
2014/02/07 金曜日


Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 20:20 - 23:59






[スイス・ペチャクチャ・ナイト 詳細](http://www.pechakucha.org/cities/tokyo/events/52b3f2bc4f5c29a6d6000017)

デビット・ゾペティ 作家 アプサンの起源
パトリック・レモン アトリエ・オイ創設者
トーマス・コーラ 旅行業
スザンナ・ベア、アレックス・ゾンデルエッガー SO+BAデザイン
伊藤啓子 ヨーデル歌手
中川重年 京都学園大学バイオ環境学部バイオ環境デザイン学科教授、玉川アルプホルンクラブ会長、アルプホルン製作者
西沢立衛 SANAA
辰野勇  モンベルグループ代表

Supported by the [Embassy of Switzerland in Japan](http://swiss150.jp)


Image Copyright by: [Switzerland Tourism](http://swiss-image.ch/)
Christof Sonderegger
44V Bergoase Hotel Tschuggen Arosa GR

SuperDeluxe will exceptionally hold a Switzerland themed Pechakucha night on February 7. It will feature unusual stories from Swiss and Japanese speakers on topics ranging from Graphic Design and Architecture to Watchmaking and the origins of Absinthe. Expect many surprises and dancing opportunity. Music will be provided by the [GYPSY SOUND SYSTEM](http://www.gypsysoundsystem.ch/home.html). Come early & stay late ~ open 8pm to 2am. The Swiss Pechakucha Night is a side-event of the “SwissDays” a 4 day multifaceted event marking the 150 years of friendship between Switzerland and Japan at the Roppongi Hills arena February 6-9. PechaKucha 20x20 is an innovative presentation format where a speaker narrates alongside 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds. Invented in Tokyo 10 years ago, the Pechakucha nights have spread around the world, bringing together creative people in more than 700 cities in a festive atmosphere. [Swiss Pechakucha Night Event Page](http://www.pechakucha.org/cities/tokyo/events/52b3f2bc4f5c29a6d6000017) David Zoppetti Novelist, The origins of absinthe Patrick Reymond founder of Atelier Oi Thomas Koehler Travel Agent Walking through Japan Susanna Baer, Alex Sonderegger SO+BA Design Keiko Ito Yodel singer Shigetoshi Nakagawa Professor at the Kyoto Gakuen University Ryue Nishizawa SANAA Isamu Tatsuno President of Mont Bell Supported by the [Embassy of Switzerland in Japan](http://swissjapan150.jp) ![/sdlx/140207-swiss-support.jpg](/sdlx/140207-swiss-support.jpg) Image Copyright by: [Switzerland Tourism](http://swiss-image.ch/) Christof Sonderegger 44V Bergoase Hotel Tschuggen Arosa GR

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