Wonders In the Dark

2015/09/25 金曜日

Wonders In the DarkWonders In the Dark

Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 19:30 - 23:59




(Kevin McHugh (piano) + 安藤暁彦 (alto sax and effects) + 松村たくみ (flute) + 吉田隆一 (baritone sax) + 若杉大悟 (drums))
Lo-shi + 中山晃子 (alive painting) + 菊地美佐子 (dance)
Kinetic (千葉広樹+ 服部正嗣) + Cal Lyall | Yousuke Fuyama (visuals)
秋山徹次 + Noel Meek (from New Zealand)



秋山徹次 + Noel Meek (from New Zealand)

[秋山徹次 Homepage](http://www.japanimprov.com/takiyama)

ノエル・ミーク/NOEL MEEK (ニュージーランド)
[NOEL MEEK bandcamp.com](https://pseudoarcana.bandcamp.com/album/onho)

Kinetic (千葉広樹+ 服部正嗣) + Cal Lyall | Yousuke Fuyama (visuals)

[KINETIC Homepage](http://kineticjapan.tumblr.com)

キャル・ライアル/CAL LYALL
即興ギタリスト/サウンドアーティスト。ジャンク楽器、エレクトロ・パーツ、フィールド・レコーディングやエフェクターなどから音楽的な空間を生み出す。広範な音楽形式に興味を持ち、東南アジアやその周辺地域へ渡航し研究。現在、Tetragrammaton、Palimpsest、Missing Man Foundationなど、ドローンから恍惚の域に達する即興音楽まで幅の広いプロジェクトを介し、さらなる民族音楽の形式を模索し続ける。ソロの活動では秋山徹次、ティム・オリーブ、畠山地平、ケリー・チュルコ、町田良夫、Government Alpha、向井千惠ほか多数と共演。日本で旺盛なライヴを展開しながら、これまでにタイ、ラオス、中国、韓国などでツアー。また、レーベル「Subvalent」や「Jolt Sonic Arts」(オーストラリア)の東京拠点としての活動に加え、西麻布スーパー・デラックスでイベント「Test Tone」を主宰している。
[キャル・ライアル Profile](http://www.subvalent.com/cal-lyall)

プログラミングによる作品創作や即興演奏を学び、音響、映像、グラフィック、インスタレーションなど多岐に渡る活動を展開。主にインターフェースとプログラムを用いたデータの相互変換による表現を追求する。 LAPTOPBATTLE TOKYO Vol.4 (2008) にて優勝、その他FUTURA、Sonic Art Project、ヨコハマ国際映像祭2009、DPG、soundfollies、SonarSoundTokyo2011,2012連続出場、ニュージーランドで開催されたalienate/demonstrate/edit展(2012)でのインスタレーション展示とライヴ公演への参加、オランダで開催されたサウンドアートフェスティヴァルSONICACTS2013へのライヴ出演、韓国で開催されるSeoul International Computer Music Festival2013への招聘等、国内外のフェスティヴァル、エキシビジョン、イベントでの作品発表やライヴパフォーマンスを多数行っている。2011年、カセットレーベルSLUDGE-TAPESや音響系レーベルTTLから音響作品をリリース。2011年から2013年にかけてHz-record, PROGRESSIVE FOrM, Mozart Kindといった国内外の主要レーベルからミュージックビデオをリリース。WombLounge / RUBYROOM WORKSHOP for CREATORにてMax/MSP,Jitterのレクチャーを担当、インタラクティヴシステムのデザインやデバイス制作、映像演出や、教育研究機関での技術支援などを行っている。
[YOUSUKE FUYAMA Homepage](http://yousukefuyama.com)

Lo-shi + 中山晃子 (alive painting) + 菊地美佐子 (dance)


中山晃子/AKIKO NAKAYAMA (alive painting)
色彩と流動の持つエネルギーを利用し、「生きている」絵を出現させるヴィジュアル・アーティスト。自らを空間と呼応させながら液体や素材を調合し、LIVEで描く “ALIVE PAINTING” をはじめ、 MV制作、映像演出、 インスタレーションなど、多岐にわたり筆を揮う。 近年では、「灰野敬二聖誕祭」、鼓童との共演、 高平哲郎演出「坂田明 平家物語」 に出演する等、さらに表現の幅を広げている。

幼少時代にクラシックバレエをはじめ、その後モダンバレエ、モダンジャズ、ストリートダンス、フラメンコなどを経て、現在のフリースタイルに至る。おもに東京のギャラリー、ライブハウスにて活動中。チャットモンチー、石井竜也、TUBE、矢沢永吉等のツアー、バックダンサー。小松未可子楽曲振り付け。チャットモンチー福岡晃子とのユニット「Super Benjamin」。LOSTAGE MV「ひとり」出演。ミュージシャンとの即興演奏でのライブパフォーマンス多数。伊東篤宏、坂口光央、田ノ岡三郎、高橋保之、藤原大輔、南方美智子、山本達久、山田あずさ、芳垣安洋、吉田隆一、Palimpsest(Kelly Churko,Cal Lyall)、Oncenth Trio、ZycOsなどと共演。

[NARIIKI Homepage](http://nariiki.wix.com/nariiki)



Featuring: nariiki (Kevin McHugh (piano) + Akihiko Ando (alto sax and effects) + Takumi Matsumura (flute) + Ryuichi Yoshida (baritone sax) + Daigo Wakasugi (drums)) Lo-shi + Akiko Nakayama (alive painting) + Misako Kikuchi (dance) Kinetic (Hiroki Chiba + Masatsugu Hattori) + Cal Lyall l Yousuke Fuyama (visuals) Akiyama Tetuzi + Noel Meek (from New Zealand) Artist Information: Akiyama Tetuzi + Noel Meek (from New Zealand) ![/sdlx/150925-akiyamameek.jpg](/sdlx/150925-akiyamameek.jpg) AKIYAMA TETUZI Akiyama specializes in creating music with elements of both primitivism and realism by connecting his own aspirations, in a minimal and straightforward way, to the special instrumental qualities of the guitar. Sometimes delicately and sometimes boldly, he controls sound volumes ranging from micro to macro, in an attempt to convert the body into an electronic entity. [www.japanimprov.com/takiyama](http://www.japanimprov.com/takiyama) NOEL MEEK Noel Meek is a Wellington-based sound artist who builds drones on samplers using live recorded samples of acoustic and electric instruments with minimal digital manipulation or effects, but using non-traditional tunings and notes pitch shifted by microtonal intervals to build layers of overtones. He also heads up the experimental label End Of The Alphabet Records. [NOEL MEEK bandcamp.com](https://pseudoarcana.bandcamp.com/album/onho) Kinetic (Hiroki Chiba + Masatsugu Hattori) + Cal Lyall ![/sdlx/150925-kinetic_lyall_fuyama.jpg](/sdlx/150925-kinetic_lyall_fuyama.jpg) KINETIC While both members of Kinetic come from extensive jazz backgrounds, their musicianship is informed as much by recent currents in electroacoustic sound and post millennium electronica. In 2011, the duo formed to explore the rhythmic nature of their chosen instruments, while discovering the collaborative possibilities of bass and drums in a number of rarefied contexts. With an approach suggesting a kind of 'human electronica' unfolding in real time, Kinetic has built a dynamic rhythmic language that extends from a jazz sensibility into other music realms, like hip hop and electroacoustic minimalism. Within this context, they are also pursuing a coherent synthesis with electronics as an instrumental tool. Although beat based, their distinctive sound arises from an extensive musical framework of their own creation. [KINETIC Homepage](http://kineticjapan.tumblr.com) CAL LYALL Musical nomad since first discovering the malleability of 4-track tape, Cal Lyall is a guitarist and sound artist currently based in Tokyo, Japan. An early interest in diverse musical forms led to intense travel and study throughout Southeast Asia and the Subcontinent, including lengthy visits to India, Pakistan and Iran. Creating a musical universe constructed from field recordings, stringed instruments, microphone systems and other electronic debris, he continues to explore the possibilities of traditional forms in numerous projects, incorporating influences ranging from free-flowing drone to ecstatic improvisation. [CAL LYALL Profile](http://www.subvalent.com/cal-lyall) YOUSUKE FUYAMA Yousuke Fuyama was born in Nagano, Japan in 1983. He is an artist, composer, programmer, visual and graphic designer and VJ. He has been studying musical research and sound art and completed his Master’s Degree in Media Science at Tokyo University of Technology Graduate School of Bionics, Computer and Media Sciences. His main focus is on expression through data interconversion using various interfaces and programs. Fuyama won the first prize at LAPTOP BATTLES TOKYO Vol.4 (2008) and continues to perform worldwide at venues such as FUTURA2008 (France), International Festival for Arts And Media Yokohama 2009, DPG, soundfollies, SonarSound Tokyo 2011 and 2012, SONICACTS 2013 (Netherlands) and Seoul International Computer Music Festival 2013 (South-Korea). He VJ/DJs at club events in Tokyo, and is also a lecturer of Max/MSP/Jitter. His installation piece was featured at “alienate/demonstrate/edit” 2012 in New Zealand and he has released sound works from Sludge-tapes (Japan), TTL Recordings (UK) and visual works from Hz-record s(Japan), PROGRESSIVE FOrM (Japan) and Mozart Kind (UK). [yousukefuyama Homepage](http://yousukefuyama.com) Lo-shi + Akiko Nakayama (alive painting) + Misako Kikuchi (dance) ![/sdlx/150925.jpg](/sdlx/150925.jpg) LO-SHI Formed in 2012 around Gotal (guitar, samples, beats) and Ralouf (theremin, Jew's harp), Lo-shi are a Tokyo-based instrumental unit who create eerie, atmospheric soundscapes that combine beauty and dissonance in powerful and evocative ways. Influenced by the skittering beats of post-acid house British electronica, the cosmic soundscapes and quirky experimentation of krautrock bands like Can and Neu!, as well as art-related movements such as surrealism and Dada, in 2013 Lo-shi performed an improvised soundtrack to Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis” with Damo Suzuki and more recently took part in the Taico Club music festival in Nagano. Named after the nightmare-eating chimera of Japanese mythology, "Baku" is the band’s second album, and first vinyl release through Koenji-based Call And Response Records. [www.lo-shi.org](http://www.lo-shi.org) AKIKO NAKAYAMA Visual artist Akiko Nakayama creates installations, live performance and photographic works dealing with energy cycles, movement and colors. Employing a wide range of techniques, her unique approach to live painting results in melting landscapes, kaleidoscopic patterns and surreal and saturated vistas. Working in collaboration with some of Japan's most distinctive improvising artists, including Keiji Haino, Akira Sakata and Hiromichi Sakamoto, she pursues what she titles 'alive painting', in which she aims to find the 'existence of life' in the act of creating out of nothingness. [www.akiko.co.jp](http://www.akiko.co.jp) MISAKO KIKUCHI After studying classical ballet at an early age, Tokyo-born dancer Misako Kikuchi went on to explore other dance styles such as modern ballet, modern jazz, street dance or flamenco, while refining her own improvisational approach to dance. Following her inclination towards variegated, often experimental forms of music, she developed a very personal style that eludes any easy categorisation. Calling forth the music rather than following it, playing unaffectedly on contrasts and counterpoints, her performances create uncontrived moments of beauty that make you feel that being alive is not irreconcilable with being free. [www.misakokikuchi.com](http://www.misakokikuchi.com) NARIIKI ![/sdlx/150925-nariiki.jpg](/sdlx/150925-nariiki.jpg) nariiki is an experimental collective of musicians from the Tokyo avant garde jazz and noise community. Every new performance features a special guest musician, accompanied by core members Kevin McHugh (piano), Akihiko Ando (alto sax and effects), Takumi Matsumura (flute), Ryuichi Yoshida (baritone sax) and Daigo Wakasugi (drums). DJ EVIL PENGUIN ![/sdlx/150925-evilpenguin.jpg](/sdlx/150925-evilpenguin.jpg) Master of disguises, Mexican top-hats, ambient rockabilly to minimal Hawaiian Kumulipo chants, the Evil Penguin pauses deeply against a backdrop of Neue Deutsche Welle. Celebratory, subliminal, moment-to-moment. A Tasmanian treasure with a penchant for open spaces.

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