ⇒ Peatix ⇐ Advance Tickets
Join us for a special collaboration of music, video, and dance by world-renowned artists from Denmark and Japan!
ブルース・ラッセル(Dead C)とS•Glass(Bananafish Magazine)が日本で初めてライブパフォーマンスを行います。それぞれのソロセットでは、エレクトロニクスの実験やノイズの操作を駆使し、奇妙で没入感のある音の世界を創り出す、予測不可能なサウンドの夕べをお楽しみください。
前売チケット ⇒ Peatix ⇐ Advance Tickets
Bruce Russell (Dead C) and S•Glass (Bananafish Magazine) will perform live in Japan for the first time ever, each presenting solo sets. Expect an evening of raw, unpredictable sound as they experiment with electronics, manipulate noise, and create strange, immersive sonic environments.