
2014/11/23 日曜日

New Sound Sanctuary (Live Performance)東京都初耳区(ライブ・パフォーマンス)

Open: 18:00:00 | Start: 18:30 - 23:59




まだ巡りあったことのない新しい音楽に出会いたい! そんな想いで開催した昨年9月29日の「東京都初耳区」は、新しい才能と豊かなキャリアを持つミュージシャンが共演を果たし、共に与え合う刺激が表現の新しいうねりとなり、記憶に刻まれる一夜となりました。1年の時を経て、東京都初耳区へのエントランスゲートが今年も開きます!

チケットは8月30日(土)発売開始!e+ & SuperDeluxe予約

Miho Maruyama

Merzbow X 中村達也



オーネット・コールマンのもとで学び、20世紀音楽史最大の謎とも言われるコールマンの「ハーモロディクス」理論と実践を会得した数少ないミュージシャンの一人、SOON KIMが今年結成したばかりのサックス、大鼓(おおつづみ)、ベースからなるバンド。高柳昌行、エルヴィン・ジョーンズ、富樫雅彦をはじめ数々の共演歴を持つ筋金入りのジャズベーシスト井野信義、「モダンベースの王者」藤原清登、無形文化財の大鼓能楽師・大倉正之助主催の鼓道研究会との融合で、和も洋も和洋折衷も超えた全く新しいハーモロディック・グルーヴを作り出す。


本名小関千恵。1981年生まれ、156cm。岐阜県在住。18歳頃にプラム/Plum名義で地元岐阜のクラブなどで歌いはじめる。ソロ活動での傍ら、ヒップホップグループでの活動や、ピアノ+うたのユニットでの活動、オールディーズバンドの入るスナック店へ勤務しヴォーカルを務めるなどの経験を経て、近年ではピアノでの弾き語りが主なスタイル。マヘル・シャラル・ハシュ・バズにも参加中。近年のリリースにpd『Fountain days』(2011)、plum『No.』(2012)、小関千恵『呼吸』(2013)など。


Miho Maruyama
[Miho Maruyama Soundcloud](https://soundcloud.com/lisverb)

秋田昌美によるヴィーガン・ストレイト・エッジ・ノイズ・プロジェクト。80年代初頭のノイズ・インダストリアル・シーンに参加し海外のレーベルを中心にリリースを始める。90年代にはグラインドコアの影響を受けデスメタルのレーベルRelapseからアルバムをリリース。2000年代にはMegoの「punkなcomputer music」に共鳴、ラップトップによるライブ手法を採用した。2003年頃から「動物の権利」(アニマルライツ)の観点からヴィーガン(完全菜食主義)を実践している。「捕鯨反対」「イルカ漁反対」「毛皮反対」等をテーマに作品を制作している。近年はアナログ機材を主体にした音作りを行っている。
photo © Jenny Akita
[Merzbow Homepage](http://merzbow.net/)

1965年、富山県出身。原爆オナニーズ、ザ・スターリンなど数々のバンドのドラマーを務めた後、90年に浅井健一、照井利幸と共にBLANKEY JET CITYを結成。解散後は自身のプロジェクトLOSALIOSで5枚のアルバムを発表。また洋邦を問わずジャズ、アヴァンギャルドなど各界のアーティストたちとのセッションも精力的に行っている。現在の活動はLOSALIOSを筆頭にFRICTION、TWINTAIL、SPEEDER-Xなど多岐にわたる。俳優としても活躍しており、『BULLET BALLET』『涙そうそう』『蘇りの血』、NHK大河ドラマ『龍馬伝』などに出演。
[中村達也 losalios.com](http://www.losalios.com/)

主催:東京都、東京文化発信プロジェクト室(公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団)、PARC – 国際舞台芸術交流センター

宣伝美術: [永戸鉄也](http://www.nagato.org/)

Eager to discover new music that we had never experienced, we opened “New Sound Sanctuary” on September 29 last year. New talents and experienced artists shared a stage and stimulated each other’s expression that unforgettable night. This year, the entrance gate to the Sanctuary opens again! Live: Masafumi Yamamoto Plum Yosuke Nomura Miho Maruyama Guest Artist: Merzbow X Tatsuya Nakamura MURASAKI Ticket on Sale Aug 30 (Sat) e+, SuperDeluxe Reservation All nonreserved seats. Entrance in the order of the number on the ticket (except sound installation). New Sound Sanctuary (Sound Installation) from Dec. 2 to 4 is admission free with a ticket stub of New Sound Sanctuary (Live Performance). Numbers are not issued for online reservations at SuperDeluxe (payment at door). Entrance shall be after eplus ticket holders and on a first-come basis. Produced by SuperDeluxe Artist Information: MURASAKI ![/sdlx/141123-MURASAKI.jpg](/sdlx/141123-MURASAKI.jpg) SOON KIM, one of the few musicians who studied under Ornette Coleman and conprehended the theory and practice of Coleman’s Harmolodics, which is said to be the biggest mystery of music history in the 20th century, has just formed this band that comprises saxophone, noh instrument otsuzumi and double bass. His collaboration with Nobuyoshi Ino, a state-of-the-art jazz basist who has played with a number of musicians including Masayuki Takayanagi, Elvin Jones and Masahiko Togashi, “the king of modern bass” Kiyoto Fujiwara and a group of otsuzumi players led by Shonosuke Okura, one of Japan’s intangible cultural treasures, creates absolutely new harmolodic groove that defies Japanese traditional music, Western modern music and even Japanese–Western / traditional–modern fusion. Masafumi Yamamoto ![/sdlx/141123-yamamoto-photo.jpg](/sdlx/141123-yamamoto-photo.jpg) Based in Osaka, he calls himself a “laboring artist.” Plum ![/sdlx/141123-plum.jpg](/sdlx/141123-plum.jpg) Born Chie Ozeki in 1981. 156cm. Began singing at clubs in Gifu, where she is based, as Plum when she was around 18 years old. Along with solo activities she has played with a hip-hop group, formed a piano + vocal unit and sung at a snack bar where oldies bands would play, and recently focuses on solo songs with the piano. Currently also a member of Maher Shalal Hash Baz. Among her recent releases are Fountain days by pd (2011), No. by plum (2012) and Kokyu (Breath) by Chie Ozeki (2013). Yosuke Nomura ![/sdlx/141123-nomura.jpg](/sdlx/141123-nomura.jpg) Has played with diverse musicians including Kazuhisa Uchihashi, Tatsuhiko Asano, Tadashi Kumihara and Toshiji Mikawa and organized various events. Won the Jun Sakurai Award in Chiyoda Arts Festival 2013. Sent the tracks that he had recorded and accumulated alone to New Sound Sanctuary and was selected. Miho Maruyama ![/sdlx/141123-miho-Maruyama.jpg](/sdlx/141123-miho-Maruyama.jpg) Born in Tokyo in 1991. Started her activities while studying media arts and programming as a student. Creates sounds interweaving loose beats with noise. [Miho Maruyama Soundcloud](https://soundcloud.com/lisverb) Merzbow ![/sdlx/131010-merz-L.jpg](/sdlx/131010-merz-L.jpg) A vegan straightedge noise project by Masami Akita. Getting involved in the noise/industrial scene in the early 80s, he started to release recordings mainly from overseas labels. In the 90s, influenced by the grindcore movement, he released albums from the death metal label Relapse. In the 2000s, in support of Mego’s “punk computer music,” he employed a laptop for live performances. Since around 2003, he has been practicing vegan diet advocating animal rights and creating works against whale fishery, dolphin fishry and furs. Recently he focuses on sound creation with analog equipments. photo © Jenny Akita [Merzbow Homepage](http://merzbow.net/) Tatsuya Nakamura ![/sdlx/141123-nakamura.jpg](/sdlx/141123-nakamura.jpg) Born in Toyama in 1965. Played the drums in a number of bands including The Genbaku Onanies and The Stalin, and formed BLANKEY JET CITY in 1990 with Kenichi Asai and Toshiyuki Terui. After the band broke up, he released five albums of his own project LOSALIOS and involved himself in a lot of sessions with Japanese and international artists from jazz, avant-garde and other diverse backgrounds. His current activities, in addition to LOSALIOS, include a range of projects such as FRICTION, TWINTAIL and SPEEDER-X. He has also been active as an actor and appeared in such films and TV drama as BULLET BALLET, Nada So So, The Blood of Rebirth and Ryoma-den. [Tatsuya Nakamura - losalios.com/](http://www.losalios.com/) Sound Live Tokyo Organizers: Tokyo Metropolitan Government; Tokyo Culture Creation Project Office (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture); PARC – Japan Center, Pacific Basin Arts Communication [www.soundlivetokyo.com](http://www.soundlivetokyo.com) Art Work by [Tetsuya Nagato](http://www.nagato.org/)

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