2014/04/13 日曜日日曜日
Screening: Live as a woman「女として生きる」上映会
Open: 18:00:00 | Start: 18:30 - 23:59
18:30 〜「女として生きる」上映
with English Subtitle(英訳付き)
20:40 〜 トーク(江畠香希 & 桃沙希あや)

Director Ms. Koki Ebata
Running time 100 Minutes
Film process
Video Digital Betacam
Originally shot on
Video/Mini DV
Technical details
Screen ratio 4:3
Resolution NTSC
Colour Colour
Preferred sound format Mono
Main Cast and Credits
Director, Photography, Editing: Ebata Koki
Co-producer: Urakami Takeo
Cast: Moca, Momosaki Aya, Sugar, Miya
Drawing: Moca
With the cooperation of: Joso New Half Propagada

1984年生まれ。『女として生きる』山形国際ドキュメンタリー映画際2011正式出品 『カレが捕まっちゃった』オーディトリウム渋谷にて2012年公開。現在、インターセックス/性分化疾患をテーマにしたドキュメンタリー映画を制作中。
1985年3月1日生まれ 神奈川県出身

18:30 〜 Screening with English Subtitle
20:40 〜 Talk (Koki Ebata & Aya Momosaki)
Original title 女として生きる (Live As A Woman)
English title Transgender Trouble
Country of origin Japan
Production year 2011
Month April
Original language Japanese
In Japan, transvestites, transgendered people, so-called “new half”s, and those with Gender Identity Disorder are treated as outcasts, used for entertainment, and are regularly shown in appalling stereotypes on television and in the media. When not filtered by the lens of the mass media, their reality in fact represents a vast and not easily definable range of experiences and existences. “Transgender Trouble”, filmed over the course of one year, is the first movie by a transgendered Japanese director to depict the reality of what it means to be transgendered in Japan. The director focuses her camera's gaze specifically on the performers in a 'New Half' (Shemale) cabaret show held in Tokyo where once each month over 300 people gather to drink, dance and cross-dress. People from various walks of life and a spectrum of gender identifications find liberty from the fetters of their everyday lives. The main characters of this movie are the organizer of the event, Moca, as well as Aya and Sugar, who take part in the so-called “Propaganda Girls”, the group featured as the star and main attraction of the caberet show. There are interviews with them as well as with different kinds of people who come to see the show. Other scenes show the day-to-day existence of the Girls, as well as their preparations for the event and the event itself.
Director Ms. Koki Ebata
Technical information - format
Running time 100 Minutes
Film process
Video Digital Betacam
Originally shot on
Video/Mini DV
Technical details
Screen ratio 4:3
Resolution NTSC
Colour Colour
Preferred sound format Mono
Main Cast and Credits
Director, Photography, Editing: Ebata Koki
Co-producer: Urakami Takeo
Cast: Moca, Momosaki Aya, Sugar, Miya
Drawing: Moca
With the cooperation of: Joso New Half Propagada
Koki Ebata

Biography of the director
Born in 1984. After graduating from college, she began shooting documentary in April 2009. Having completed the introductory documentary course at The Film School of Tokyo, she is currently studying in the Film and New Media graduate program at Tokyo University of the Arts.
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