Test Tone

2013/06/11 火曜日

Test ToneTest Tone

Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59




[キャル・ライアル × 鈴木康文 スペシャルインタビュー](http://sdlx.blogspot.com/2008/12/blog-post.html)

Manuel Knapp (from Austria)
ヒグチケイコ ■ ノブナガケン+ 田畑満+ 村田直哉
服部マサツグ + DeAthAnovA (drum duo)

Evil Penguin


Manuel Knapp (from Austria) + ヒグチケイコ
故郷のオーストリアでは、ラフなビジュアル作品で知られているManuel Knappだが、短期間の日本滞在中には、多忙なスケジュールの中、豪華なサウンド作品のコラボレーションも試みている。Astro (長谷川洋)、Government AlphaやZbigniew Karkowskiの他にも、エレクトロニクスの作品では、ヒグチケイコとのコラボレーションにも取り組んでいる。ヒグチは、ジャズ、即興、ノイズなどのジャンルを交えたスタイルで、世界的に活動をしているボイスアーティストだ。この素晴らしいコラボレーションに期待したい。
[Manuel Knapp Homepage](http://www.manuelknapp.com)
[ヒグチケイコ Homepage](http://www.geocities.jp/cleokkk)

ノブナガケン + 田畑満 + 村田直哉
ノブナガケン (ドラム: Hisspiss、Tetragrammaton、etc.)、田畑満 (ギター: AMT、Zeni Geva, etc.) and 村田直哉 (ターンテーブル) の3人から成る、とてつもないヘビーなトリオの初コラボに期待!
[ノブナガケン Myspace](http://www.myspace.com/nobunagaken)
[田畑満 Homepage](http://www.tabatamitsuru.com)
[村田直哉 Homepage](http://showsimin.blog38.fc2.com)

服部マサツグ + DeAthAnovA (drum duo)
ドラマー、ビブラホン奏者の服部は、正統派ジャズに理解を寄せながらも、新しい時代に相応する様々なグループ (エレクトロアコースティックユニットRyusenkei Body、ジャズエレクトロニカユニットZycos、コンセプト的エレクトロニカ Aktion Directe) のプロジェクトに取り組んできた。最近は、ミニマルなアプローチを取り、ソロ、コラボレーションにと活躍中。今回のTest Toneでは、そんな服部が、変形自在なドラマー、DeAthAnovA (aka 進揚一郎) とステージを共にする。Optrum (with 伊東篤宏)、Plugdead (with 野本直輝) and デストリオ (with 村上巨樹 and 原田仁) などのグループで活躍するDeAthAnovAは、数々のプロジェクトで多忙な日々を送る。
[服部マサツグ blog](http://blog.livedoor.jp/drumless)
[DeAthAnovA blog](http://ameblo.jp/deathanova-shin)

Evil Penguin

About Test Tone….


[Test Tone Homepage](http://www.soundispatch.com/ttsnews/) [Cal Lyall and Yasufumi Suzuki Special Interview!! (JP only)](http://sdlx.blogspot.com/2008/12/blog-post.html) Live: Manuel Knapp (from Austria) + Keiko Higuchi Nobunaga Ken + Tabata Mitsuru + Murata Naoya Masatsugu Hattori + DeAthAnovA (drum duo) DJ: Evil Penguin Artist Information: Manuel Knapp (from Austria) + Keiko Higuchi ![/sdlx/130611-knapp-higuchi.jpg](/sdlx/130611-knapp-higuchi.jpg) When it comes to chilly subterranean lullabies, Manuel Knapp has a penchant for keeping the children nice and cold at night. Known in his native Austria for his jagged, crepuscular visual work, he has been busy with a plethora of sumptuous sound-based collaborations during his short stay in Japan. In addition to the likes of Astro (Hiroshi Hasegawa), Government Alpha and Zbigniew Karkowski, he has recently been matching his dense electronic explorations with the delicious vocal tumult of Higuchi Keiko, a globetrotting voice artist and musician whose own work covers the worlds of jazz, free improvisation and some very lovely noise in-between. This heady collaboration will no doubt emancipate a magical onslaught of surreal and sublime frequencies. [Manuel Knapp Homepage](http://www.manuelknapp.com) [Keiko Higuchi Homepage](http://www.geocities.jp/cleokkk) Nobunaga Ken + Tabata Mitsuru + Murata Naoya ![/sdlx/130611-nobunagatabatamurata.jpg](/sdlx/130611-nobunagatabatamurata.jpg) An outrageously heavy trio in their inaugural full-scale blowout, Nobunaga Ken (drums, from Hisspiss, Tetragrammaton, etc.), Tabata Mitsuru (guitar, from AMT, Zeni Geva, etc.) and Murata Naoya (turntables) are braced and ready for a near-perfect mindmeld of over-amplified brilliance. Get set for an omniverse of spine-tingling metallurgy, intergalactic chemical compounds, and other scientific improbabilities that will leave you begging for the spacesuit you never knew you wanted. [Nobunaga Ken Myspace](http://www.myspace.com/nobunagaken) [Tabata Mitsuru Homepage](http://www.tabatamitsuru.com) [Murata Naoya Homepage](http://showsimin.blog38.fc2.com) Masatsugu Hattori + DeAthAnovA (drum duo) (drum duo) ![/sdlx/130611-hattorishin.jpg](/sdlx/130611-hattorishin.jpg) With a firm grasp of jazz tradition, drummer and vibraphonist Masatsugu Hattori took his percussion work straight into the new millennium with a range of genre-defying projects, including electroacoustic unit Ryusenkei Body, jazz-electronica unit Zycos, and the conceptual electronica of Aktion Directe. These days he has taken a minimal musical approach while focusing on solo and collaborative work. As such, he'll be going metal-to-metal with DeAthAnovA (aka Yoichiro Shin), another protean drummer who keeps his playing schedule jam-packed with a number of ear-melting projects, such as Optrum (with Atsuhiro Ito), Plugdead (with Naoki Nomoto) and Destorio (with Naoki Murakami and Jin Harada). Stand back and let this titanic duo fulfill all of your cyclopean rhythm fantasies. [Masatsugu Hattori blog](http://blog.livedoor.jp/drumless) [DeAthAnovA blog](http://ameblo.jp/deathanova-shin) Evil Penguin ![/sdlx/120214-evilpenguin-w-388.jpg](/sdlx/120214-evilpenguin-w-388.jpg) About Test Tone A monthly experiment offering irregular art, music and performance in Tokyo. The Test Tone series aims to offer a venue for diverse and challenging artists to bring their ideas to a larger community. As a free event open to the public, we hope to bypass the old economies in order to create new ones, while encouraging collaboration in all forms. A collage of media, sound and art in a space available to anyone off the street, the event is a bazaar of potential collisions, where passersby are treated to the unexpected. For all of this, we found our home base at Super Deluxe, a unique space in Tokyo's midtown, providing a relaxed atmosphere within its modular interior. The event continues to be a celebration of off-kilter creativity in the city: from installation pieces to performance art and visual collaborations; from noise, electronica, ambient sounds and free rock to disorderly jazz and manipulated field recordings. To date, close to 500 artists have been a part of the event, together creating opportunities for unexpected improvisation, collaboration, and festival spirit. ![/sdlx/test_tone_388.jpg](/sdlx/test_tone_388.jpg)

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