Oniric evening

2014/09/22 月曜日

Oniric eveningOniric evening

Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59





9月22日、DDAは六本木のスーパーデラックスにて「Oniric Evening」を開催します。西山修平による、現実世界における、私たちの日常的な知覚を変容させる映像のパフォーマンスを行い、ダンサーの七感弥広彰(こうしょう ななみ)と実験的な音楽家であるDavid MERLOは、身体と空間をを振り動かす現象を強調するパフォーマンスに、共に参加します。


音:David Merlo


1982年から,音楽と演劇に携わる。その後身体への関心の移行により1999年から踊りを始める。彼は,身体に潜在する、本能とも言うべき動きのポテンシャルを増幅して,表層はさり気なく深部に於いて過激な踊りを展開している。彼の,空間へのよどみの無い対峙と,動きの密度を瞬時に操るその能力は評価が高い。 近年は南仏の劇団ZUMAIとのコラボレーション作品「断食芸人」や 鈴木ユキオとの共同振付作品「N/S」など、カンパニー以外での活動にも積極的に参加している。
[七感弥広彰 オフィシャル Website](http://www.dansesauvage.com/)

[西山修平 オフィシャル Website](http://www.shuhei2480.net/)

David Merlo
作曲家でベーシストのダヴィッド・メルロは、2002年よりPro Musicaで学ぶ(musiques actuelles)。2007年より作曲を学んだマルセイユ音楽院で2011年に受賞。2008年からはPro Musicaやensemble Télémaque、Gmemにおいて教育にたずさわる(作曲、ソルフェージュ、エレキベース、音作ワークショップ、入門講座)。2006年にマルセイユでインスタレーションを発表して以来、出会いにみちびかれるように、多岐にわたるプロジェクトをおこなってきた。メタルにノイズ、ジャズに即興、室内楽やアンサンブルにいたるまで、多分野が交差するその活動は、身振りと映像をおりこみ、多様性に満ちている。
[David Merlo Official Website](http://davidmerlo.wordpress.com/)

Thanks to : Isabelle Junim, IF Tokyo, Margot Olliveaux

DDA is a nomadic structure for the visual, sound and digital arts. Based in Marseilles (France), it produces multidisciplinary, contemporary art events and performances in France and abroad. On September 22, DDA is organizing an “Oniric evening” at SuperDeluxe in Tokyo, where Shuhei NISHIYAMA will give a visual performance that modifies our normal perception of the structure of the real world. Dancer Nanami KOHSHOU and experimental musician David MERLO will participate in a joint performance that highlights the phenomena of vibrating bodies and space. This meeting of three artists is an invitation to question our environment, and be amazed by it, to see and smell, and allow ourselves to be enraptured and dazzled by the singular. For once we will be freed of all our illusions when "'the double' replaces reality.” Dance: Nanami Kohshou Video: Shuhei Nishiyama Sound: David Merlo Artist Information: Nanami Kohshou ![/sdlx/140922-nanami.jpg](/sdlx/140922-nanami.jpg) Nanami began performing as a musician in 1982, moved to theatre, and in 1999, Buto dance. He has developed a personal style of dance based on exploration of the animal strength contained in our bodies since time immemorial. He is known for the precision of his confrontation with space, and for his capacity to solve "in an instant" the challenge of the restrictions of corporal movement, in lightning discharges of energy. [Nanami Kohshou Official Website](http://www.dansesauvage.com/) Shuhei Nishiyama ![/sdlx/140922-shuhei.jpg](/sdlx/140922-shuhei.jpg) Born in 1976 in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, Shuhei majored in art criticism at Ritsumeikan University. Influenced by avant-garde cinema and videoart, he started making video works in 1998. His works are not simple presentation pieces; they are also tools and text, and tools for thought. He makes single channel videos, installation pieces, and performance work. He was based in Australia from 2007 to 2008, and concluded the stay with a solo exhibition in Sydney. He returned to Tokyo in 2009, where he now lives and continues to create video works which have been shown at film festivals in France, Germany, America, Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Korea. [Shuhei Nishiyama Official Website](http://www.shuhei2480.net/) David Merlo ![/sdlx/140922-david.jpg](/sdlx/140922-david.jpg) Through his composition and improvisation practice, David Merlo explores the possibilities of time, from the temporality of sound creation to that of accoustic perception. Based on the distances which oppose or connect solo work to collective work, he scrutinizes phenomena of body vibration. From one environment of expression to another, from one sound space to another, the question of soundscape itself is raised - an encounter in space and non-space where the performance is taking place. [David Merlo Official Website](http://davidmerlo.wordpress.com/) Thanks to Junim Isabelle, Margot Olliveaux, Michael Goldberg, IF Tokyo

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