Test Tone

2013/08/13 火曜日

Test ToneTest Tone

Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59




[キャル・ライアル × 鈴木康文 スペシャルインタビュー](http://sdlx.blogspot.com/2008/12/blog-post.html)

パードン木村 + Cal Lyall + 一楽誉志幸
DJ MEMAI + 伊東篤宏
SUTT (from Berlin/Istanbul)

DJ Evil Penguin

パードン木村 + Cal Lyall + 一楽誉志幸
1999年にヤン富田が、アルバムLocalsをプロデュースして以来、サウンドアーティスト、レコーディングエンジニア、プロデューサーのパードン木村は、ダブ、ジャズ、アバンギャルド、ポップ音楽シーンの信奉者であり続けてきた。それ以来、大友良英, UA, Killer Bongや菊地成孔たちと共演をしながら、様々なジャンルで、モジュラーシンセサイザーの可能性を探求してきた。新たな領域にも再び足を踏み入れ、今回のTest Toneでは、東京在住のアーティストCal Lyall (ギター/エレクトロニクス from Jahiliyyah、Tetragrammaton、FDF、etc.) と、アンビエント、アヴァン・ポップ、ロックやフリージャズでも活躍する期待のドラマー、一楽誉志幸 (Fratenn、Guru Host、etc.) と共演する。
[パードン木村 Homepage](http://www.pardonkimura.com)
[Cal Lyall Homepage](http://www.subvalent.com/cal-lyall)
[一楽誉志幸 fratenn.com](http://fratenn.com)

DJ MEMAI + 伊東篤宏
夏の真っ盛り、Optronの伊東篤宏がDJ MEMAI (HALBACH、Fallopian Disco Force、Worst Taste & Special Magic、etc.) とリズムをぶつけ合い対決する。きらきら光るビジュアルと、分裂したようなビート、ワイルドなエレクトロニクスをミックスした奇妙なダンス音楽。このコラボレーションには期待したい。
[DJ MEMAI blog](http://memai.doorblog.jp)
[伊東篤宏 japanimprov.com](http://www.japanimprov.com/aito)

SUTT (from Berlin/Istanbul)
ベルリン在住のユニットSUTTは、Sofie Trolde (デンマーク) のボーカルをUtku Tavil (トルコ) の巧みなドラミングにぶつけるようなリズムを作り出す。賢いエレクトロニクス・プロセシングを使った勢いのあるライブでは、暗いサウンドから、地下で物が傾いているようなサウンドへと移行していく。可燃物や、背筋がうずくような即興が好きな人には、SUTTは一風変わったサウンドに聞こえるだろう。
Sofie Trolde (vox, sampler) and Utku Tavil (drums, electronics)
[SUTT’s Profile](http://www.utkutavil.com/music/sutt)

Evil Penguin

About Test Tone….


[Test Tone Homepage](http://www.soundispatch.com/ttsnews/) [Cal Lyall and Yasufumi Suzuki Special Interview!! (JP only)](http://sdlx.blogspot.com/2008/12/blog-post.html) Featuring: Pardon Kimura + Cal Lyall + Yoshiyuki Ichiraku DJ MEMAI + Atsuhiro Ito SUTT (from Berlin/Istanbul) DJ: DJ Evil Penguin Artist Information: Pardon Kimura + Cal Lyall + Yoshiyuki Ichiraku ![/sdlx/130813-pardon_cal_ichiraku.jpg](/sdlx/130813-pardon_cal_ichiraku.jpg) Sound artist, recording engineer, producer and 'frequency surfer', the ubiquitous Pardon Kimura has been an active proponent in the dub, jazz, avant-garde and pop music scenes ever since Yann Tomita produced his 1999 album 'Locals', introducing his surf-laden frequencies to the chilled-out masses. Since that time, he has continued to explore the limits of the modular synthesizer in a range of genres, collaborating with the likes of Otomo Yoshihide, UA, Killer Bong and Naruyoshi Kikuchi along the way. Moving into unknown territories yet again, he'll be joined by Tokyo-based sound artist Cal Lyall (Jahiliyyah, Tetragrammaton, FDF, etc.) on guitar/electronics and up-and-coming drummer-in-demand Ichiraku Yoshiyuki (Fratenn, Guru Host, etc.), who is equally at home in resplendent ambient and avant-pop settings as he is in rock and free-jazz freakouts. This one may go either way. [Pardon Kimura Homepage](http://www.pardonkimura.com) [Cal Lyall Homepage](http://www.subvalent.com/cal-lyall) [Yoshiyuki Ichiraku fratenn.com](http://fratenn.com) DJ MEMAI + Atsuhiro Ito ![/sdlx/130813-memai_ito.jpg](/sdlx/130813-memai_ito.jpg) In a heady matchup made for the scorching summer heat, self-styled 'Optron' player Atsuhiro Ito faces off against the turntable wizardry of DJ MEMAI (HALBACH, Fallopian Disco Force, Worst Taste & Special Magic, etc.) for a electrified barrage of churning rhythmic banter. Get ready to fight your way through skin-melting laser beams, projectile tasers and perhaps some wayward asteroids for a fantastic blast of bulldozing beats on the dance floor. [DJ MEMAI blog](http://memai.doorblog.jp) [Atsuhiro Ito japanimprov.com](http://www.japanimprov.com/aito) SUTT (from Berlin/Istanbul) ![/sdlx/130813-sutt.jpg](/sdlx/130813-sutt.jpg) This mindblowing Berlin-based unit pits the rhythmic and multitextured vocal work of Sofie Trolde (Denmark) against the deftly kinetic drumming of Utku Tavil (Turkey) for a mercurial and massively accomplished collaboration. Working some judicious electronic processing into their careening live sets, they move from dark and fragmented sound explorations into lurching subterranean rumblings punctuated by yelps, shrieks and some breathtaking leather-lunged vocal delivery. For fans of combustible, spine-tingling improvisation, SUTT is pure deviant listening pleasure. Sofie Trolde (vox, sampler) and Utku Tavil (drums, electronics) [SUTT's Profile](http://www.utkutavil.com/music/sutt) Evil Penguin ![/sdlx/120214-evilpenguin-w-388.jpg](/sdlx/120214-evilpenguin-w-388.jpg) About Test Tone A monthly experiment offering irregular art, music and performance in Tokyo. The Test Tone series aims to offer a venue for diverse and challenging artists to bring their ideas to a larger community. As a free event open to the public, we hope to bypass the old economies in order to create new ones, while encouraging collaboration in all forms. A collage of media, sound and art in a space available to anyone off the street, the event is a bazaar of potential collisions, where passersby are treated to the unexpected. For all of this, we found our home base at Super Deluxe, a unique space in Tokyo's midtown, providing a relaxed atmosphere within its modular interior. The event continues to be a celebration of off-kilter creativity in the city: from installation pieces to performance art and visual collaborations; from noise, electronica, ambient sounds and free rock to disorderly jazz and manipulated field recordings. To date, close to 500 artists have been a part of the event, together creating opportunities for unexpected improvisation, collaboration, and festival spirit. ![/sdlx/test_tone_388.jpg](/sdlx/test_tone_388.jpg)

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