ライナー・コールバーガー / カール・ストーン+赤い日ル女

2017/05/07 日曜日

Rainer Kohlberger / Carl Stone + AkaiHirumeライナー・コールバーガー / カール・ストーン+赤い日ル女

Open: 18:30:00 | Start: 19:00 - 23:59




ライナー・コールバーガー(from オーストリア)A/Vセット


ライナー・コールバーガー (Rainer Kohlberger)

Born 1982 in Austria, is a Freelance Visual Artist living in Berlin. His work is primarily based on algorithmically generated graphics that are exposed in live performances, experimental films and installations. For his work “field” he won the ZKM App Art Award for artistic innovation. He received the Crossing Europe Local Artist Award 2013 for his work humming, fast and slow.
[Rainer Kohlberger official website](http://kohlberger.net)


カール・ストーン(Carl Stone)
現在のコンピューターミュージックの先駆者の一人であり、ヴィレッジボイス誌は『サンプリングの王者』『現在のアメリカで最も優 れた作曲家の一人』と賞賛している。彼は 1986 年からライブパフォーマンスでコンピューターを使用している。ストーンはロサンジェ ルスで生まれ、現在はサンフランシスコと日本を拠点に活躍している。カリフォルニア芸術大学で、Morton Subotnick, James Tenneyに師事し、1972年から電子アコースティック音楽の作曲を始めたが、この分野は殆ど彼の独壇場である。その作品は、 アメリカ・カナダ・ヨーロッパ・アジア・オーストラリア・南米・北東アフリカなどで演奏されており、演奏活動の他に作曲やコンサー トツアーも行い、日本の中京大学情報理工学部情報メディア工学科の教授でもある。
[カール・ストーン official website](http://www.rlsto.net/)

[赤い日ル女 official website](http://akaihirume.wixsite.com/akaihirume)


LIVE: Rainer Kohlberger (from Austria) A/V set Carl Stone + AkaiHirume Artist information: Rainer Kohlberger ![/sdlx/RainerKohlbergerAV1-x388.jpg](/sdlx/RainerKohlbergerAV1-x388.jpg) ![/sdlx/RainerKohlbergerAV2-x388.jpg](/sdlx/RainerKohlbergerAV2-x388.jpg) Born 1982 in Austria, is a Freelance Visual Artist living in Berlin. His work is primarily based on algorithmically generated graphics that are exposed in live performances, experimental films and installations. For his work “field” he won the ZKM App Art Award for artistic innovation. He received the Crossing Europe Local Artist Award 2013 for his work humming, fast and slow. [Rainer Kohlberger official website](http://kohlberger.net) Carl Stone + AkaiHirume ![/sdlx/170507-CSYK-x388.jpg](/sdlx/170507-CSYK-x388.jpg) Carl Stone and Akaihirume began their collaboration in 2015 in Tokyo, and have since performed around Japan, in Singapore and in New York. In writing about the recent New York performance, critic Brian Zhukov has written: “What unfolded onstage was both sonically accessible and temporally exhaustive as Akaihirume and Stone entered into what could be described as an esoteric and aural courting dance that entranced the entire audience.Carl Stone Carl Stone is one of the pioneers of live computer music, and has been hailed by the Village Voice as "the king of sampling." and "one of the best composers living in (the USA) today." He has used computers in live performance since 1986. Stone was born in Los Angeles and now divides his time between California and Japan. He studied composition at the California Institute of the Arts with Morton Subotnick and James Tenney and has composed electro-acoustic music almost exclusively since 1972. His works have been performed in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia, Australia, South America and the Near East. In addition to his schedule of performance, composition and touring, he is on the faculty of the Information Media Technology Department, School of Information Science and Technology at Chukyo University in Japan. [Carl Stone official website](http://www.rlsto.net/) AkaiHirume Akaihirume is a young Japanese singer whose ear is always tuned to the world’s sounds, which she keeps as materials in her shell. As both an original songwriter and an improviser she has worked with a variety of artists, musicians, action-painters, photographers and more. Recent collaborators include Simon Fisher Turner, Yasumune Morishige, Akiko Nakayama and Carl Stone. First classically trained, then took a stint as a rock drummer in several Japanese garage bands. She began her career as a singer/songwriter in 2012. Her singing has been used in the soundtrack for the film Dies Irae by Eori Wakakuwa, and is also featured in Songs For A Thousand Duets, part of the, the sound installation by Duncan Speakman & Sarah Anderson as part of the Saitama Trienniale 2016. [AkaiHirume official website](http://akaihirume.wixsite.com/akaihirume) ![/sdlx/ACF2017.jpg](/sdlx/ACF2017.jpg)

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