Freddy The Dyke

2013/10/23 水曜日

Freddy The DykeFreddy The Dyke

Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59




Freddy The Dyke (ノルウェー)
Government Alpha


Freddy The Dyke (ノルウェー)
Freddy The Dyke is Bendik Andersson and Gaute Granli, both also members of electro-prog band Skadne Krek. The duo has released a split tape on the norwegian Drid Machine label, with a debut LP coming up this autumn. Freddy The Dyke’s sound consists of agonizing chanting, noisy, synth infested guitar and heavy, danceable tribal rythms.

Government Alpha
1994年から活動を始めた吉田恭淑によるEXTREME HARSH NOISE ソロプロジェクト。究極のサウンドは何かをテーマにしつつ、幅広いジャンルのアーティストと共演/コラボレーションをしながら、エレクトロニクスの様々な可能性を模索し続けている。ロック的な音楽感覚でノイズサウンドを構築していくスタイルと、躍動感溢れるダイナミックなライブパフォーマンスは国内外を超えて評価が高い。
[Government Alpha official](
[Artworks on Tumblr](

LIVE: Freddy The Dyke (Norway) Government Alpha Freddy The Dyke (Norway) ![/sdlx/131023-freddy_band.jpg](/sdlx/131023-freddy_band.jpg) Freddy The Dyke is Bendik Andersson and Gaute Granli, both also members of electro-prog band Skadne Krek. The duo has released a split tape on the norwegian Drid Machine label, with a debut LP coming up this autumn. Freddy The Dyke's sound consists of agonizing chanting, noisy, synth infested guitar and heavy, danceable tribal rythms. Government Alpha ![/sdlx/131023-government_alpha.jpeg](/sdlx/131023-government_alpha.jpeg) Government Alpha is Yasutoshi Yoshida's experimental harsh noise project that has been in existence since 1994. His debut outing a year later was a track on the compilation CD Extreme Music from Japan, on UK label Susan Lawly. Since then there has been a steady stream of Government Alpha output on compilation and collaboration CDs, as well as his own releases. [Government Alpha official]( [Artworks on Tumblr](

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