2015/08/19 水曜日水曜日
Myhr & Lønning Duo / IIInミュール&ロンニング デュオ / III人
Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 19:30 - 23:59
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キム・ミュール&アイヴィン・ロンニング デュオ
キム・ミュール (Kim Myhr)

Kim Myhr (born 1981) is a prominent voice on the experimental music scene in Norway, both as a composer and as a guitarist, with frequent performances throughout Europe, Australia, Asia and North- as well as South-America. Myhr’s last solo record «All your limbs singing» recieved wide critical acclaim. As a composer, Myhr wrote «Stems and cages” for the Trondheim Jazz Orchestra in 2009, a large ensemble including Sidsel Endresen, Christian Wallumrød, Jim Denley among others. Kim wrote another piece for the orchestra for the 2012 Ultima Festival called “In the end his voice will be the sound of paper”, this time featuring the voice of Jenny Hval. This music will be released in the beginning of 2016. Myhr works frequently with dance, notably writing music for productions by Italian choreographer Francesco Scavetta, and in 2015 a new collaboration with dancer Orfee Schuijt.
[Kim Myhr Official](www.kimmyhr.com)
[Kim Myhr at wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Myhr)
アイヴィン・ロンニング (Eivind Lønning)

Eivind Lønning (born 1983) is among Norway’s busiest trumpet players, taking part in many projects like Christian Wallumrød Ensemble, Streifenjunko, Koboku Senju, Motif and many projects with Trondheim Jazz Orchestra. In Autumn 2015 he is releasing his first solo-CD on the Norwegian label +3db. In the duo Streifenjunko with sax player Espen Reinertsen, Eivind Lønning has worked with modern improvisation and extended playing techniques for the trumpet. They have worked closely together for many years to present a truly unique repertoire, a mix between composed structures and improvisations, and have collaborated with Keith Rowe, Tetuzi Akiyama, Toshimaru Nakamura, Jim Denley, Christian Wallumrød, Sidsel Endresen and video artist Kjell Bjørgeengen.
[Eivind Lønning at SOFA MUSIC](http://www.sofamusic.no/musicians/index.php?id=148)
[Eivind Lønning at wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eivind_Lønning)

2009年以来、親密に、そして一心不乱に、毎週執り行われてきたミーティングの成果と献身的な姿が、汗ともやと共に地面の下から浮かび上がってくる ー 2012年、ロ ンドンのとある地下室に収まるようにして行われた彼らの初パフォーマンスは、有機的に絡み合ったアイデアと、低く、緊密に脈打つ塊による、鋭く痛快な一撃であった。また浮かび上がり/また突然消える。フィードバック、ドラムキット、アルトサックス、時間、空間、そして感情といった見聞き慣れた由緒ある生の道具を効率的に活用し、III人は熱で溶けてしまった音楽の過去から、音の中に未来の喜びを育むために動きだす。ありふれた材料だが、決して聞き慣れたものではない。その心より静かで、装飾されていない集中力によって、肢、言語、秩序についての極端な実験が勢いづく。世間受けの良い平坦で巨大な空疎へと3人の違いをまとめてしまうのではなく、慎重さと誠実さを問う中で、あるいはその楽器の身体の’アサイラム’の中で、 法廷で闘うように、不断の決意をもって、噛み砕けるものを探し求めることである。Akilsakilanの学術、ドーナッツ。見つけだし、捻り、そして叩いて作るのは、拡大し続けている音楽的な宇宙であり、そのバランスはそれ自体のもつロジックだけで保たれている ー 明白に III 人の対照となる ものは少ない。彼らのパフォーマンスは、彼らが音によって生み出した環境のもつ、感情的、身体的および社会的エネルギーによってなさ れる、首尾一貫した過激な’交渉’である。筋は完璧に通っている。
Seymour Wright

Seymour Wright of Derby’s first solo album is widely considered to be a defining document of 21st-century, ‘inter-textual’ saxophone. With his saxophone (mostly) no longer in pieces he has played at London’s Cafe Oto in several surprising and increasingly peculiar settings – from the extreme twistings of sannin, the lava flow of xomlatesc tbobnhi’s four-day London Jazz Festival residency and the robop-debut of CYNTHIA, to duets with Ute Kanngiesser, Daniel Blumberg (Hebronix) and saxophonist John Butcher. Increasingly he has been performing and recording music in more jazz-like settings too, exploring aspects of the early NYAQ and a certain jazz tradition in Steve Noble’s current group and performing the music of Ahmed Abdul-Malik in a newly convened quartet with Pat Thomas, Joel Grip and Antonin Gerbal. This on-going trajectory, through the weird, is making the range of his music making and collaborative creativity increasingly public.
Paul Abbott

Abbott has collaborated with numerous artists and musicians including Cara Tolmie, Howard Slater, Ute Kanngiesser, Eddie Prevost, Jakob Jakobsen, Steve Nobel and Benedict Drew. Abbott has performed, run workshops and exhibited internationally, including at: Cafe Oto, Ausland, Counterfows, Raven Row Gallery, Tate Britain, Rotterdam International Film Festival, London Film Festival and Courtisane. He is co-editor of Cesura//Acceso: a journal for music, politics and poetics. Recent and ongoing projects include: sannin and Xomaltesc Tbobhni with Seymour Wright and Daichi Yoshikawa, and The Legal Team, The Singer, The Gait and The Chorus with Cara Tolmie. Recent/forthcoming publications include the solo project VAGUS; Ae by Xomaltesc Tbobhni and Cesura//Acceso Issue 2. He was one of the facilitator/participants of the Broken Rudiments workshop at Ljudskolen 2015, Sweden 2015.
Daichi Yoshikawa

Daichi Yoshikawa is currently based in London and Berlin. He uses a contact mic, Yamaha MSP5/ HS7 Speakers and a Mackie mixer with metal objects and small percussions to make acoustic feedback.
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