Samuel Rouanet+Soon Kim+池澤龍作
DJ: Bob Rogue (Miniscule, Wiggle Room, Real Grooves)
Samuel Rouanet aka Reynold

[trentonrecords facebook](https://www.facebook.com/trentonrecords)
Soon Kim
1964年生まれ。15歳よりアルトサックスを始める。高校卒業後、ロック・ブルース・レゲエ・ジャズバンドで活動。23歳の時に渡米し、ニューヨークのハーレムに居住しオーネット・コールマンのもとでハー モロディック理論を学びハーレムのセッションを中心に活動。その後、数々のバンドを経て自己のバンドSOON KIM QUARTET を結成。現在、オーネット・コールマン、ジャマラディーン・タクーマ、カルビン・ウェストン, またヨーロッパのアーティスト達と親交を深めつつ、ニューヨーク、ベルリン、東京でハーモロディック理論をもとにした独自のアイデアを展開しつつ活動中。
池澤龍作 (drums.objects)

2005年にはBraiseSiwra,板倉克行との共演で初参加CD「BIG HEARTS」がNY.Cadence Recordsよりリリース
2012年3月に自身初となるソロアルバム「池澤龍作 / IKEZAWA RYUSAKU 」をリリース。
現在は、スガダイロー率いる「大群青」岩見継吾と栗田妙子と結成した新感覚PianoTrio「Oncenth Trio」泉邦宏ニュートリオ&なりゆき楽団、ケイタイモ(ex BEAT CRUSADERS)率いるプログレッシブ吹奏楽団「WUJA BIN BIN」鍵盤打楽器奏者、山田あずさとのDuo「MoMo」松本健一、福島久雄の双頭バンド「deriva」、最近では松岡大(山海塾)主催の「LAND FES」への参加やアキコグレース新ユニット「Akiko Grace Trio ARK」として活動開始。「CANOPUS DRUM」エンドーサー

ブラジル、サンパウロ出身。2009年から現在に至るまでシルク・ドゥ・ソレイユ専属ドラマー(OVO)として、カナダ、アメリカ、オーストラリアなど世界各国で公演中。15歳でエレクトロニック音楽に目覚め、DJとして活動を開始し、徐々にドラムの生演奏にコンピュタなどの電子音楽を融合するスタイルを確立したダニエルは、サイケデリックトランス、ドラムンベース をベースに、様々なグルーブや微妙なニュアンスを演奏に折り込むことで、他に類をみない独特のダンス・グルーブ感を生み出す。2010年にはニューヨークシティで音楽ビデオ「SAPO(蛙)」を制作、2011年にリリースした。
[ダニエル・ベイダー Homepage](http://danielbaeder.com/) / [marcreation.com](http://www.marcreation.com/)
Bob Rogue (Miniscule, Wiggle Room, Real Grooves)

エレクトロニック、エクスペリメンタルミュージックの作曲、プロデュース、DJとして東京を中心に活動をはじめる。その音楽性は幼少時代から培ったシンセ サイザー・ミュージックが大きく影響しており、 現在はテクノやアンビエントを取り入れた独自のスタイルを確立している。デンバーの音楽評論家、Cory Casciatoは彼の音楽をこう表現している。「クールなリズムの中で相反する電子音の粒子が複雑にぶつかり合い、形となり群をなして行進してくる。そ れでいてキュートさを持ち合わせた彼のサウンドの前では、誰も踊るのを止める事ができないだろう。」
Samuel Rouanet+Soon Kim+Ryusaku Ikezawa
Daniel Baeder
DJ: Bob Rogue
Artist Information:
Samuel Rouanet (aka Reynold)

Reynold is the stage name of Toulouse-born, Berlin-based musician Sam Rouanet. An active electronic music producer, DJ and multi-instrumentalist, Reynold has released tracks over the past 10+ years on many of the established electronic music labels including Morris-Audio, Dumb Unit, Treibstoff, Out of Orbit, Persona and his own label Trenton Records. Travelling the globe and playing in clubs all across Europe, Asia and the Americas, including Paris, London, Tokyo, Moscow, Mexico City, Shanghai and even Central Asia he has developed a deep sound inspired by deep house, techno, electronica and soulful electro.
Originally Sam started playing violin and classical guitar at a conservatory at the age of 6. A few years later he switched to the electric guitar and started jamming with his jazz musician father, Jacques, with whom he still releases records with their own band, Kigo. Reynold is also half of the Duplex 100 project alongside Phil Stumpf. Together they established the 8 year running Minimal Dancin’ parties at the celebrated Nouveau Casino club in Paris.
Ever the active musician and producer, Reynold is now working on the Eurotronics project, collaboration with the French Embassy spreading electronic music culture and production knowhow to countries and musicians across Eurasia. With two LPs already released on Trenton in collaboration with
musicians from Kazakhstan and Belarus, the project continues its mission to move electronic music forward and farther afield. Sam is also collaborating on a number of live band projects with like-minded artists including Stewart Walker (with Ros Solaris) and Giovanni Verga (with S.U.M. aka Spleen Underground Music) with whom he shares an analogue studio. Both projects are working on LPs for release in 2014.
[trentonrecords facebook](https://www.facebook.com/trentonrecords)
Soon Kim
Born in Japan in 1964. Started playing saxophone at the age of 15. After graduating from high school, joined various bands playing rock, blues, reggae, and jazz. Moved to New York in 1987, lived in Harlem (New York) and associated with musicians in Harlem including Ornette Coleman,Chris Walker, Calvin Weston and Jamaaladeen Tacuma. While living in New York, took lessons from Ornette Coleman and Learned Harmolodic theory. Moved to New Zealand in 1997 and released CD “Non Transposed Music”(in 1989). Moved to Germany in 2007 and released CD “SOON KIM TRIO & QUARTET”. In 2009 released CD “NON-TRANSPOSED SENSE”. Currently formed “SOON KIM TRIO and QUARTET” and SOON KIM & TETSUYA HORI” are performing music that is a unique combination of Ornette's teaching and own ideas based on it.
"Always I and he had have many conversation each other and also connected very close to create our music world of music, because we both shared our music and certain band people free join makes exchange quality of things had to do that in. As far as I am concern, he is very advanced most in playing and creating his music playing as very complete person, who trying to achieve and I would support him in anytime." - Ornette Coleman (Pioneer of Free Jazz)
"Soon Kim's inner voice belongs to convincingly with the tembre of the alto saxophone. Ornette should feel a sense of pride when listening to his protege." - Walter Norris (Legend of Jazz Pianist)
Ryusaku Ikezawa (drums.objects)

Daniel Baeder

Daniel Baeder in 1993, then 15, asked to borrow his cousin, who was a DJ, his house music albums to play in his birthday party.
This way was born his interest in electronic music.
He began working as a DJ at friends parties, until, at the request of a colleague, he joined his drum kit with the pickups. From there, Daniel began informally to play a very particular kind of music, where miked acoustic drums, through a computer, created various sonic possibilities. His returning to play at parties and events in this format got the public's attention. From this process came the inspiration to compose electronic music backed by his live performance on drums.
Due to the success and the great number of people who started to accompany his work, Daniel decided to make a set with psy-trance, drum'n'bass and trance with different grooves, creating amazing nuances to the performance.
In the year 2010 Baeder records in New York City the "Sapo" (Frog) tune's video clip which became his most acclaimed electronic composition so far... to be released in 2011 in New York as well.
Because of his ability to compose and play several instruments, Daniel has played with renowned musicians, artists and composers from Brazil and was the chosen drummer to be part of creating and performing on the show "OVO" (EGG) to the Cirque du Soleil in 2009 , 2010 and 2011 in Canada and the USA.
Baeder's sound is definitely aimed to the hottest club's dance floors and for people who want to be surprised dancing with a heavy groove, mixed with different harmonies and unusual solos.
[Daniel Baeder Homepage](http://danielbaeder.com/)
Bob Rogue (Miniscule, Wiggle Room, Real Grooves)

is a Tokyo based electronic and experimental composer, producer and DJ whose synthesizer influences go back as far as his childhood. Currently focusing on Techno and Ambient music, his music has been described by Denver writer, Cory Casciato, as: “clanking, shifty rhythms and cool, prickly textures awash in contradiction. Despite sounding like a transmission beamed to Earth from a distant star and tuned in by SETI's massive telescopes, his music is typically both pretty and impossible to resist dancing to.”