David Burraston/秋山徹次

2017/03/15 水曜日

David Burraston / Tetuzi AKIYAMADavid Burraston/秋山徹次

Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 19:30 - 23:59




David Burraston


David Burraston / Noyzelab
David Burraston is an award winning artist/scientist working in the areas of technology and electronic music since the late 1970s. His experimental arts practice encompasses field recording, landscape-scale sound art, chaos/complexity, sound synthesis and electronic music. He performs, lectures, conducts workshops and creates art installations in Regional NSW and around the world. David also designs and builds sound synthesizers based on his theories of chaos/complexity science. He has been operating Noyzelab as an independent art/science music studio since 1981.
[Noyzelab Homepage](http://noyzelab.blogspot.jp)
[Noyzelab music](http://www.noyzelab.com/music/music.html)

[秋山徹次 Improvised Music from Japan](http://www.japanimprov.com/takiyama/takiyamaj/index.html)

協力:Arts NSW

LIVE: David Burraston Tetuzi AKIYAMA Artist Information: David Burraston / Noyzelab ![/sdlx/170315-Burraston-388.jpg](/sdlx/170315-Burraston-388.jpg) David Burraston is an award winning artist/scientist working in the areas of technology and electronic music since the late 1970s. His experimental arts practice encompasses field recording, landscape-scale sound art, chaos/complexity, sound synthesis and electronic music. He performs, lectures, conducts workshops and creates art installations in Regional NSW and around the world. David also designs and builds sound synthesizers based on his theories of chaos/complexity science. He has been operating Noyzelab as an independent art/science music studio since 1981. ![/sdlx/Noyzelab-250.jpg](/sdlx/Noyzelab-250.jpg) [Noyzelab Homepage](http://noyzelab.blogspot.jp) [Noyzelab music](http://www.noyzelab.com/music/music.html) Tetuzi Akiyama ![/sdlx/170315-Akiyama-388-KV.jpg](/sdlx/170315-Akiyama-388-KV.jpg) Akiyama specializes in creating music with elements of both primitivism and realism by connecting his own aspirations, in a minimal and straightforward way, to the special instrumental qualities of the guitar. Sometimes delicately and sometimes boldly, he controls sound volumes ranging from micro to macro, in an attempt to convert the body into an electronic entity. [Tetuzi Akiyama Improvised Music from Japan](http://www.japanimprov.com/takiyama/index.html) Supported by: Arts NSW ![/sdlx/ArtsNSW-300.jpg](/sdlx/ArtsNSW-300.jpg)

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