All your limbs singing

2014/02/10 月曜日

All your limbs singingAll your limbs singing

Open: 19:00 | Start: 19:30



To English

神々しい音色を響かせるギタリストKim Mhyrによる初のソロアルバムリリース記念ライブ。

Kim Myhr (from ノルウェー)


Kim Myhr
Kim Myhr is an active voice of the creative music scene in Norway, and has performed widely throughout the world. Myhr’s first solo cd will be released autumn 2013. His solo music explores the acoustic possibilities of the 12-string guitar, and can remind the listener of early music of Ligeti and of Morton Feldman, but it also contains an energy and simplicity similar to american folk music. As a composer, Myhr wrote “stems and cages” for the Trondheim Jazz Orchestra in 2009 featuring Sidsel Endresen, and later a piece in 2011 from the same orchestra with Jenny Hval as a singer. Myhr also plays in the trio MURAL, with whom he initiated a project with the Rothko Chapel in Houston, Texas, with a cd released in 2011 and several concerts in this very special space.
[Kim Myhr Official](

“All your limbs singing”
SOFA, Release date: Jan 2014

[hakobune Homepage](
[hakobune bandcamp](

音楽家。広島県尾道市生まれ、香川県出身、神奈川県在住。鳥を師匠とする。2009年、空想を具現化した完全自作のパイプオルガンを製作。ふいごからパイプまで全てを一人で作り上げたそのオルガンは、その構造や演奏方法の全てが特異であり、鍵盤すら持たない。この世に一台限り実在する空想楽器である。後年、この楽器と連動する新たなシステムとして、世界で最初のノイズ作曲家と言われる未来派、ルイジ・ルッソロの考案した騒音楽器「イントナルモーリ」を復元。また同時に声・歌の使い手であり、ホーメイや動物の声帯模写、シャーマンの歌唱法などを取り込み、独自の歌を展開している。感覚器官に直接訴えかけるような声と、建築的な自作楽器によるパフォーマンス風景が、強烈な印象を残し密かな話題を呼んでいる。近年では、巻上公一(ヒカシュー)や山川冬樹、Open Reel Ensembleなどとの共作によるパフォーマンス公演をはじめ、ダンサーや映像作家との共演、展示活動やライブ企画など、その活動はアートシーン全域に及ぶ。
[藤田陽介 Homepage](


A special concert celebrating the release of exquisite guitarist Kim Myhr's first solo record. Live: Kim Myhr (from Norway) hakobune Yosuke Fujita Artist Information: Kim Myhr ![/sdlx/130821-KimMyhr.jpg](/sdlx/130821-KimMyhr.jpg) Kim Myhr is an active voice of the creative music scene in Norway, and has performed widely throughout the world. Myhr's first solo cd will be released autumn 2013. His solo music explores the acoustic possibilities of the 12-string guitar, and can remind the listener of early music of Ligeti and of Morton Feldman, but it also contains an energy and simplicity similar to american folk music. As a composer, Myhr wrote "stems and cages" for the Trondheim Jazz Orchestra in 2009 featuring Sidsel Endresen, and later a piece in 2011 from the same orchestra with Jenny Hval as a singer. Myhr also plays in the trio MURAL, with whom he initiated a project with the Rothko Chapel in Houston, Texas, with a cd released in 2011 and several concerts in this very special space. [Kim Myhr Official]( Kim Myhr FIRST SOLO ALBUM "All your limbs singing" SOFA, Release date: Jan 2014 hakobune ![/sdlx/140210-Hakobune.jpg](/sdlx/140210-Hakobune.jpg) [hakobune Homepage]( [hakobune bandcamp]( Yousuke Fujita ![/sdlx/140210-FujitaYosuke.jpg](/sdlx/140210-FujitaYosuke.jpg) [Yousuke Fujita Homepage](


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