
2015/06/09 火曜日

Morgia + Hano / Bergljotモルジア+羽野/BERGLJOT

Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 19:30 - 23:59




● ニニ・モルジア (el-g) + 羽野昌二 (ds) デュオ
● Bergljot: Vojtech Prochazka (syn, elec, p) + Adrian Myhr (el-b) + Tore Sandbakken (ds, perc)


ニニ・モルジア(Ninni Morgia)
Ninni Morgia (b. in Catania, Italy) is a guitar player. He is most well known for playing in the New York City improv and experimental music scenes. He has played in the noise-rock band White Tornado with whom he recorded Leg, From hand to mouth produced by Don Zientara, Contrived (7′ split with Colossamite) and Oxbow meet White Tornado. He also played in the Italian free jazz band Conjura with Roy Paci, Fred Casadei, Francesco Cusa with whom he recorded Conjura. In 1999 he recorded his first solo guitar CD I am two. He has been living in New York since 2003 and has since then played with: Daniel Carter, William Parker, Lee Ranaldo, Kevin Shea, Peter Evans, Jack Wright, Blaise Siwula, Bonnie Kane, Tim Garrigan, Blake Fleming, Ed Chang, Mike Pride, Chris Forsyth, Gregory Reynolds, Shayna Dulberger, Chris Welcome, Jeff Arnal among others.
[Ninni Morgia 13 questions](http://preparedguitar.blogspot.com.es/2014/04/ninni-morgia-13-questions.html)
[ニニ・モルジア facebook](https://www.facebook.com/ninnimorgia)

1955年 北九州小倉生まれ、4歳頃から小倉祇園太鼓を始め、15歳でドラムを始める。1974年 アヴァンギャルド・ジャズのライブ活動を始める。75年阿部薫(Sax)と共演、同時期に近藤等則(Tp)と出会う。この頃武道「新体道」を紹介され、新体道の哲学概念を取り入れた独自のドラミングを展開することとなる。国内はもとより海外でも精力的に活動を続けており、07年にはドイツのメールスJazz festival、スイスPoschiavoのUncool festivalなどに招待され演奏した。
[羽野昌二 Homepage](http://shojihano.com)

Bergljot (ノルウェー/チェコ)
ピアノ、ベース、ドラムという伝統的な楽器編成であるが、シンセサイザー、エレクトリックオルガン、フィールドレコーディングやドラムマシーンなどを使いユニークなサウンドを形成する。Bergljotの音楽はエネルギー溢れる大音量のものから瞑想的な静寂まで幅広い。これまでにJazz Fest Brno, Natt Jazz Bergen, Koktebel Jazz Festival, Jazzinec Trutnov, Alternativa Festival, BE4など様々なフェスティバルに出演した。またフランス、ポーランド、ウクライナ、オーストリア、ドイツ、スロヴァキア、ノルウェー、スロヴェニア、ハンガリー、セルビア、チェコ共和国などでコンサートを行った。

「Bergljotは興味を惹く印象的なパフォーマンスで大胆で想像力に富む音波の美を奏でた」Eyal Hareuveni, Allaboutjazz.com.

 Bergljortは2013年にSofa Musicから彼らのデビューアルバム”Solen avløser regnet som avløser solen”を発表した。


Live: Ninni Morgia (el-g) + Shoji Hano (ds) DUO BERGLJOT: Vojtech Prochazka (syn, elec, p) + Adrian Myhr (el-b) + Tore Sandbakken (ds, perc) Artist Information: Ninni Morgia ![/sdlx/150609-NinniMorgia.jpg](/sdlx/150609-NinniMorgia.jpg) Ninni Morgia (b. in Catania, Italy) is a guitar player. He is most well known for playing in the New York City improv and experimental music scenes. He has played in the noise-rock band White Tornado with whom he recorded Leg, From hand to mouth produced by Don Zientara, Contrived (7' split with Colossamite) and Oxbow meet White Tornado. He also played in the Italian free jazz band Conjura with Roy Paci, Fred Casadei, Francesco Cusa with whom he recorded Conjura. In 1999 he recorded his first solo guitar CD I am two. He has been living in New York since 2003 and has since then played with: Daniel Carter, William Parker, Lee Ranaldo, Kevin Shea, Peter Evans, Jack Wright, Blaise Siwula, Bonnie Kane, Tim Garrigan, Blake Fleming, Ed Chang, Mike Pride, Chris Forsyth, Gregory Reynolds, Shayna Dulberger, Chris Welcome, Jeff Arnal among others. [Ninni Morgia 13 questions](http://preparedguitar.blogspot.com.es/2014/04/ninni-morgia-13-questions.html) [Ninni Morgia facebook](https://www.facebook.com/ninnimorgia) Shoji Hano (ds) ![/sdlx/hanoshoji2015.jpg](/sdlx/hanoshoji2015.jpg) Born March 1, 1955 in Kokura, Fukuoka prefecture. His first drumming experience was at the age of four playing traditional Japanese drums. He began playing the western drum set at 15. Hano moved to Kyoto in 1974, and started playing avant-garde jazz with the late pianist Yoshito Osawa in 1975. Around that time Hano met trumpeter Toshinori Kondo, who introduced him to the martial art Shintaido. Since that time, the philosophical concepts of Shintaido have influenced Hano's music. Hano has performed, toured and recorded with many musicians worldwide, including Derek Bailey, Billy Bang, Peter Brotzmann, Eugene Chadbourne, Tristan Honzingar, Henry Kaiser, Hans Koch, Werner Ludi, William Parker, Hans Reichel, Olaf Rupp, Nicky Skopelitis, Kaoru Abe, Keizo Inoue, Yukihiro Isso, Hiroaki Katayama, Masahiko Kono, Megumu Nishino, Takeshi Shibuya, Mototeru Takagi, Nao Takeuchi, Tetsu Yamauchi. In addition to his background in Jazz and improvised music Hano also joined the psychedelic rock band High Rise with by Munehiro Narita and Asahito Nanjo for tours of USA, England and France in 1998. In the 2000's Hano formed the power trio Daredevil Band with Makoto Kawabata and Atsushi Tsuyama of Acid Mother's Temple. [Shoji Hano Homepage](http://shojihano.com) Bergljot (NO/CZ) ![/sdlx/150609-BJ.jpg](/sdlx/150609-BJ.jpg) Bergljot experiments with a strict and minimalist approach of very slow development with special focus on richness of sound, reminiscent of The Necks, sunn o))), Concern or Barn Owl. They are using a toy synth, various electric organs, field recordings and found sounds as well as Max/ppooll in their music. The trio plays energetic and loud, but always with clear ideas. The band has received great reviews and has played on festivals such as Jazz Fest Brno, Natt Jazz Bergen, Koktebel Jazz Festival and Jazzinec Trutnov as well as venues in France, Sweden, Poland, Ukraine, Austria, Germany, Slovakia, Norway, Slovenia, Serbia and Czech Republic. "Bergljot presents a bold sonic aesthetic, realizing it with an arresting performance." - Eyal Hareuveni, Allaboutjazz.com. Bergljot released their debut album "Solen avløser regnet som avløser solen" on Sofa Music in october 2013. Vojtech Prochazka - synth, electronics, piano Adrian Myhr - electric bass Tore Sandbakken - drums, percussion [bergljotmusic.com](http://www.bergljotmusic.com) [soundcloud.com](http://www.soundcloud.com/bergljotmusic)

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