2013/11/20 水曜日水曜日
Hedvig Mollestad TRIOHedvig Mollestad TRIO
Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59
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遥かノルウェーの地よりギターの堕天使Hedvig Mollestad Thomassenがやってくる!バリバリのリフとファズギターがハードなドラムサウンドとブンブンかき鳴らされる最高のベースサウンドを伴い骨太なガールズギターサウンドとなって会場内を縦横無人にかけずり回る!男気溢れるステージをお見逃し無く!国内からはこちらも男子顔負けのギターサウンドとノッリノリのロックドラムによる最高にキュートなハードコア・ポップ・バンドTADZIOが登場!
Hedvig Mollestad Trio (from ノルウェー)
Artist Information:
Hedvig Mollestad Trio

Hedvig Mollestad Thomassen – guitar
Ellen Brekken – bass
Ivar Loe Bjørnstad – drums
[Hedvig Mollestad Trio – Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/HedvigMollestadTrio)
“Okay, she doesn’t have the name or the look of a Jeff Beck or Jimi Hendrix, but Hedvig Mollestad Thomassen is the most exciting guitar player I have heard this year. (…) this stunningly beautiful Norwegian woman plays like a soul possessed. It is hard to believe that Shoot! is the Hedvig Mollestad Trio’s debut recording, because it is a master class in how a group can meld rock and jazz in 2011 without sounding hopelessly retro. Shoot! is my pick for debut album of the year, and for guitar aficionados especially, it should not be missed.” – Greg Barbrick [blindedbysound.com](http://blindedbysound.com/hedvig-mollestad-trio—shoot/)
“Norwegian Electric guitarist Hedvig Mollestad Thomassen and her youthful rhythm section perfectly straddle the divide between jazz-schooled virtuosity and mondo heavy thrills.” -MOJO 4/5 (UK)
“Taking Marc Ribot’s angular guitar approach and fusing it with Steve Vai’s over-the top pyrotechnics, Thomassen lines fracture frenetically across the fretboard. (…) The musicianship alone makes Shoot! worth a listen. The brute force that drives it is what makes it a keeper.” – Hannis Brown [Tokafi.com](http://www.tokafi.com/news/hedvig-mollestad-trio-shoot/)
“This resourceful young Norwegian guitarist delivers a killer jazz-rock fusion, recalling the scrappiest of Sonny Sharrock’s comeback material infused with tones and riffs from postpunk and hard rock, and she pulls it off with an incredibly light touch, avoiding both excess and shtick. She’s one to watch for sure.” -Peter Margasak [Chicago reader](http://www.chicagoreader.com/Bleader/archives/2013/06/20/the-second-album-from-norwegian-guitarist-hedvig-mollestad-brings-jazz-sophistication-to-hard-rock-crunch)
“They rock, rollercoaster style, reminding us of AQ instrumental faves Stinking Lizaveta at times, and eponymous guitarist Hedvig Mollestad has a dash of Nels Cline in her playing. All in all, this is catchy stuff, as far as noisy noodling jazzrock goes! Recorded live in the studio with minimal overdubs, capturing a lot of raw energy and jaunty glee indeed.” – Aquarius (US)

リーダー(g, vo)と部長(ds, vo)から成る 爆音ハードコア・ポップ・バンド。ひょんなことがきっかけで、2009 年になんとなくバンド結成。ぼんやりコピーをしたりスタジオ入ったりしているうちに、リーダーが2010 年にNYへ旅行。リーダー帰国後、初のオリジナル曲 「Nosebleed」の制作をきっかけに現在のスタ イルとなる。COMBOPIANO、HAIR STYLISTICS(中原昌也)、中村達也、MOST、OOIOO、狂うクルー等、そうそうたる面々と共演している。オーウェン・パレット(ファイナル・ファンタジー)もお気に入りとか?特異なヴォーカルと歌詞、ノイズ・ギター&リズムに乗っかってあなたも一緒にモッシュする?
[TADZIO – Blog](http://tadzio-leader-bucho.blogspot.jp/)
[TADZIO – P-vine](http://p-vine.jp/artists/tadzio)
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