OOIOO/EYヨ/DJ2741 春の醗酵パーティ!!

2017/04/08 土曜日

OOIOO / EYヨ / DJ 2741 Spring Fermentation Party!!OOIOO/EYヨ/DJ2741 春の醗酵パーティ!!

Open: 17:30:00 | Start: 17:30 - 23:59




DJ 2741


17:30 開場 & DJ 2741
19:00 OOIOO
20:00 EYE
21:00 DJ 2741
22:00 イマジン盆踊り部
22:30 終了

Paradise Alley Bread & Co.(鎌倉)パン
トージバ 醗酵食
東京エール クラフトビール
大井戸猩猩 発酵絵Tシャツ


YOSHIMIO (BOREDOMS) を中心に、1995年より活動。ひとつの種族のごとく土着し、伝統と未来をワンステップで行き来するスーパー・トライブへと変異し続けた2014年までを抜け、今新たな原子構造へと回帰、分析不能な「それそのもの」へと原始的進化をはじめたOOIOO。音が鳴る悦びを追求するプリミティヴ・フューチャーな姿勢と、農耕民族の地平的パースペクティヴが同居した、感覚のグリッチが放つ新しい波動は、ドレミファソラシドとその中間を自在に往還して、今、また音楽へと昇華してゆきます。
[OOIOO オフィシャルサイト](http://ooioo.jp)

80年代にBOREDOMSをスタート、Sonic Youth、Nirvanaのサポート、Bill Laswellのプロジェクトに参加。BOREDOMSとして14枚のアルバム制作、NYでのドラムセット77台による公演からボアドラムのプロジェクトをスタート。90年代にDJスタート、複眼的なミックスでMIX CD, REMIX等多数。

DJ 2741


[寺田本家 オフィシャルサイト](http://www.teradahonke.co.jp)
[第11回お蔵フェスタ](http://www.teradahonke.co.jp/okura2017B.htm) 3月12日(日)午前9〜午後3時半 会場:寺田本家

パラダイス・アレイ(Paradise Alley Bread & Co.)
[Paradise Alley Bread & Co. CAFE CACTUS 5139](http://cafecactus5139.com/paradisealley/)

[トージバ オフィシャルサイト](http://www.toziba.net)

東京エールは1998年、クラフトビールを東京に広く浸透させるという使命のもとに設立されました。Tokyo Ale No.3を主力ビールとして展開しております。都心部のバー、レストラン、カフェにて飲む事が出来ます。
[東京エール オフィシャルサイト](http://tokyo-ale.com)

「自然界に自然に在る模様を究極にデジタル化したものを手描きしている。ミクロだけどでっかかった。両極が存在してて、カオスにまとまってた。いや、カオスとまとまりが同じ位置にいた。OIDONは絵の息抜きの絵を気がついたら描いてる、って言うてたが、無意識ほど意識が出るものはないと思うよ。ついやってしまうことを意識するのは、自分の根を見る作業だと思うよ。 OIDONの根はもの凄い遠くまではってる。 奥が遠く深い。 その発掘作業だと思い、ほんとうに描き尽くして欲しいと思うよ。 だけど、いいとか悪いの価値表現でなく、有る、ことで在る、ことで成し得るもののような。 うん、絵かなんだかわからない。でも心底在るよね、その、描いたやつ。絵?え?あはは! 頼りになるのは、気合いより、無意識。がんばらないようがんばってください。」
[大井戸猩猩 オフィシャルサイト](http://www.whev.com/ooido_syoujou/index.html)

OOIOO ![/sdlx/eye.gif](/sdlx/eye.gif) DJ 2741 Imagine Bonodoribu TIMETABLE 17:30 Open & DJ 2741 19:00 OOIOO 20:00 EYE 21:00 DJ 2741 22:00 Imagine Bonodoribu 22:30 End FEATURING: Terada Honke natural organic Japanese sake Paradise Alley Bread & Co. delicious bread from Kamakura Toziba fermented foodstuffs Tokyo Ale craft beer Syoujou Ooido fermentation design t-shirts Artist Information: OOIOO ![/sdlx/170408-ooioo-388.jpg](/sdlx/170408-ooioo-388.jpg) Originally started by YOSHIMIO (BOREDOMS) in 1995. In the years since, the group has coalesced into a proper tribe of its own, yet continued to evolve in its unique way. In 2012, they brought a new ancient spirit into the fold - the gamelan - and transformed themselves into a super tribe one-stepping the road between the past and the future. Distance and time, light and shadow. Air and color, the earth and the universe. OOIOO freely weaves all of these into a tapestry of sound with a sharp, keen sense of color. Hear the music begin to flow on borrowed strength from you, the listener, as you encounter for the first time the sound of this imaginary OOIOO tribe, and it feeds back between us... [OOIOO official site](http://ooioo.jp) ![/sdlx/eye.gif](/sdlx/eye.gif) ![/sdlx/170408-eye-388.jpg](/sdlx/170408-eye-388.jpg) ![/sdlx/eye.gif](/sdlx/eye.gif) is a Japanese musician, performer, vocalist and visual artist, best known as the member of the legendary BOREDOMS and was on HANATARASH, NAKED CITY, UFO OR DIE, PUZZLE PUNKS and many other projects. He has worked with artists such as JOHN ZORN, NAM JUNE PAIK, SONIC YOUTH, OTOMO YOSHIHIDE, SHINRO OHTAKE, adn many more. In addition, he is an accomplished visual artist and his artwork has adorned a number of records, including most albums by the Boredoms and Beck’s ‘Midnite Vultures’. “Inside the Eye is an inverted reflection of what you see, which is no more or less than an inwardly magnified image of the world. But it's not the real world; it's your own real world, because there isn't only one. Your world is always an inverted reflection, as is everyone else's. Can you ever be sure what their reflection shows them? If you turn your world upside down, will it be any closer to theirs? If, instead, you turn their world upside down, will it begin to resemble yours? Perhaps it's worth a try.” [Official site](http://www.boredoms.jp) DJ 2741 ![/sdlx/170408-DJ2741-388.jpg](/sdlx/170408-DJ2741-388.jpg) Imagine Bonodoribu ![/sdlx/170408-imaginebonbu-388.jpg](/sdlx/170408-imaginebonbu-388.jpg) [Official site](http://www.imaginebonbu.com) Terada Honke ![/sdlx/okurafesta-300.jpg](/sdlx/okurafesta-300.jpg) Terada Honke has been brewing sake for more than 330 years in Kozaki the "Town of Brewage" located in Chiba Prefecture 87.5km northeast of Tokyo. They make naturally brewed sake using organic rice with the help of yeasts and various microorganisms. In contrast to modern mechanized sake brewage, all the work is done manually. They make sake according to the ancient Kimoto method (fermenting with wild microorganisms taking plenty of time) which most current sake brewers have stopped practicing. The only ingredients are rice, water and koji malt (steamed rice inoculated with starch-breaking molds). Terada Honke's sake is made following the law of nature, with help from the natural microorganisms inhabiting the air within the old walls of the brewery. [Terada Honke official site](http://www.teradahonke.co.jp) Paradise Alley Bread & Co. ![/sdlx/kebukaijin-300.jpg](/sdlx/kebukaijin-300.jpg) Kamakura’s legendary bakery known far and wide for delicious and beautiful breads made with natual yeast. [Paradise Alley Bread & Co. CAFE CACTUS 5139](http://cafecactus5139.com/paradisealley/) Toziba ![/sdlx/alumonde-300.jpg](/sdlx/alumonde-300.jpg) [Toziba official site (JP)](http://www.toziba.net) Tokyo Ale ![/sdlx/tokyoalekobo-300.jpg](/sdlx/tokyoalekobo-300.jpg) Founded 1998 in Tokyo, Japan to spread the love of craft beer. Our tasty amber ale (Tokyo Ale No.3) is available at bars, restaurants, and cafes in central Tokyo. [Tokyo Ale official site](http://tokyo-ale.com) Syoujou Ooido (OIDON) ![/sdlx/SyoujouOoido-t1-300.jpg](/sdlx/SyoujouOoido-t1-300.jpg) “OIDON's hand-drawings that ultimately digitalize patterns seen in nature are so microscopic and big at the same time. They have harmony in chaos having both ends- you know, it kind of reminds me of myself being in chaos and harmony at the same level. OIDON once told me he always starts drawings before he even knows what he's doing, and I believe that's the time your consciousness comes out. That's the time you can see your roots when you recognize your unconsciousness. OIDON's roots grow so deep and far, and I want him to keep tracking the roots till the end. His work is my kind of thing- not being good or bad though, it's like being itself accomplishes its being. I don't even know if they are even drawings- but they actually exist, right? Ha-ha. What you can depend on is not your guts but your unconsciousness. Keep up the good work unconsciously.” YOSHIMIO (BOREDOMS/OOIOO) [Syoujou Ooido official site](http://www.whev.com/ooido_syoujou/index.html)

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