2017/02/18 土曜日土曜日
Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59
■ Moon Relay (from ノルウェー)
■ 浅野達彦
Moon Relay
Members: Daniel Meyer Grønvold, Håvard Volden, Martin S. Larsen, Ola Høyer

The rock quartet Moon Relay plays instrumental music that evokes hallucinations, dancing and thought forays into a fairy-tale world. In 2013 the band released a now long-sold-out 12-inch disc on the HUBRO label, and the following year their album debut on the Fysisk Format label received critical acclaim. The band’s members draw inspiration from a variety of genres, including the psychedelia of the 60s, krautrock, techno, no wave, surf rock, free jazz, electroacoustic music and the studio experiments of Joe Meek. Their their new album Full Stop Etc is different from the group’s eponymous debut album in a number of ways. The tunes are shorter and more stringently arranged, and the band has opened doors to new rooms. The album was created to a greater extent in the studio this time. The musicians wanted to distance themselves somewhat from a classic “rock band in a room” sound. They wanted to take the liberty of making a more collage-like album. The album was recorded partially at Malabar Studio and partially at the band’s own home studio over a long period of time, and was mixed by noise musician and producer Lasse Marhaug. The result is a creative album that is both captivating and surprising, and that represents a significant extension of the band’s universe.

1996年にMOODMAN主催のレーベル「M.O.O.D/donut」からシングル『bonjour』をリリース。 2000年任天堂テレビゲーム「巨人のドシン1」のサウンドトラック、『ドシンの跡を追って』を発表。2001年、『bonjour』を聴いたアレック・エンパイアからオファーを受け、彼の主宰する英国のレーベルGeist から初のフルアルバム『Genny Haniver』をリリース。2004年”クサマヤヨイの前衛ファッションショー!”の音楽を担当。2005年デヴィッド・シルヴィアンのリミックス・アルバム『Blemish Remixes』に参加。2008年2ndアルバム『Spacewatch』をAKICHI RECORDSよりリリース。現在都内を中心にライブ活動を行なっている。
MOON RELAY (from Norway)
Tatsuhiko ASANO
Members: Daniel Meyer Grønvold, Håvard Volden, Martin S. Larsen, Ola Høyer

The rock quartet Moon Relay plays instrumental music that evokes hallucinations, dancing and thought forays into a fairy-tale world. In 2013 the band released a now long-sold-out 12-inch disc on the HUBRO label, and the following year their album debut on the Fysisk Format label received critical acclaim. The band’s members draw inspiration from a variety of genres, including the psychedelia of the 60s, krautrock, techno, no wave, surf rock, free jazz, electroacoustic music and the studio experiments of Joe Meek. Their their new album Full Stop Etc is different from the group’s eponymous debut album in a number of ways. The tunes are shorter and more stringently arranged, and the band has opened doors to new rooms. The album was created to a greater extent in the studio this time. The musicians wanted to distance themselves somewhat from a classic “rock band in a room” sound. They wanted to take the liberty of making a more collage-like album. The album was recorded partially at Malabar Studio and partially at the band’s own home studio over a long period of time, and was mixed by noise musician and producer Lasse Marhaug. The result is a creative album that is both captivating and surprising, and that represents a significant extension of the band’s universe.
Tatsuhiko ASANO

Tatsuhiko was born in 1966, Japan, started playing the guitar and multi-recordings since 14 years old. Besides he was majoring the paintings in university, had joined several bands and composed solo works with a cassette MTR. In 1996, released his first solo 7-inch vinyl "Bonjour" from a label: M.O.O.D/donut. After that, in parallel of presenting solo works for compilations of the Techno/electronika label such as Transonic or Daisy World, had supported the GPP, Pacific 231 and other projects as a guitarist. In 2000, he released the soundtrack “In the Wake of Dosin,the GIANT” for Nintendo game software “Doshin the Giant I”.Released first full-album "Genny Haniver" from Alec Empire's label Geist under the DHR in 2001. In 2004, he takes charge of music work of "the advance guard fashion show of Yayoi Kusama" of a contemporary art artist's Yayoi Kusama. In 2005,he participates in the remix album "The Good Son VS The Only Daughter/The Blemish Remix" of David Sylvian. He released 2nd album "Spacewatch" from AKICHI RECORDS in 2008. He is mainly performing live activity in Tokyo now. He is currently preparing a new album.
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入場無料 Free Entry
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