To English
グザヴィエ・シャルル (クラリネット)
ギレーヌ・コスロ (ヴォイス)
フレデリック・ブロンディ (ピアノ)
喜多直毅 (ヴァイオリン)
齋藤徹 (コントラバス)
グザヴィエ・シャルル (クラリネット)

ノイズ、エレクトロ・アコースティック、サウンドポエトリーなど広いレンジを持つ。フランス内外の数々の現代音楽祭で演奏。近年はインプロ、ノイジーロック、エレクトロ・アコースティック音楽の最先端でクラリネットの他、スピーカーのインスタレーションなどの活動を展開中。Densitesフェスティバルのオーガナイザーでもある。主な共演者:Jacques Di Donato, Frederic Le Junter Martin, Tetrault, The Ex, Peirre Berthet, Etage 34, Axel Dörner, Jérôme Jeanmart, John Butcher, Jean Pallandre, Marc Pichelin,otomo Yoshihide, Tim Hodgkinson, Camel Zékri,Emmanuelle Pellegrini, Michel Donéda and Frédéric Blondy. Different collectifs (Kristoff K.roll, No Spaguettitti Edition, chris burn ensemble).
ギレーヌ・コスロン (ヴォイス)

主な共演者:Frederic Blondy, Xavier Charles,Michel Doneda, Fabrice Charles,Phil Minton,John Russel,Soizic Lebrat,Sophie Angel,Pascal Battus,
Denis Lavant, Jean-Francois Pauvros,Joelle Leandre, Regis Huby.
フレデリック・ブロンディ (ピアノ)

1973年ボルドー生まれ。ボルドー大学で数学と物理学を修めた後、音楽活動へ入る。ボルドー国立音楽大でピアノ・和声・アナリーゼ・作曲を学び、ジャズピアニストとしても活躍。パリの国際ピアノセンターでMarie-Christine Calvetと共にピアノへの身体的アプローチを進める。演奏家として、ヨーロッパ、北米、中東、アジアのフェスティバルに参加、主な共演者:Paul Lovens, Rhodri Davies, Lê Quan Ninh, Michel Doneda, Joëlle Léandre,Urs Leimgruber, Thomas Lehn, Daunik Lazro, Radu Malfatti, John Tilbury, Otomo Yoshihide, Mats Gustafsson, and developed a thorough work with ensembles like Hubbub, Ethos.
喜多直毅 (ヴァイオリン)

タンゴ演奏家としての活動の後、鬼怒無月(gt)率いるタンゴを土台としたフュージョンバンド・SalleGaveauにも加わり、国内やヨーロッパ諸国で演奏を行う。近年は翠川敬基 ,千野秀一 ,齋藤徹 ,黒田京子 ,Barre Phillips ,Tristan Honsinger ,舞踏家のJean Sasportes等との共演の他、今回来日するFrédéric Blondy(pf)とのアルバムを発表している。即興演奏の他に、アルゼンチンタンゴをベースとしたオリジナル楽曲を演奏する“喜多直毅Quartette”の活動も並行して行っている。
[喜多直毅 Homepage](
齋藤徹 (コントラバス)

[齋藤徹 Homepage](
Xavier Charles (clarinet)
Guylaine Cosseron (voice)
Frédéric Blondy (piano)
Naoki Kita (violin)
Tetsu Saitoh (Contrabass)
Artist Information:
Xavier CHARLES (clarinet)

The work of clarinetist Xavier Charles ranges from noise to electro-acoustic via sound poetry. He has played in numerous new music fesivals in France and abroad. Charles collaborates with both Jacques Di Donato and Frederic Le Junter. In his work with groups and collectives, he has also collaborated with Martin Tetrault, The Ex, Peirre Berthet, Etage 34, Axel Dörner, Jérôme Jeanmart, John Butcher, Jean Pallandre, Marc Pichelin, otomo Yoshihide, Tim Hodgkinson, Camel Zékri, Emmanuelle Pellegrini, Michel Donéda and Frédéric Blondy. Different collectifs (Kristoff K.roll, No Spaguettitti Edition, chris burn ensemble). Currently his musical research ranges from performance on the clarinet to the installation of vibrating speakers, at the edge of improvised music, noisy rock and electro-acoustic sound. He's deeply involved in the music world as an organizer of the fesival "Densités".
Guylaine COSSERON (voice)

Eclectic singer and specialist mix of arts, While from his gold medal at the Conservatory Jazz Caen , she spent her mastery of cinema, Guylaine begins to play in training of funk and jazz in the standard group " Babouches black " jazz Arabo-Andalusian during 5 years. Actress, singer and songwriter in the public spectacle young "My Forest " Coy Gibberish at Le Mans ( national tour ) . Music composition of theatrical Jean -Pierre Dupuis " The Story of Blandine " Experimental Theatre Jean -Pierre Briere " Cubic nights " in Evreux . and the music for dance, theater and circus "Snow" Marie- Laure SPERI .
2003 : She decides to start his own group " The Bohemian Waxwing :contemporary jazz ( several national festivals until 2008) Since 2004 until 2010 member of the vocal jazz sextet "The Big Mouths " installed in Montpellier ( European tours ) and recording at Sony / BMG.
Ash Delors reader with texts by the poet Hisashi Okuyama " Spring of Poets " at the Museum of Fine Arts in Caen room Impressionists at Musée d'Orsay in Paris .
Regular performances with actors , artists, musicians and dancers. Entertainment Théâtro - musical " voices of dissent " Yiddish music, rock and jazz with a jazz quartet and two actors Coy Butterfly Black theater. Sound poetry duo Cecile Duval Coy Golden theater in Paris ( national tour ) Since 2010 Creation of " Bohemia Express " sextet of Balkan music and jazz. Composition of the end credits of the documentary by Nicolas Philibert "The house radio " 2013. Singer in « Fanfare de la Touffe » with Michel Doneda (saxophonist) and Fabrice Charles (trombonist)
Duo of improvised music with Phil Minton ( vocalist )
Trio of improvised music with Phil Minton and John Russell (guitar)
Duo of improvised music with Soizic Lebrat (cello) to Nantes.
Trio of improvised music with Sophie Agnel (piano) and Pascal Battus ( electronic )
Trio improvised music RHRR Frédéric Blondy (piano) and Xavier Charles (clarinet) in Paris . ( Tour Canada and USA)
Trio of improvised music with Michel XYZZ Doneda and Toma Gouband (the cold hard stones)
Trio of sound poetry with Denis Lavant ( narrator ) and Jean -François Pauvros (guitar) on texts by Henri Michaux .
Trio Jazz and improvisation with Joelle Leandre ( bass) and Régis Huby (violin)
2014 Composer, singer, actress and dancer in the dance performance of the company Quenon Sophie " Strange Bird " on Eric Satie.
Frédéric BLONDY (piano)

Born in Bordeaux in 1973. On completing his studies in Mathematics and Physics at Bordeaux University, Frédéric Blondy dedicated himself full time to music, firstly as a jazz pianist and subsequently as a student at the Bordeaux National Conservatory where he studed piano, harmony, analysis and composition. Since moving to Paris he has worked with Marie-Christine Calvet at the “International Piano Center”, refining a body-based approach to the instrument.
As musician, Frédéric Blondy has performed in many festivals and venues in Europe, North America, Middle East and Asia, working with, amongst others Paul Lovens, Rhodri Davies, Lê Quan Ninh, Michel Doneda, Joëlle Léandre, Urs Leimgruber, Thomas Lehn, Daunik Lazro, Radu Malfatti, John Tilbury, Otomo Yoshihide, Mats Gustafsson,.... and developed a thorough work with ensembles like Hubbub, Ethos. As composer, he wrote music for films, videos, and danse and works with several ensembles. In 2011 he created the Orchestre National de Création, Expérimentation et Improvisation Musicale (ONCEIM - ensemble of 30 musicians) to develop links between improvisers skills and written music. He is actually artistic director and composer for this ensemble. He runs for several years a regular workshops on improvisation and contemporary sound practices, first at the Instants Chavirés then as part of the Rendez-Vous Contemporains of Saint Merry. He is a regular speaker at the Cité de la Musique in Paris for workshops on contemporary sound practices and new creation tools. More occasionally he is requested in many festivals in Europe, North America and Japan to lead courses and presenting lectures aboutimprovisation and contemporary sound practices. He has made almost twenty recordings published on different European labels. He is a regular guest on national radio for concerts or to participate in broadcasts. His concerts are regularly recorded and broadcast by national radios : France Musique, SWR, BBC,... He is also involved in the promotion of improvised and contemporary music as well as visual arts through Rendez-Vous Contemporains of Saint Merry and the festival Crak in Paris inviting international artists for concerts, performances, screenings, meetings...
Naoki Kita (violin)

[Naoki Kita Homepage](
TETSU SAITOH (Double bass player, composer)

Born in Tokyo, JAPAN October 27, 1955. He has been involving himself with dance, Butoh, theatre, fine arts, visual arts, poetry, calligraphy, Japanese traditional music, court music,Noh theatre, classical and contemporary music, tango especially Astor Piazzolla’s music, jazz, improvised music, Korean and Asian shamanism. His activity is not only performing with musicians and artists, but also producing some projects, e.g. “EURACIAN ECHOES” which aims for joining Europe and Asia, in Korea, Singapore and Japan, “OMBAK HITAM” for the opening act for Fukuoka Asian Museum. In 1994 he was invited to the Avignon International Contrabass Festival as a guest soloist. Since 1994 he has often visited Europe and played with Barre Phillips, Michel Doneda, Le Quan Ninh, and others. In 1995 he collaborated a music and dance performance at the exhibition of works by Magdalena Avakanowicz in Warsaw, Poland. In 2000 and 2001 Kanagawa philharmonic orchestra invited him as a producer, a composer and a soloist for the concert of two double concertos. He also works as a jury for dance competition, a lecturer at SOPHIA University, and joined some workshops for handicapped people. In 2003 he joined the International Society of Bassists convention at Richmond as a presenter, in 2004,2006, joined the Hawaii International Double Bass Festival. In 2006 was invited to CrossSound music festival in Alaska as a featured artist. In 2007 was invited to Mosaic festival in Singapore. Started an independent label TRAVESSIA.
[TETSU SAITOH Homepage](