2014/01/03 金曜日金曜日
Leyna Marika Papach / Saito + KubeckLeyna Marika Papach / 齋藤+クベック
Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59
レイナ・マリカ・P. (ヴァイオリ ソロ from New York City)
齋藤徹 (コントラバス) + マコ クベック (ダンス) 初共演
Artist Information:
Leyna Marika Papach(レイナ・マリカ・P.)
作曲家/アーティスト。NY在住。音楽をベースとしたミックスジャンルのパフォーマンスの脚本、作曲、振り付けを手掛ける。ヨーロッパ、日本、アメリカで作品上演。日本では、インターナショナルハウス、ジーベックホールなどで公演を行う。ヴァイオリニストとして、ソロ活動の他、Geraldine Fibbers, Foetus, Nels Cline (Wilco) などとのコラボレーション、All Tomorrow’s Parties, BAM, UNESCO, Music Unlimited, CMJ, The Stoneなどでパフォーマンスを行う。また、JG.Thirwell (Tzadik)、The Walkmen などのレコーディングに参加。2016年、伴戸千雅子(舞踏家)とのコラボレーションによるオベラ作品を創作、HERE Arts Center (NYC) で上演予定。プラハ音楽院でヴァイオリンを学び、アムステダムのDas Arts 大学院にて劇/ダンスを研究。Bard College の音響/作曲の修士取得
マコ クベック
3才よりクラシックバレエを習う。日本大学芸術学部演劇学科卒業。1990年珍しいキノコ舞踊団創立メンバーとして2009年まで国内外の全ての公演に出演。NHKドレミノテレビ アシスタントなど。現在はソロのダンサーとしてロロロ、UA、Buffalo Daughter、SHAKALABBITSなどの PV・ライブ出演・振付や、金谷裕子、SANNINKAN♀、KYOTARO、toastieなど他ジャンルのアーティストと共演。コラボレーション作品を演出、出演している。
Leyna Marika Papach (violin solo / from New York City)
Tetsu Saitoh (contrabass) + Mako Kubeck (dance)
Artist Information:
Leyna Marika Papach
Leyna Marika Papach is a musician and multi-disciplinary artist from Japan and the United States. Her compositions house the languages of dance, theater, sound, and image. Her theater/dance works have been performed internationally at venues such as International House, Tokyo, Frascati, Amsterdam, HERE Arts Center, NY and many others. As a violinist and improviser, she has worked with a wide range of musicians/groups such as J.G.Thirwell/Foetus, Nels Cline, Geraldine Fibbers, DownTown Ensemble among many others, performing collaborative work as well as her own work at festivals/venues such as the BAM, Wels/Unlimited Festival, All Tomorrows Parties, Bang on a Can Marathon, Whitney Museum, HAU (Berlin), Queens Museum, and the Stone. She also works as an accompanist for North Indian traditional music. Leyna studied violin at the Prague Academy of Music and holds a MFA in Sound/Music from Bard College. She also holds a Masters in Theater/Dance studies from Dasarts, Amsterdam.
Tetsu Saitoh
Born in Tokyo 1955. He has been involving with dance, Butoh, theatre, fine arts, visual arts, poetry, calligraphy, Japanese traditional music, court music, Noh theatre, classical and contemporary music, tango (especially Astor Piazzolla’s music), jazz, improvised music, Korean and Asian shamanism. His activity is not only performing with musicians and artists, but also producing projects, e.g. “EURACIAN ECHOES” which aims for joining Europe and Asia, in Korea, Singapore and Japan, “OMBAK HITAM” for the opening act for Fukuoka Asian Museum. In 1994 he was invited to the Avignon International Contrabass Festival as a guest soloist. Since 1994 he has often visited Europe and played with Barre Phillips, Michel Doneda, Le Quan Ninh, and others. In 1995 he collaborated a music and dance performance at the exhibition of works by Magdalena Avakanowicz in Warsaw, Poland. In 2000 and 2001 Kanagawa philharmonic orchestra invited him as a producer, a composer and a soloist for the concert of two double concertos. He also works as a jury for dance competition, a lecturer at SOPHIA University, and joined some workshops for handicapped people. In 2003 he joined the International Society of Bassists convention at Richmond as a presenter, in 2004,2006, joined the Hawaii International Double Bass Festival. In 2006 was invited to CrossSound music festival in Alaska as a featured artist. In 2007 was invited to Mosaic festival in Singapore. Started an independent label TRAVESSIA.
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