
2014/03/06 木曜日

High FREQ Flutter高周波地区

Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59




JUNKO (非常階段) ソロ
大凶風呂敷 (白石民夫+Cammisa Buerhaus)
Sachiko M


[JUNKO『VOICE & DESTROY』テイチクエンタテインメント](http://www.teichiku.co.jp/artist/junko/discography/TECH-35363.html)
[非常階段 wikipedia JP](http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/非常階段_%28バンド%29)

大凶風呂敷(白石民夫+Cammisa Buerhaus)
吉祥寺の「マイナー」で灰野敬二らと共に活動し、現在はNYに拠点を置くサックスプレイヤー。1990年よりNY、SFで時折演奏を行う。1994年よりNYに移住。Alan Licht、No Neck BluesBand、Fritz Welchなどと共演。Mico(from NNCK)とともにヨーロッパツアーを時折行う。Sean Meehanとは20年近く、屋外での夏の黄昏時のパフォーマンスを現在に至るまで継続している。2007年にはSean Meehan、高橋幾郎とともに、Scotlandでの屋外コンサートツアー(主催Arika)に参加。2008年より地下鉄構内での深夜から未明にかけての演奏開始。現在も定期的に継続中。2012年よりCammisa Buerhausとの活動開始、井上みちる(舞踏)、吉増剛造(詩人)などとの共演を行う。最近の共演者は、Steve Baczkowski、Jooklo Duo(from Italy)など。モダンダンスとの共演もときおり行っている。
[白石民夫 ウエブサイト](http://www.shiraishitamio.info/)

Cammisa Buerhaus
Cammisa Buerhaus is a sound and transmission artist who lives in downtown Manhattan. Trained as a sculptor, she plays hand made sound objects as well as a Soviet synthesizer. Her solo project, Eliza and Parry, is photocopied fever dream music. She will be releasing two new Eliza and Parry cassettes in 2014 through Plant Migrations and her own label, Wild Flesh Productions. In addition to her musical output, she is artist in residence at Cage, a gallery in Lower Manhattan. She curates sound-events and researches the history of sound art from a feminist perspective. Additionally, she is a musician and actress in Full Disclosure, an ongoing project created in collaboration with writers Cecilia Corrigan and Mac Gregor Card.
[Cammisa Buerhaus Tumblr](http://cammisabuerhaus.tumblr.com/)

大凶風呂敷 photo by Barney Canson

Sachiko M
[Sachiko M ウェブサイト](http://teamsachikom.wix.com/sachiko-m)


[黒パイプ ウェブサイト](http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kuro_pipe)

Live: JUNKO (Hijyokaidan) Daikyoufuroshiki (Tamio Shiraishi + Cammisa Buerhaus) Sachiko M Kuropipe Artist Information: JUNKO (Hijyokaidan) ![/sdlx/junko.jpg](/sdlx/junko.jpg) [JUNKO『VOICE & DESTROY』Teichiku Entertainment (JP only)](http://www.teichiku.co.jp/artist/junko/discography/TECH-35363.html) ![/sdlx/140306-CDJ.jpg](/sdlx/140306-CDJ.jpg) [Hijyokaidan wikipedia EN](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hijokaidan) Daikyoufuroshiki (Tamio Shiraishi + Cammisa Buerhaus) ![/sdlx/140306-Daikyou.jpg](/sdlx/140306-Daikyou.jpg) Tamio Shiraishi Tamio Shiraishi is a Japanese sax player, now based in NYC. An original member of Keiji Haino’s ferocious Fushitsusha project, where he played drums and synth, Shiraishi’s drift towards the sax sits way outside most free or avant garde conceptions; instead of loud iron lung blasts of noise, Tamio bites down hard and coaxes tones that resemble the internal head-rush of breath on a cold morning, the far off gurgling of streams, or piercing bird calls, that seem to emanate from between your ears. Tamio has often played in unusual outdoor locations, in Berlin and Tokyo as well as in the USA. [Tamio Shiraishi website](http://www.shiraishitamio.info/) Cammisa Buerhaus Cammisa Buerhaus is a sound and transmission artist who lives in downtown Manhattan. Trained as a sculptor, she plays hand made sound objects as well as a Soviet synthesizer. Her solo project, Eliza and Parry, is photocopied fever dream music. She will be releasing two new Eliza and Parry cassettes in 2014 through Plant Migrations and her own label, Wild Flesh Productions. In addition to her musical output, she is artist in residence at Cage, a gallery in Lower Manhattan. She curates sound-events and researches the history of sound art from a feminist perspective. Additionally, she is a musician and actress in Full Disclosure, an ongoing project created in collaboration with writers Cecilia Corrigan and Mac Gregor Card. [Cammisa Buerhaus Tumblr](http://cammisabuerhaus.tumblr.com/) Daikyoufuroshiki photo by Barney Canson Sachiko M ![/sdlx/140306-SachikoM.jpg](/sdlx/140306-SachikoM.jpg) Sachiko M has been active as a sampler player since 1994. In 1998, in a drastic departure from those approaches, she originated the revolutionary method she uses to this day–manipulating the sampler’s internal test tones. With the 2000 release of Sine Wave Solo, her extreme solo recording consisting entirely of sine waves, Sachiko M suddenly became the focus of intense interest on the international scene. Sachiko M was awarded the Ars Electronica 2003 Golden Nica prize in the digital music category. In 2013 Sachiko M was awarded "55th The Japan Record awards” prize in The Best Composition category. [Sachiko M website](http://teamsachikom.wix.com/-sachiko-m-english) Kuro Pipe [Kuro Pipe website](http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kuro_pipe)

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