2018/10/14 日曜日日曜日
Toshinori Kondo & Roger Turner Duo近藤等則 & ロジャー・ターナー DUO
Open: 18:30 | Start: 19:00
前売/Advance: ¥0.00 | 当日/Door: ¥3500
ドリンク別/Plus drink
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近藤等則&ロジャー・ターナー DUO
近藤等則 (Toshinori Kondo)
ロジャー・ターナー (Roger Turner)
近藤等則 (Toshinori Kondo) trumpet, electronics
地球規模で活動するエレクトリック・トランペッター。デレク・ベイリー、ビル・ラズウェル、DJ KRUSH等、国内外の個性的なミュージシャン達との共演歴は膨大。1984年IMAバンドを日本で結成し、世界各地でライブを敢行。1993年、アムステルダムに活動拠点を移す。1993年、イスラエル ネゲブ砂漠から大自然の中で即興演奏する「地球を吹く」を開始。ペルー アンデス、ヒマラヤ ラダック、アラスカ マッキンレー、熊野等。2001年には、ダライ・ラマ14世が提唱する「世界聖なる音楽祭 広島2001」を厳島神社にてプロデュース。2005年、黒田征太郎(ライブ・ペインティング)とPIKADON project をスタート。
近藤等則 official site
ロジャー・ターナー (Roger Turner) drumset and percussion
パーカッショニスト/ドラマーとして1970年代初頭から英国を拠点に活動。デレク・ベイリーのインカスレーベルに初期の録音を残し、1980年頃には、近藤等則、ジョン・ラッセルとのトリオによる『Artless Sky』 を自主リリース。以後はソロ、実験的ロックミュージシャンやフリースタイルの歌手との共演、前衛ダンス、映画や現代芸術家らとの創作活動に参加する等、精力的に活動。またワークショップやジャズ音楽ベースのアンサンブルにも多数参加している。共演者の名を挙げたら枚挙に遑がないが、アーネット・ピーコック、ティム・ホジキンソン(元ヘンリー・カウ)、アラン・シルヴァ、セシル・テイラー、スティーヴ・ベレスフォード、フィル・ミントン、イ・オッキョン、が挙げられる。2013年の来日に際し、原美術館にて大友良英とも共演し、鮮烈かつ鋭角的なパーカッション演奏を見せた。「ターナーの先鋭的で斬新な演奏は圧巻である。炸裂するパワーと繊細で情緒豊かな音が絶妙に絡み合う音楽は正に類い稀だと いえよう」(ワイヤー 1986年)
Roger Turner Official site
Roger Turner Wikipedia
Toshinori Kondo / Roger Turner DUO
Toshinori Kondo trumpet, electronics
Toshinori Kondo (b. 1948) is an avant-garde jazz and fusion trumpeter. Kondo attended Kyoto university in 1967, and became close friends with percussionist Tsuchitori Toshiyuki. In 1972 the pair left university, and Toshiyuki went on to work with Peter Brook, while Kondo joined Yosuke Yamashita. In 1978 Kondo moved to New York, and began performing with Bill Laswell, John Zorn, Fred Frith, and Eraldo Bernocchi. A year later he released his first recording, toured Europe with Eugene Chadbourne, and collaborated with European musicians such as Peter Brötzmann. Returning to Japan, he worked with Ryuichi Sakamoto, Kazumi Watanabe, and Herbie Hancock. In the mid-1980s he began focusing on his own career, blending his avant-garde origins with electronic music. He founded the band Kondo IMA in 1984. Kondo IMA achieved commercial success but moved to Amsterdam to be alone and to start “Blow the Earth” in 1993. In 2002, he worked on an international peace festival in Hiroshima after being approached by the Dalai Lama about organizing one. He is a former member of Praxis. Kondo cooperated with Bill Laswell to make the album Inamorata in 2007. “Blow the Earth in Japan” began in 2007 and ended in 2011. Kondo also directed t
he film Blow the Earth in Japan.
Toshinori Kondo official site
Roger Turner drums and percussion
Roger Turner grew up amongst the Canterbury musical life of the 1960s with a strong broad jazz root. His first formal performance in improvisation was in duo with Chris Biscoe for the British Council, Brighton in 1966. He moved to London in 1968 and worked with the Ghanian drum ensemble Mask and toured with the experimental and innovative Ritual Theatre. Since 1974, he has primarily concentrated on opening the way to a more personal percussion language. Extensive solo work followed (including concerts at the Bracknell Jazz Festival and the Bruxelles Festival of Percussion) and he was also granted two Arts Council bursaries (1980 and 1983) for investigation into percussion and electronics. It was during this period that he recorded his solo LP The blur between, though it focusses on very specific aspects of percussion and certainly does not represent his wide current interests. In 1984 and 1985, he undertook workshop residences at Alan Silva’s Institut Art Cultur Perception in Paris. In the same period, collaborations with experimental rock musics and open song form included extensive duo work with Annette Peacock (1983-1985) and recordings with post-wave band The Nose Flutes (1986-1987). Roger Turner has worked with numerous jazz-based ensembles including those of Elton Dean, Alan Silva and Lol Coxhill. Music making with European and international improvisors in ad hoc and group collaborations has over the years included Toshinori Kondo, Derek Bailey, Trio’z with Carlos Zingaro and Tom Cora, Evan Parker, Cecil Taylor, Otomo Yoshihide, Shelley Hirsch, Joëlle Léandre; Keith Rowe; Wolfgang Fuchs and many others. Collaborations with film-makers and image projection include work with Martin Klapper & Chikako Oyama and music for dance includes work with Alexander Frangenheim’s concepts of doing (Stuttgart); Matthew Hawkins Company (London); Carlos Zingaro’s Encontros projects (Lisbon & Macau, China). Roger Turner’s current main collaborations are The tradition trio with Alan Silva and Johannes Bauer; The Recedents with Lol Coxhill and Mike Cooper; Konk Pack with Tim Hodgkinson and Thomas Lehn; The Phil Minton Quartet with Veryan Weston and John Butcher; duos with John Russell and Phil Minton. Performances in major festivals have included: Edinburgh; Actual, London; Setubal and Avante, Portugal; CRIM, Pisa; Bracknell, England; Ulrichsberg and Nickelsdorf Austria; Kongsberg, Norway; Philadelphia Free Music; Taklos, Switzerland; Chantenay, France; Budapest; Berlin Jazzfest; Camden Jazz Festival, London; Vancouver; Victoriaville; Sound Symposium, Newfoundland; Banlieu Bleu, Paris; Vandoeuvre; Copenhagen Voice Festival; Macau; etc.
Roger Turner Official site
Roger Turner Wikipedia
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