Merzbow x Balázs Pándi x 灰野敬二

2015/04/12 日曜日

Merzbow x Balázs Pándi x Keiji HainoMerzbow x Balázs Pándi x 灰野敬二

Open: 18:30:00 | Start: 19:00 - 23:59




ハンガリーからの怪物ドラマーBALAZS PANDIが、親友でもあり日本のアンダーグランドシーンを代表するMERZBOW、灰野敬二と生み出す濃厚な一夜が実現!これまでBALAZSは両者ともに多くの競演や制作の機会を経て来ましたが、この三者が一堂に会すのは本当に貴重な機会となります。ただのセッションでは終わらないであろうこの夜は必ずや見応え溢れる最高の演奏を披露してくれることでしょう!そしてスペシャルゲストは日米のノイズアーティストによる対決となるKK NULL/BASTARD NOISE。脅威的な二組が登場する奇跡の一夜をどうぞお見逃し無く!


Merzbow x Balázs Pándi x 灰野敬二



秋田昌美によるヴィーガン・ストレイト・エッジ・ノイズ・プロジェクト。80年代初頭のノイズ・インダストリアル・シーンに参加し海外のレーベルを中心にリリースを始める。90年代にはグラインドコアの影響を受けデスメタルのレーベルRelapseからアルバムをリリース。2000年代にはMegoの「punkなcomputer music」に共鳴、ラップトップによるライブ手法を採用した。2003年頃から「動物の権利」(アニマルライツ)の観点からヴィーガン(完全菜食主義)を実践している。「捕鯨反対」「イルカ漁反対」「毛皮反対」等をテーマに作品を制作している。近年はアナログ機材を主体にした音作りを行っている。
photo © Louis Caldarola
[Merzbow Homepage](

Balázs Pándi
Balázs Pándi (born 6 August 1983) is a Hungarian drummer. He worked and toured with various acts from all around the world including Venetian Snares, Otto Von Schirach (under the alias 666 Cent), Last Step, To Live and Shave in L.A., The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble and Zu. He also played drums for Blood Of Heroes project. Since 2009 he is the live drummer of Merzbow, they also made three live records together. They were headlining the experimental stage at Scion AV Rock Festival in Tampa, FL in 2012. Balázs started electronica-metal-breakcore project with Bong-Ra called Wormskull in 2010 (their first album “Sound of Hell” was released in 2011). Most recently he joined the Italian experimental instrumental band Zu. His current projects include Italian doom band Obake, Metallic Taste of Blood (featuring Colin Edwin of Porcupine Tree, Eraldo Bernocchi of Obake and Jamie Saft. From 2012 he started to play solo shows on selected festivals under his own name. Rare Noise Records released Cuts a trio record with Merzbow and Mats Gustafsson in February 2013.


プログレッシヴ・ハードコア・ロックバンド ZENI GEVAのヴォーカリスト、 ギタリストにして作曲家、エレクトロニクス奏者。舞踏家田中泯が主宰する舞踏ワークショップ「舞塾」修了後、ギター・インプロヴァイザ ーとして活動を始め、ソロ活動と並行して実験音楽家メルツバウ(秋田昌美)とのコラボレーショ ン、ロックバンド YBO2のギタリストや即興ロックトリオ ANPのリーダーとして活動。自主レーベル NUX オーガニゼーションを設立し、自作のみならずメルトバナナやスペースストリーキングス等国内外のバンドのプロデュース、さらには日本の先鋭的なバンドを初めて海外へ紹介したオムニバスレコード 『DEAD TECH』 シリーズをプロデュースし、アメリカとドイツのレーベルより共同リリース。スティーヴ・ アルビニをプロデューサーに迎え制作したZENI GEVAのアルバムは5枚を数え、欧米を中心に数々の海外コンサート・ツ アーを行ない、イギリスBBCの「ジョン・ピール・セッション」に2回出演。2000年頃よりギター中心の音創りからより純粋なエレクトロニック・サウンドへと移行し、いわゆるノイ ズという一言では括りきれない多角的かつ重層的アプローチで深遠な電子音響世界を創造し、そのユニークなサウンドは、「ミクロ宇宙からマクロ宇宙までを網羅し、銀河の果てからはらわたの中までをリンクする」等と形容され、「コスミック・ノイズ・ミニマリズム」等とも表現されている。昨年は、KK NULL としてINA-GRM (フランス国立音楽研究所)から嘱託されたサラウンド作品の制作発表、フランスのダンスシアター作品”EDGING”の作曲、イタリアの現代美術家Cesare Berlingeriとのコラボレーション、パリのルーブル美術館前に おける野外コンサート出演、ZENI GEVA として初の東南アジア・ツアー、東欧最大級のオルタナティブ・ フェスティバル(ポーランドの OFF FESTIVAL)に出演、またカルト的サイレント映画の金字塔である衣笠貞之助監督の『狂った一頁』(1926年公開)の新たなサントラを制作するなど活動は多岐に渡る。
[KK NULL Homepage](

Bastard Noise was born in the summer of 1991 with founding members BARNES and WOOD creating pulverizing short pieces of sound with ROARAFC “CAVEMAN ELECTRONICS” that were used for their debut vinyl release : a split 7″ e.p. with Finland’s UNSEEN NOISE DEATH. From that day forward, the entity of Bastard Noise has thrived through good, joyous, bad and miserable times releasing over 80 recordings both separately and in “split” format releases. 7″, 10″ 12″ and compact disc and (even a 3.5 Macintosh floppy disc !). The personnel of BN has changed frequently also with WOOD (eric wood) working such long term/stable members as HENRY BARNES and W.T. NELSON and with shorter term members such as TRAVIS FARGHER and ANTHONY SAUNDERS (FARHER being the current second half of BN on the “west coast” of the United States and SAUNDERS being the current member on the “east coast” of the United States). BASTARD NOISE has worked with likes of M.S.B.R./GUILTY CONNECTOR/GOVERNMENT ALPHA/HIROSHI HASEGAWA/PERSONASNONGRATAS/NATION OF HATE/MERZBOW/NYARLATHOTEP/CLEW OF THESEUS/AMPS FOR CHRIST(BARNES’ current unit of “folkcore” and experimental noise)/BRUTAL TRUTH/WITCHES OF MALIBU/THE LOCUST/SPASTIC COLON/TN666/KELLY CHURKO (R.I.P.)THE ENDLESS BLOCKADE/LACK OF INTEREST and many other artists in the collaborative and “split” recording format, modeling itself in output ONLY) after other extremely prolific acts such as AGATHOCLES and ANAL CUNT (R.I.P.). BN has also toured the U.S. (2007 and 2010), Europe (2011) and Japan (2000, 2004, 2009 and 2012) with performances ranging from extreme prototype electronics and voice to bass, drums and vocal fusion). This upcoming tour of JAPAN titled “OUR EARTH’S BLOOD” with WOOD traveling alone to the far east and reverting back to the primitive, early approach of bestial, science fiction based electronics and extreme voice (going back to the original “OUR EARTH’S BLOOD” debut 7″ e.p. that Vermiform Records released back in 1991) (BN’s second vinyl offering). The catch this time around though is a special one : ALL performances will be collaboration pieces with such artists as : GOVERNMENT ALPHA/MAKIKO SUDA (FLATIGIOUS IDIOSYNCRACY IN THE DILAPIDATION), SHAYNE BOWDEN/FACIALMESS/HIROSHI HASEGAWA/GUILTY C./TOSHIJI MIKAWA/MN/PULSEMAN and K.K. NULL. The brutality continues…

*NO SMOKING Live: Merzbow x Balázs Pándi x Keiji Haino KK NULL / BASTARD NOISE Reservations available from SuperDeluxe 12 February (Thu) 16:00 Artist Information: Merzbow ![/sdlx/150412-merzhell_(c)photobyLouisCaldarola.jpg](/sdlx/150412-merzhell_(c)photobyLouisCaldarola.jpg) A vegan straightedge noise project by Masami Akita. Getting involved in the noise/industrial scene in the early 80s, he started to release recordings mainly from overseas labels. In the 90s, influenced by the grindcore movement, he released albums from the death metal label Relapse. In the 2000s, in support of Mego’s “punk computer music,” he employed a laptop for live performances. Since around 2003, he has been practicing vegan diet advocating animal rights and creating works against whale fishery, dolphin fishry and furs. Recently he focuses on sound creation with analog equipments. photo © Louis Caldarola [Merzbow Homepage]( Balázs Pándi ![/sdlx/150412-Balazs.jpg](/sdlx/150412-Balazs.jpg) Balázs Pándi (born 6 August 1983) is a Hungarian drummer. He worked and toured with various acts from all around the world including Venetian Snares, Otto Von Schirach (under the alias 666 Cent), Last Step, To Live and Shave in L.A., The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble and Zu. He also played drums for Blood Of Heroes project. Since 2009 he is the live drummer of Merzbow, they also made three live records together. They were headlining the experimental stage at Scion AV Rock Festival in Tampa, FL in 2012. Balázs started electronica-metal-breakcore project with Bong-Ra called Wormskull in 2010 (their first album "Sound of Hell" was released in 2011). Most recently he joined the Italian experimental instrumental band Zu. His current projects include Italian doom band Obake, Metallic Taste of Blood (featuring Colin Edwin of Porcupine Tree, Eraldo Bernocchi of Obake and Jamie Saft. From 2012 he started to play solo shows on selected festivals under his own name. Rare Noise Records released Cuts a trio record with Merzbow and Mats Gustafsson in February 2013. Keiji Haino ![/sdlx/141017-Haino.jpg](/sdlx/141017-Haino.jpg) KK NULL ![/sdlx/150412-Kazuyuki-Kishino_pic.jpg](/sdlx/150412-Kazuyuki-Kishino_pic.jpg) Composer, guitarist, singer, mastermind of progressive hardcore band ZENI GEVA. One of the top names in Japanese noise music since the early 80's. Worked with various artists such as Steve Albini, Fred Frith, Chris Watson, Z'ev, Keiji Haino, Matmos, to name a few, and has performed at international festivals such as "Presences Électronique" (Paris), "Sonar" (Barcelona), "All Tomorrow's Parties UK", "Supersonic" (Birmingham), and many more. Exploring the outer territories of electronica, creating intense clashing wave of noise, structured electro- acoustic ambience, broken down rhythmics, which could be described "cosmic noise maximal/minimalism". [KK NULL Homepage]( BASTARD NOISE ![/sdlx/150412-bn.jpg](/sdlx/150412-bn.jpg) Bastard Noise was born in the summer of 1991 with founding members BARNES and WOOD creating pulverizing short pieces of sound with ROARAFC "CAVEMAN ELECTRONICS" that were used for their debut vinyl release : a split 7" e.p. with Finland's UNSEEN NOISE DEATH. From that day forward, the entity of Bastard Noise has thrived through good, joyous, bad and miserable times releasing over 80 recordings both separately and in "split" format releases. 7", 10" 12" and compact disc and (even a 3.5 Macintosh floppy disc !). The personnel of BN has changed frequently also with WOOD (eric wood) working such long term/stable members as HENRY BARNES and W.T. NELSON and with shorter term members such as TRAVIS FARGHER and ANTHONY SAUNDERS (FARHER being the current second half of BN on the "west coast" of the United States and SAUNDERS being the current member on the "east coast" of the United States). BASTARD NOISE has worked with likes of M.S.B.R./GUILTY CONNECTOR/GOVERNMENT ALPHA/HIROSHI HASEGAWA/PERSONASNONGRATAS/NATION OF HATE/MERZBOW/NYARLATHOTEP/CLEW OF THESEUS/AMPS FOR CHRIST(BARNES' current unit of "folkcore" and experimental noise)/BRUTAL TRUTH/WITCHES OF MALIBU/THE LOCUST/SPASTIC COLON/TN666/KELLY CHURKO (R.I.P.)THE ENDLESS BLOCKADE/LACK OF INTEREST and many other artists in the collaborative and "split" recording format, modeling itself in output ONLY) after other extremely prolific acts such as AGATHOCLES and ANAL CUNT (R.I.P.). BN has also toured the U.S. (2007 and 2010), Europe (2011) and Japan (2000, 2004, 2009 and 2012) with performances ranging from extreme prototype electronics and voice to bass, drums and vocal fusion). This upcoming tour of JAPAN titled "OUR EARTH'S BLOOD" with WOOD traveling alone to the far east and reverting back to the primitive, early approach of bestial, science fiction based electronics and extreme voice (going back to the original "OUR EARTH'S BLOOD" debut 7" e.p. that Vermiform Records released back in 1991) (BN's second vinyl offering). The catch this time around though is a special one : ALL performances will be collaboration pieces with such artists as : GOVERNMENT ALPHA/MAKIKO SUDA (FLATIGIOUS IDIOSYNCRACY IN THE DILAPIDATION), SHAYNE BOWDEN/FACIALMESS/HIROSHI HASEGAWA/GUILTY C./TOSHIJI MIKAWA/MN/PULSEMAN and K.K. NULL. The brutality continues...

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