Lana trio & 2drums.1piano

2014/02/17 月曜日

Lana trio & 2drums.1pianoLana trio & 2drums.1piano

Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59




1st Set: 2drums.1piano
栗田妙子 (piano)
斎藤良 (drums)
池澤龍作 (drums)

2nd Set: Lana trio
Kjetil Jerve (piano)
Andreas Wildhagen (drums)
Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø (trombone)


Lana trio

Lana trio is an experimental ensemble for the exploration of historic, non-ideomatic improvisation. Andreas, Henrik and Kjetil started playing together quickly after meeting at Sund Folk College in 2007, and extensively explored how musical parameters like density, speed, duration and volume could be stretched in order to create different possibilities for musical interplay. The trio have worked both with graphical notation and so called free improvisation, and plays music that draws inspiration from a wide variety of genres. The members of Lana trio are already experienced musicians, who together or separately have played with musicians like Jon Christensen, Tobias Delius, Raymond Strid, Nina de Heney, Michael Duch and Naoko Sakata. Active in bands like Mopti, Einer, Skadedyr, Paal Nilssen-Love large unit and As deafness increases, they have played concerts all around Europe and taken part in longer study trips to New york and The Gambia. Their debut album, simply called “Lana trio”, was released on the norwegian label Va fongool in November 2013.
Kjetil Jerve (piano)
Andreas Wildhagen (drums)
Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø (trombone)

栗田妙子 (piano)
現在の参加グループは、Oncenth Trio(オンセントリオ)、ミドリトモヒデ(as)カルテット&クインテット、泉邦宏(as)デュオ、山本昌広(as)カルテット、佐藤ことみ(ds)クインテット、植村花菜(g & vo)ジャズユニット等。

斉藤良 (drums)
1978年、広島市出身。7歳〜12歳まで和太鼓をやり、12歳でジャズドラムに転向。16歳で市内のジャズクラブでデビュー。 19歳で上京後、ジャズを中心に様々な音楽を演奏している。2010年、リーダーユニット秘宝感を結成。同年、1stアルバム「HIHOKAN」をリリース。現在参加中の主なバンドは、秘宝感、saigenji、高橋知己4、松下美千代3、廣木光一3他、多数。

池澤龍作 (drums.objects)
幼少の頃より、家で流れていた様々なジャンルの音楽に親しみライブで体感したフリージャズや即興音楽をルーツに自由な発想、感覚で表現する音楽家や表現者を敬愛し自然と自らも志すようになる。ジャンル、スタイル、国内外を問わず様々な分野のアーティストと数多くのセッションで共演を重ね、活動範囲はボーダーレスに楽曲の演奏から即興まで多岐にわたり発信している。現在はケイタイモ(ex BEAT CRUSADERS)率いる「WUJA BIN BIN」,新感覚ピアノトリオ「Oncenth Trio」,スガダイロー率いる「大群青」,鍵盤打楽器奏者の山田あずさとの打楽器DUO「MoMo」,「泉邦宏ニュートリオ/なりゆきまかせ楽団」,松本健一/福島久雄の双頭バンド「deriva」,「Akiko Grace Trio”ARK”」など刺激的バンドで活動中。
[池澤龍作 Homepage](

1st Set: 2drums.1piano Taeko Kurita (piano) Ryo Saito (drums) Ryusaku Ikezawa (drums) 2nd Set: Lana trio Kjetil Jerve (piano) Andreas Wildhagen (drums) Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø (trombone) Artist Information: Lana trio Lana trio is an experimental ensemble for the exploration of historic, non-ideomatic improvisation. Andreas, Henrik and Kjetil started playing together quickly after meeting at Sund Folk College in 2007, and extensively explored how musical parameters like density, speed, duration and volume could be stretched in order to create different possibilities for musical interplay. The trio have worked both with graphical notation and so called free improvisation, and plays music that draws inspiration from a wide variety of genres. The members of Lana trio are already experienced musicians, who together or separately have played with musicians like Jon Christensen, Tobias Delius, Raymond Strid, Nina de Heney, Michael Duch and Naoko Sakata. Active in bands like Mopti, Einer, Skadedyr, Paal Nilssen-Love large unit and As deafness increases, they have played concerts all around Europe and taken part in longer study trips to New york and The Gambia. Their debut album, simply called "Lana trio", was released on the norwegian label Va fongool in November 2013. Kjetil Jerve (piano) Andreas Wildhagen (drums) Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø (trombone) [Lana trio website]( 2drums.1piano Taeko Kurita (piano) ![/sdlx/140217-kurita.jpg](/sdlx/140217-kurita.jpg) Ryo Saito (drums) ![/sdlx/140217-saito.jpg](/sdlx/140217-saito.jpg) Ryusaku Ikezawa (drums.objects) ![/sdlx/140217-ikezawa.jpg](/sdlx/140217-ikezawa.jpg) [池澤龍作 Homepage](

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