This&That Café Vol.18

2014/01/31 金曜日

This & That CafeThis&That Café Vol.18

Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59


ドリンク込み/Drink included




Alexis Andre (Interactive Graphics)
Matt Stuckey
D.H ローゼン (TokyoDex)
Unusual Club (Djs)

音楽の 超自然的存在力をを通じて、ジャンル、人種を超え多くの人と交流・交信したいという志。フラメンコギタリストTama Tsuboi を中心に集まったミュージシャンが、ジャンル・人種のクロスオーバーサウンドをアコースティックベースのサウンドから広げる。ラテン・ジャズ、ワールドミュージック等をクロスオーバーさせたバイリンガル・ボーカルが特徴。
[Shamanz facebook](

Jazzを中心に都内で活躍中の愉快な仲間たち。This&That Cafe New Year JamではおなじみのボーカルYUMINGO。今回も熱いステージをお楽しみに!!!!

Alexis Andre (Interactive Graphics)
フランス出身、東京住まいのメディアアーティスト。Sony CSLで「Interactive Aesthetics」というテーマで研究を行っています。音遊びから情報の可視化まで幅広く研究を進んでいます。
[Alexis Andre Homepage](

[美・JAPON website](

Matt Stuckey

演劇・舞踊・音楽などの舞台写真やチラシ・パンプレット・ジャケットなど多方面で写真撮影・作品制作を行っている。高校時代から身の回りの写真を撮り始め、日本大学芸術学部写真学科で学んだ後、映画のスチールマンの経験へ経て、舞台写真家 瀬戸秀美氏の専属アシスタントとなる。2003年頃独立。人間の色んなことが凝縮される、とある一瞬を求めて、転がりながら撮影活動を続けている。ポートレイト、ステージフォト、ドキュメンタリーフォトを手がけ、2006年より日本舞台写真家協会会員。当面の野望は、朝崎郁恵写真集出版。
[宮川舞子 Homepage](

次世代の日本人ディジュリドゥー奏者のスマイリー氏が、初めてオーストラリアの典型的な風の楽器を聞いたのは、オーストラリアに留学中でした。日本に帰ってきてから「ディジュ」を独習する傍ら、ビートボックス、ドラム、バスリズムを付け加え、想像できない音楽を創りだしたのです。スマイリー氏は、ディジェリドゥーの魔力とそのビートボックスとの深いつながりに取り憑かれていると話します。「ディジュ」の発祥の国から尊敬を得て、有名な演奏家が集まる Didgeridoo Breath から「すばらしいトリックを教えてくれる信じられないディジュ奏者」と呼ばれるようになりました。スマイリー氏は、ソロアーティストとしてのみならず、フィンランドのビートボックス奏者のFelix Zenger、英国のジプシースウィングのGabby Youngなど、多彩な顔ぶれのアーティストとのコラボレーションも活発に行っています。

D.H ローゼン (TokyoDex)
[D.H ローゼン Homepage](

Unusual Club (Djs)
僕らは多岐にわたるスタイルの音楽をやるので、名前も「普通じゃない(Unusual)」ものにしました。演奏は、だいたいいつも2セット続けて行います。1回目と2回目で好みやムードが変わることがあるので不協和音となることもありますが、その結果生ずる「波動」がいいと思っています。ロックからインディー、レゲエ、ダブ、ファンク、ジャズ、ニューウェーブ、ヒップホップまでいろいろな音楽をやりますが、僕らに共通の「ルーツ」でよく立ち返るのはエレクトロニックやテクノ、ハウスです。SNIFF SNIFF(現Roarrr)やCONTROLのパーティで正規のDJをしていました。ポールはイギリス人、セバスチャンはフランス系カナダ人で、2人とも約8年、東京を拠点に活動しています。
[Profile iflyer](

This&That Caféは、あらゆるジャンルやバックグラウンドのアーティストが共有の精神のもと時間と作品を持ち寄る、という一般公開の無料イベントです。ここは音楽とヴィジュアル・アートが思いがけないコラボレーションで融け合う場所。東京という濃密で幅広い才能の海で、遠方からのアーティストが現地の輝く才能に出会う、アーティストのためのフォーラム。古い友人と新たな知人が入り混じったコミュニティは、人が集まり、アイディアが飛び交い、アートの傾向や好みが共有され、詩が生まれる場。早めに来て席に着き、SuperDeluxeのおいしそうなメニューを楽しむのもよし。仕事帰りの一杯にちょっと寄るのもよし。みんな大歓迎です。今後のThis & That Caféの企画についてアイディアがあれば、<[](>へ一言メッセージをください。新しい、刺激的な表現の場を探しているミュージシャンやDJ、ビジュアル・アーティストからの連絡をお待ちしています。

##Powered by TokyoDex

This&That kicks off 2014 with an eclectic array of musicians and visual artists that promises to get the New Year off to a great start. This event marks the #TnTCafe 3-Year Anniversary, and it’s a Friday night so you know it’s going to go off!

Sakamoto Band
Alexis Andre (Interactive Graphics)
Nanami Chinatsu
Matt Stuckey
Maiko Miyagawa
D.H. Rosen (TokyoDex)
Unusual Club (Djs)

Acoustic duo project started in 2010 by a solo artist TAMA TSUBOI,Sean Harada from THE STONE SUN and percussionist Naoki Kawashima as THE STONE SUN ACOUSTIC. Shortly after Naoki Kawashima left the band in 2011, Tama Tsuboi met KOJI SONODA, RYAN MIZUNO, KAI PETTIE, and GOW KUMAGAI, who are the current members of Shamanz. Shamanz sonds are inspired by Tama Tsuboi’s influences from Flamenco, Latin, Alternative, Jazz and World Music.
[Shamanz facebook](

Sakamoto Band
The Sakamoto Band are a group of friends who play mostly Jazz in venues across Tokyo. Vocalist YUMINGO has been a guest at the This&That Cafe since its inception in 2012, and she promises to deliver another stellar performance with this new ensemble.

Alexis Andre
French media artist residing in Tokyo, Alexis does research on “Interactive Aesthetics” for Sony CSL. His works span data visualization to new interfaces for sound interaction.
[Alexis Andre Homepage](

Nanami Chinatsu
Beginning Ballet and Jazz in her childhood, Nanami was at once trying to get into “show biz” but also got became interested in International Politics/Economy and entered the English Department of Sophia University in Tokyo Japan. In 2007, she moved New York City where where she worked as a dancer and at a contemporary dance company and a teaching assistant at a children’s dance school. After returning to Japan, Nanami entered the pageant circuit where she can work both on live performance and charity work at an international level. She has participated in international pageants as Miss Japan with women from more than 60 Countries. She is also working as a dancer/model and translator in the Japanese Kimono Dress Performance Unit ”美(Be)JAPON”. In the summer of 2014, she will join the a to Switzerland and France with Be・JAPON and renowned florist Shogo Kariyazaki.
[(Be・JAPON website)](

Matt Stuckey
Hailing from Adelaide, Australi, Matt Stuckey is the founder of “Be Friendly.” Be Friendly is a design studio dedicated to producing highly creative work across disciplines; art direction, branding, interior design, product design, illustration, custom typography, curated projects, large scale public art… and whatever else seems like a fun and useful way to spend their time. Be Friendly proudly does a lot of work with smaller businesses, start ups, NPOs and the arts/creative community, investing their creative energy and experience into people and brands that they believe in. Be Friendly believes in original, fun, thoughtful and ethical design.
[Matt Stuckey Web](

Maiko Miyagawa
Photographer Maiko Miyagawa started taking photos as a high-school student and would later go on to study photography at the Nihon Univerity College of Art. Upon graduation she worked as an assistant for renowned photographer Hidemi Seto and began her solo career in 2003. Today she takes photos of live events including theater, dance and music for magazines, printed advertisements, album covers et al.
[Maiko Miyakawa Homepage](

Next-generation Japanese didgeridoo performer SMILY first heard the otherworldly tones of the quintessential Australian wind instrument while studying abroad in Oz. He continued practicing the “didge” on his own after returning to Japan, later adding beatbox and drum and bass rhythms to produce an unimaginable range of sound. SMILY says he’s obsessed with the didgeridoo’s simple charm and its deep integration with beatbox sounds. He gets solid respect in the instrument’s land of origin, where major player Didgeridoo Breath recently called him “an incredible didge player [who] taught us some great tricks.” SMILY is active as both a solo artist and in collaborations with a wide range of artists, including Finnish beatbox phenom Felix Zenger and UK cabaret singer/jazz gypsy Gabby Young. He also finds time to help with the family business—a pension near Shirahama Beach in Izu.

D.H. Rosen
Tokyo-based visual artist D.H. Rosen loves to play with analog and digital media. His live sets are a combination of prepared digital imagery and spontaneous collage.
[D.H. Rosen Homepage](

Unusual Club (Djs)
Our musical style is very broad, hence the “Unusual” name. We typically play a back-to-back set. It sometimes creates discordances since our taste and mood can be different, but we appreciate the “wave” that results. Although our musical styles range from rock, indie, reggae, asl the way to dub, funk, jazz, new wave and hip hop, the common ‘roots’ that we often revisit are mostly electronic/techno/house. We have been regular DJs at SNIFF SNIFF (now Roarrr) and CONTROL parties. Paul is English and Sebastien is French Canadian, both based in Tokyo for about 8 years.
[Profile iflyer](

This&That Cafe is a free event open to the public in which artists from all genres and backgrounds donate their time and talents in the spirt of sharing. It is a place where music and visual arts meld in unexpected collaborations. A forum for artists from afar to meet with local luminaries amidst the dense and eclectic pool of talent in Tokyo. A venue to gather, exchange ideas, share artistic inclinations and wax poetic in a causal community of old friends and new acquaintances. Come early to get a seat and take advantage of the fetching fare on the SuperDeluxe menu, or just pop in for a drink on your way home from work. All are welcome. If you have an idea for a future This & That Cafe event, please drop a line to <[](>. We look forward to hearing from musicians, DJ, visual artists et al looking for a new and exciting venue for their expressions.

##Powered by TokyoDex

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Via hashtagハッシュタグから