2015/08/29 土曜日


Open: 18:00:00 | Start: 19:00 - 23:59




Jazz × Art × Fasion × Technology をテーマに、世界レベルで活躍する若手ジャズミュージシャンと美術家・メディアアーティスト・ファッションデザイナーが一堂に会するジャズ&アートフェスティバル。

JAZZ SUMMIT TOKYO Special Band feat. 寺久保エレナ
Akiko Nakayama

and more…

[こちら www.jazzsummit.net/news/2015/6/23](http://www.jazzsummit.net/news/2015/6/23/jazz-summit-tokyo-summer-festival-2015-)


JAZZ SUMMIT TOKYO Special Band feat.寺久保エレナ

Akiko Nakayama
色彩と流動の持つエネルギーを用い、一瞬一瞬変容する関係性と、その光景を場に描く画家。”Alive painting” では、様々な性質を持つ液体を扱い、要素の流れがもたらす美的な快楽と生々流転を現す。近年では、色の差異を即時的に画像解析、デジタル処理することによって音を発生させるカラーオルガンシステム“Fluid2wave” と、
[Akiko Nakayama Homepage](http://akiko.co.jp/akikoweb/top.html)

ボーカルの吉⽥沙良と作詞/作編曲の⾓⽥隆太によるポップスユニット「ものんくる」。⾼い普遍性と強度を持った⽇本語詞の世界観と様々な⾳楽ジャンルを吸収した瑞々しい感性と独特のポップ感が詰まった楽曲。それを聞く者にとってリアルに響かせる歌声は、世代を超えて反響を呼んでいる。2014年2ndアルバム『南へ』でメジャーデビュー。同ディスクで JazzJapan Award2014新⼈賞を受賞。
吉田沙良 (vo)、角田隆太 (b)、トオイダイスケ (p)、西村匠平 (dr)、小林豊美 (fl)、石川広行 (tp)、平山順子 (as)、小西遼 (as)、上杉優 (tb)

ディレクター / フォトグラファー / アクセサリーデザイナー
[長原 大智 Homepage](http://chrdch.com/)

1992年北海道札幌市生まれ。 ミュージシャン/サックス奏者/アートディレクター
2000 年より発足した 札幌ジュニアジャズスクール に 2000~2009 年まで在籍 し、日豪文化交流プロジェクトで世界的なコンサート ホールであるシドニー•オ ペラハウスや、横浜ジャズプロムナード等で演奏。
2005 年タイガー大越氏により開催されたバークリー音楽院タイアップの北海 道グルーブキャンプを受講し、最年少で『バークリーアワード賞』を受賞、ボス トン、バークリー音楽院サマープログラムに 2007~ 2009 年奨学生として参加。 2010 年 Terri Lyne Carrington (ds) が指揮する Berklee summer Jazz workshop のメ ンバーに選ばれ奨学生として参加。
2011 年、バークリー音楽院に全額奨学生として入学以来、タイガー大越、 Terri Lyne Carrington (ds), Dayna Stephens(sax) , Terrence Blanchard (tp) と共演,
Next Generation Jazz Festival, Newport Jazz Festival をはじめとする多くのステ ージで演奏する。
また在学中に バークリー音楽院より3度にわたり優秀賞受賞。 日本国内での活動は 2013 年南郷ジャズフェスティバル出演、2014 年 Sapporo City Jazz Music Tent Live にて『TOKU&小沼ようすけ』、『Fried Pride with Gast Walzing』にゲスト出演、2015 年 8 月に Blue Note Tokyo に TOKU “Dear Mr. Sinatora”で出演予定。 またファッション面では、オンラインマガジン”Metropolitan Society”のメンバー としても活動中、同誌では Engineered Garments とのコラボレーションや自身の プロジェクト”Lonely Traveler” でモデル/スタイリストを務めるなど活動は多岐 にわたる。
[馬場 智章 Homepage](http://tomoakibaba.com/)

中学生後半よりピアノに転向。高校卒業後、2010年4月にファーストライヴを行い、企画・演出・作曲のすべてを自身で手がけ好評を得る。2011年5月〜8月にかけ、ヤングアメリカンズ・ドイツ公演のピアニストとしてドイツに滞在し演奏活動を行う。2011年10月〜11月は『大泉ワンマンショー』のピアニストとして、全国ツアーに参加。金沢にある21世紀美術館にて行われたクリスマスイベント『ベーゼンドルファーを弾く vol.14』出演。
ファッションブランド「mastermind JAPAN」初のオフィシャルCD参加や、Def Techベストアルバム参加など、レコーディングワークも多数行う。
2012年5月にすべて自主制作された1stアルバム『from here to there』にボーナストラックを加え、同年11月にeweから改めてリリースし、全国デビューを果たした。翌2013年4月にリリースした2ndアルバム『THE SIXTH SENSE』は、タワーレコードジャズチャート1位を獲得。Japan Times誌2013年上半期ベストアルバム(ジャズ部門)に選出される。
[桑原 あい Homepage](http://www.aikuwabaratrio.com/)

2014年に活動を開始した「Srv.Vinci(サーバ・ヴィンチ)」。メンバーは全員1992年生まれ。独自性に溢れる活動を展開してきた音楽家 常田大希が東京芸大の同胞である石若駿を誘い結成した。2015年、勢喜遊(Dr & Sampler)、新井和輝(Ba)、191(Vo)が加入し、新体制に。元晴 from SOIL&”PIMP”SESSIONS presents 『TOKYO JAZZ PUNX!!!』にて so-illとツーマンライブを敢行し初陣を飾る。東京を拠点に活動中。


細井美裕 / Miyu Hosoi
1993年愛知県生まれ。慶應義塾大学総合政策学部在学。高校時所属のコーラス団体で全日本合唱コンクール全国大会、国際大会(Busan Choral Festival & Competition)などで金賞を受賞(Soli担当曲含む)。大学入学後はクラシック・ジャズ・現代音楽の分野で、楽器としての声に重きを置きながら活動している。また自身の演奏経験や考えをふまえ、音/声や劇場空間を効果的に拡張する表現を模索しつつ活動する。

西本桃子 / Momoko Nishimoto

The young Jazz musicians, artists, media artists, and fashion designers being active worldwide will get togeher on this Jazz & Art Festival. Performance: JAZZ SUMMIT TOKYO Special Band feat. Erena Terakubo Akiko Nakayama MONONKUL Daichi Chohara Tomoaki Baba Ai Kuwabara Srv.Vinci Yumi Hosoi Momoko Nishimoto and more... JAZZ SUMMIT TOKYO Crowdfunding is [Here!! www.jazzsummit.net/news/2015/6/23](http://www.jazzsummit.net/news/2015/6/23/jazz-summit-tokyo-summer-festival-2015-) Artist Information: JAZZ SUMMIT TOKYO Special Band feat. Erena Terakubo ![/sdlx/150829-ErenaNY-L.jpg](/sdlx/150829-ErenaNY-L.jpg) The one-time only quintet fronted by Erena Terakubo (A. Sax), a talented-woman who gains world recognition. The band consists of    May Inoue (Gt) - the rising star in the world of Jazz guitarists    Hideaki Kanazawa (Ba) - the leading person of the world of Jazz who played an important role as the bassist of Terumasa Hino Quintet for a long time    Shun Ishiwaka (Dr) - a genius who is active in many different genres and elected one of the "World's Five Drummers who will become leaders in the next generation" Together with the visual artists making free use of various latest technologies, they will open the door to the world of new Jazz experince. Akiko Nakayama ![/sdlx/150829-akikonakayama.jpg](/sdlx/150829-akikonakayama.jpg) Combining the energy of movement and the vibrance of colors, Akiko Nakayama brings pictures to life. Called “Alive Painting”, Akiko depicts the resonance between shapes and textures by using different types of liquids, each with a unique characteristic. Her explorers three themes in her work.Firstly, the parallels of extremes.Secondly, the resonance between these extremes when they meet. Lastly, the importance of water in bridging these extremes. In recent years, she has performed solo using a colour-organ system, “Fluid2wave”. This system uses soundtracks and sound effects to accompany the digital projection of color painting. She also collaborates with artists from different genres. She not only performs in Japan, but also overseas. [Akiko Nakayama Homepage](http://akiko.co.jp/akikoweb/top.html) MONONKUL ![/sdlx/150829-MONONKLU.jpg](/sdlx/150829-MONONKLU.jpg) Pop-unit Mononkul Vocals by Sara Yoshida Musical arrangements and lyrics by Ryuta Tsunota Mononnkul debuted in 2014 with their second album, "Minami-he". Later that year, they won the new-artists prize at the JazzJapan 2014 event with the same album. Daichi Chohara ![/sdlx/150829-chohara.jpg](/sdlx/150829-chohara.jpg) [Homepage](http://chrdch.com/) Tomoaki Baba ![/sdlx/150829-baba.jpg](/sdlx/150829-baba.jpg) Musician /Saxophone player /Art creater He was born in 1992 in Sapporo, Japan. He started his music career when he went to see a Jazz big band when he was 6. He was overwhelmed by beautiful music and sound. His one of the most influenced moment and the reason he started thinking about being musician was he met a professor/Trumpet player Tiger Okoshi. Tiger Okoshi had a workshop in Hokkaido with professors from Berklee College Of Music when Tomoaki was 13. Everything happened though the workshop was for him. He experienced beautiful music and word…like poems from Tiger Okoshi and he experienced huge power though Tiger Okoshi’s music and at the workshop, he was awarded full scholarship for Berklee 5 weeks program. That was the time that his mind was opened up for global career. He attended Berklee 5 weeks program in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 as a full scholarship student. Every year was amazing experiences but above all, 2010 was special for him. He was selected for Berklee Jazz workshop 2010 directed by Terri Lyne Carrington. She taught us many things what she learned and experienced in her music career. “What the roots of music is” “What the role of musicians” these two topics what she talked about are still my subjects and belief whenever I start doing something. Since he entered Berklee College Of Music, he has been experiencing many things, performing with greatest musicians Terence Blanchard(tp), Dayna Stephens(sax), Terri Lyne Carrington(ds), Jamie Callum(vo, pf), Sean Jones(tp), Darren Barrett(tp). Also he learned producing for musical theater, composing music and etc…. Though many experiences, he started thinking about collaborating with different kinds of art through his music, for example fashion, architecture, painting, plant art, etc. Especially he was interested in collaborating with fashion. He has been working with the online art magazine named “Metropolitan Society”. As a crew of Metropolitan Society creative team, he was modeling/styling for collaboration with Engineered Garments and own project “Lonely Traveler”. [Homepage](http://tomoakibaba.com/) Ai Kuwabara ![/sdlx/150829-Kuwabara.jpg](/sdlx/150829-Kuwabara.jpg) Ai Kuwabara Born on September 21st, 1991. Graduated from the Music Department at Senzoku Gakuen High School as a jazz piano major in 2010. Studied piano under Yuki Arimasa, Yoko Yamashita, and Kazune Zaima. Has been active since her early years, winning many awards such as gold medals at the All-Japan Yamaha Electone Contest, for both the lower elementary division and the upper elementary division. Performed in many concerts such as the UNICEF Charity Concert, and International Junior Original Concert. Featured in AERA magazine as a “Genius Electone Girl.” Worked as Electone player for Kei Ogura’s musical Kids Algo in 2004 and 2005. From the latter half of junior high school, switched to playing the piano. Planned, produced, and composed music for her very first show in April 2010, all by herself, gaining favorable reviews. Currently performing all over Japan in shows spanning a range of genres, such as her collaboration with Mr. Masahiko Kitahara, trombone player for Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra. Worked in Germany from May to August 2011 as the pianist for the German production of The Young Americans Dinner-Theater Europe. Toured Japan as pianist for the Oizumi One-Man Show in October and November 2011. Took part in the first official CD for the fashion brand Mastermind Japan, as well as in Def Tech’s Greatest Hits album. Her first album “From Here to There” debuted on EWE Records in October 2012, and her second album “The Sixth Sense” was released in April 2013. [Homepage](http://www.aikuwabaratrio.com/) Srv.Vinci ![/sdlx/150829-srvvinci.jpg](/sdlx/150829-srvvinci.jpg) Srv.Vinci is the band based on Tokyo and performing all over the place in Japan. Daiki Tsuneta (gt, syn, vo) and Shun Ishiwaka (ds) started the band in 2014 and You Seki (ds), Kazuki Arai (b), 191 (vo) in 2015. Ideas of the band’s sound are based on Daiki’s inspirations, experiences and emotions. And on the foundation, the band members add inspirations from many different genres of music. Srv.Vinci present new sound of Pop music and it will take you to the new worlds. [srv-vinci.jp](http://srv-vinci.jp) Miyu Hosoi Momoko Nishimoto ![/sdlx/150829-hosoinishimoto.jpg](/sdlx/150829-hosoinishimoto.jpg)

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