Dare Devil Band 12年ぶり復活!

2015/09/03 木曜日

Dare Devil Band 12 Year Resurrection!!!Dare Devil Band 12年ぶり復活!

Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59




Dare Devil Band(羽野昌二+津山篤+河端一)
Imperial Tiger Orchestra (from スイス!)


Dare Devil Band
津山篤(ベース/Acid Mother’s Temple)
河端一(ギター/Acid Mother’s Temple)
2003年以来12年ぶりとなる邂逅を遂げた最狂最凶トリオ「猪武者(Dare Devil Band)」いよいよ復活の狼煙を上げる!

Imperial Tiger Orchestra
When Imperial Tiger Orchestra first started unravelling the yarn of Ethiopian Music from the Golden Age (1969 – 1975), no one expected the thread to be so long and no one knew where it might end. Inspired by original albums that the band found while shopping for rare musical gems on a first visit to Addis Ababa in 2009, Imperial Tiger Orchestra released a first record in 2010, the aptly-named Addis Abeba, which explored Ethiopian music from the 70s – when traditional Ethiopian brass bands began feeding off American soul. The second release, Mercato, veered towards a more pop-inspired repertoire from the 80s, and the latest release goes one step further, taking the listener deeper into Ethiopian culture, from the unique sounds of the azmari repertoire to the hypnotic groove of the major tribes. After three years touring Europe, Imperial Tiger Orchestra has acquired a solid reputation as a mighty groove machine. The band has also taken its acid riffs to the African continent, touring South Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe back in 2010. Having been invited to Addis Ababa by the renowned producer of the Ethiopiques series, Francis Falceto, the Tigers were proud to meet many of the local musicians who work to reshape traditional Ethiopian music. Based in and around Geneva, Switzerland, Imperial Tiger Orchestra has also worked with musicians and dancers from the Ethiopian diaspora, receiving their rewarding approval and blessing for their own original take on Ethiopian music.
[Imperial Tiger Orchestra オフィシャルウエブサイト](http://www.imperialtigerorchestra.ch)

山本久土 (vocal / guitar)
茶谷雅之 (drums)
山本久土と茶谷雅之からなるユニット、久土’N’茶谷。山本久土は1994年頃よりPhewに参加。2000年にはPhewやボアダムスで知られる山本精一らとパンク・バンドMOSTを旗揚げ。2004年より戸川純と東口トルエンズを始動。現在の主なユニットは遠藤ミチロウ率いるM.J.Qと久土’N’茶谷。茶谷雅之は1990年代から2000年代に活動した伝説のバンド、JASONS(後のSTROBO)のドラマーである。2008年のJASONS復活ライブの対バンがRIZE、2013年がBRAHMANというメンツからもいかに重要なバンドであったかがうかがえる。現在参加する主なユニットは久土’N’茶谷、the POPS、MOST、CHAOS JOCKY、川本真琴。
[久土’N’茶谷 オフィシャルウエブサイト](http://www.hisatoyamamoto.com/HNC)

場所:the PLAZA 東京国際フォーラム 地上広場

Live: DARE DEVIL BAND Imperial Tiger Orchestra (from Switzerland!) HISATO 'N' CHATANI Artist Info: DARE DEVIL BAND ![/sdlx/150903-DDV.jpg](/sdlx/150903-DDV.jpg) Shoji Hano (drums) Atsushi Tsuyama (bass / Acid Mother's Temple) Makoto Kawabata (guitar / Acid Mother's Temple) Imperial Tiger Orchestra ![/sdlx/150903-ito.jpg](/sdlx/150903-ito.jpg) When Imperial Tiger Orchestra first started unravelling the yarn of Ethiopian Music from the Golden Age (1969 – 1975), no one expected the thread to be so long and no one knew where it might end. Inspired by original albums that the band found while shopping for rare musical gems on a first visit to Addis Ababa in 2009, Imperial Tiger Orchestra released a first record in 2010, the aptly-named Addis Abeba, which explored Ethiopian music from the 70s – when traditional Ethiopian brass bands began feeding off American soul. The second release, Mercato, veered towards a more pop-inspired repertoire from the 80s, and the latest release goes one step further, taking the listener deeper into Ethiopian culture, from the unique sounds of the azmari repertoire to the hypnotic groove of the major tribes. After three years touring Europe, Imperial Tiger Orchestra has acquired a solid reputation as a mighty groove machine. The band has also taken its acid riffs to the African continent, touring South Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe back in 2010. Having been invited to Addis Ababa by the renowned producer of the Ethiopiques series, Francis Falceto, the Tigers were proud to meet many of the local musicians who work to reshape traditional Ethiopian music. Based in and around Geneva, Switzerland, Imperial Tiger Orchestra has also worked with musicians and dancers from the Ethiopian diaspora, receiving their rewarding approval and blessing for their own original take on Ethiopian music. [Imperial Tiger Orchestra official website](http://www.imperialtigerorchestra.ch) HISATO 'N' CHATANI ![/sdlx/150903-hisaton.jpg](/sdlx/150903-hisaton.jpg) Hisato Yamamoto (vocal / guitar) Masayuki Chatani (drums) [HISATO 'N' CHATANI official website](http://www.hisatoyamamoto.com/HNC) Related events Friday, September 4 SWISS ELECTRO JAZZ NIGHT @ 14th TOKYO JAZZ FESTIVAL Place: the PLAZA Tokyo International Forum Plaza [TOKYO JAZZ](http://www.tokyo-jazz.com)

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