IPA & 八木美知依スペシャルトリオ

2016/01/08 金曜日

IPA & Michiyo Yagi special trioIPA & 八木美知依スペシャルトリオ

Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59




IPA(from ノルウェー)
■ アトレ・ニーモ(サックス)
■ マグヌス・ブロー(トランペット)
■ インゲブリグト・ホーケル・フラーテン(コントラバス)
■ ホーコン・ミョーセット・ ヨハンセン(ドラムス)

■ 八木美知依(エレクトリック21弦箏、17弦ベース箏、エレクトロニクス、歌)
■ インゲブリグト・ホーケル・フラーテン(コントラバス、エレキベース)
■ 田中徳崇(ドラムス)



世界最高級の実力を兼ね備えたグループ「Atomic」、「Motif」、「Ensemble Denada」、「Trondheim Jazz Orchestra」、「The Thing」等のメンバーにより、2008年の結成以来ひたすら進化し続けているノルウェーの前衛的なジャズ集団、「I.P.A. アイピーエー」が絶賛を浴びた三つ目のアルバムを掲げて日本ツアーへ。
ホーコン・ミョーセット・ ヨハンセン(ドラムス)
[IPA info](http://www.ingebrigtflaten.com/ipa/)
[IPA Facebook](www.facebook.com/IPAJAZZ)


邦楽はもちろん、前衛ジャズや現代音楽からロックやポップまで幅広く活動するハイパー箏(こと)奏者。故・沢井忠夫、沢井一恵に師事。NHK邦楽技能者育成会卒業後、ウェスリアン大学客員教授として渡米中、ジョン・ケージやジョン・ゾーンらに影響を受ける。ゾーンのプロデュースによるソロ・アルバム『Shizuku』(99年)を皮切りに、自己の箏アンサンブルとの『ゆらる』(01年)、17絃ソロ作『Seventeen』(05年)、インゲブリグト・ホーケル・フラーテン(b)とポール・ニルセン・ラヴ(ds)を迎えた『ライヴ!アット・スーパーデラックス』(06年)をリリース。06年にペーター・ブロッツマン(s)、ポール・ニルセン・ラヴとトリオを結成し、『Head On』(08年)と『ヴォルダ』(10年)をリリース。最新作はエリオット・シャープ(g)とのデュオ作『リフレクションズ』(10年)。08年、ラヴィ・シャンカール、パコ・デ・ルシアらと共に英国のワールドミュージック誌 “Songlines” の《世界の最も優れた演奏家50人》に選ばれる。Moers Jazz Festival(ドイツ)、Vision Festival(米国)、Kongsberg Jazz Festival(ノルウェー)、Újbuda Jazz Festival(ハンガリー)、Music Unlimited(オーストリア)、Instal(イギリス)等に出演。世界のトップ・インプロヴァイザーと共演するかたわら、プログレッシヴ・ロック・アーティストのスティーヴン・ウィルソン(Porcupine Tree)、アコーディオン奏者のcoba、更に浜崎あゆみ、アンジェラ・アキやTakuya(元Judy & Mary)といったJ-POPアーティストのレコーディングやステージにも参加。現在は本田珠也(ds)、田中徳崇(ds)、トッド・ニコルソン(b)、須川崇志(b)と結成した《八木美知依ダブル・トリオ》を活動の核とし、オリジナル曲を中心としたレパートリーを聴かせている。
[八木美知依 japanimprov.com](http://www.japanimprov.com/myagi/)

ジャズと現代音楽を学び、数多くのグループに参加。ジャズを中心としながらもジャンルの垣根を意識しない演奏活動を行い、なかでもTortoiseなどを始めとするシカゴ音響派世代との交流が深い。2007年に帰国し、様々な即興演奏を行うとともに最近では日野皓正、Peter Brotzmann、高瀬アキ、井野信義、ケイ赤城、八木美知依、Bonnie’Prince’Billy、Josephine Fosterのグループなどに参加。

IPA (from Norway) - Atle Nymo (saxophone) - Magnus Broo (trumpet) - Ingebrigt Håker Flaten (bass) - Håkon Mjåset Johansen (drums) Michiyo Yagi Special Trio - Michiyo Yagi (electric 21-string koto, 17-string bass koto, electronics, voice) - Ingebrigt Håker Flaten (contrabass, electric bass) - Nori Tanaka (drums) Artist Information: IPA ![/sdlx/160108-IPA.jpg](/sdlx/160108-IPA.jpg) Musically inspired of the likes of Don Cherry and Albert Ayler, the material is based on great melodic compositions combined with more open material in an excellent mix. All performed with a lot of energy and enthusiasm by four fantastic musicians. With members from among others Atomic, Motif, The Thing and Trondheim Jazzorchestra, the musicians are some of the key players in the Scandinavian jazz scene. Since forming in 2008, IPA has toured Scandinavia, North America and China. This will be their first performance in Japan. Atle Nymo (tenor saxophone/ bass clarinet) During the last decade, Atle has made a strong mark on the Norwegian jazzscene. He was in 2001 awarded ”Young Nordic Jazz Comet” with the band Motif, and has since collaborated with people like John Taylor, Palle Danielsson and Bugge Wesseltoft. Atle works in bands like Motif, Ensemble Denada, Trondheim Jazzorchestra, and has also worked in projects with Chick Corea and Pat Metheny, and the Norwegian lyricist Jan Erik Vold. Magnus Broo (trumpet) Broo has his own unique style among Scandinavian jazz trumpeters. An unmistakeble sound: a wild rhythmic and melodic imagination combined with sincerety and warmth. Magnus has worked with a number of jazz greats, leads his own quartet, and works regularly with Atomic and Ken Vandermark. Ingebrigt Håker Flaten (double bass) One of the biggest profiles in Norwegian jazz, who has played with about everyone in the Norwegian jazz community, and many international players like Evan Parker, David Liebman, Joe Lovano, Paul Lytton and Yusef Lateef. He is renowned as a powerful bassplayer from bands like Atomic, Close Erase, Free Fall, The Thing and Bugge Wesseltoft. Håkon Mjåset Johansen (drums) Established himself from an early age as one of Norways most in demand drummers. He has won the Norwegian grammy with the bands Urban Connection and Come Shine, and been touring and recording with artists like Jan Garbarek, Michael Brecker, Steve Grossman, and Chick Corea. He is active in a dozen bands, for example Motif, Maryland and Ensemble Denada. [IPA info](http://www.ingebrigtflaten.com/ipa/) [IPA Facebook](www.facebook.com/IPAJAZZ) Michiyo Yagi Special Trio ![/sdlx/160108ymtrioweb.jpg](/sdlx/160108ymtrioweb.jpg) Michiyo Yagi ![/sdlx/150424-Yagi.jpg](/sdlx/150424-Yagi.jpg) Michiyo Yagi studied the traditional Japanese transverse harp known as the koto under the late Tadao Sawai and Kazue Sawai, and graduated from the NHK Professional Training School for Traditional Musicians. During her subsequent tenure as Visiting Professor of Music at Wesleyan University in Connecticut, U.S.A. she premiered numerous modern compositions for koto and came under the influence of maverick American composers such as John Cage, Christian Wolff, Conlon Nancarrow, and John Zorn. Yagi’s debut CD Shizuku was produced by Zorn and released on his Tzadik label in 1999. In 2001 she recorded Yural (BAJ/ewe) with her multi-koto ensemble Paulownia Crush — this group toured Russia under the auspices of the Japan Foundation in 2004. In 2005 Yagi released Seventeen (Zipangu), entirely performed on the giant 17-string bass koto. Live! at SuperDeluxe (Idiolect), a trio performance with Norwegians Ingebrigt Håker Flaten (contrabass) and Paal Nilssen-Love (drums), followed a year later. In 2008 Rikskonsertene, the national concert institute of Norway, sponsored a two-week tour by Yagi, Nilssen-Love, and German saxophonist Peter Brötzmann, a trio that has performed internationally since 2006 and released Head On (Idiolect, 2008) and Volda (Idiolect, 2010). Reflexions (Idiolect/Bomba), an album of duets with the experimental New York guitarist Elliott Sharp, was released in 2010. Yagi’s most recent CD releases are Ichi No Maki [Vol. 1] (2014), credited to Dōjō, her “power duo” with Japanese jazz drummer Tamaya Honda and featuring guests Nils Peter Molvær (trumpet) and Paal Nilssen-Love; Soul Stream (2015), a quartet session with Joe McPhee (pocket trumpet, saxophones), Lasse Marhaug (electronics) and Nilssen-Love; and Angular Mass (2015), a trio with Marhaug and Nilssen-Love. An album of ambient music co-produced by the Norwegian guitarist Eivind Aarset is forthcoming, and a CD of original compositions featuring Yagi’s vocals as well as a classical-contemporary recording of written and commissioned music are also in development. An eclectic performer who continually challenges conventions, Yagi has played at the Moers, Kongsberg Jazz, Punkt, Újbuda Jazz, Musique Actuel Victoriaville, Archipel, Bang on a Can, Tokyo Summer, Vision, Instal, Jazztopad, Sengawa Jazz, Fuji Rock, and Music Unlimited festivals. Notable co-performers include Mark Dresser, Jim O’Rourke, Akira Sakata, Sidsel Endresen, Han Bennink, Alan Silva, Kazutoki Umezu, Raz Mesinai, Yoshihide Otomo, Ned Rothenberg, Knut Buen, Bugge Wesseltoft, Satoko Fujii, Joëlle Leandre, Håkon Kornstad, Tatsuya Yoshida (Ruins), Masahiko Sato, Thomas Strønen, Carl Stone, Billy Bang, Keiji Haino, Mats Gustafsson, Roger Turner, Gerry Hemingway, Mani Neumeier, and Sachiko M. Yagi’s koto has been featured in ex-Judy & Mary guitarist/singer Takuya's band, and she has recorded with neo-prog rocker Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree), pop idol Ayumi Hamasaki, and singer-songwriter Angela Aki. In addition to leading the Michiyo Yagi Double Trio and the Michiyo Yagi Trio and performing solo concerts — all with an emphasis on her original compositions, extended techniques, and unique vocals based on the traditional jiuta style — she continues to be active as the leading improviser on her chosen instrument. [Michiyo Yagi Official Blog](http://michiyo-yagi.cocolog-nifty.com/) [Michiyo Yagi at Improvised Music from Japan](http://www.japanimprov.com/myagi/) Nori Tanaka ![/sdlx/130929-tanaka.jpg](/sdlx/130929-tanaka.jpg)

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