2018/10/17 水曜日水曜日
Match & Fuse DAY 1 – Art of Solo
Open: 18:30 | Start: 18:45
前売/Advance: ¥0.00 | 当日/Door: ¥3500
ドリンク別/Plus drink
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コリン・ヴァロン Colin Vallon
石橋英子 Eiko Ishibashi
トビヤス・プライシク Tobias Preisig
2011年のある日、イギリス、フランス、ノルウェーのミュージシャン達が国外でも演奏したいな。ってお互い話をしていて、じゃ、自分達でそれぞれお互いの国でコンサートを企画して一緒にやろうよ。ってことになって小さなフェスを実行しました。以来、ヨーロッパ各地で賛同したエージェントやアーティストが音楽集団 Match&Fuse (マッチ&フューズ)をつくって、ツアーやフェスを企画しました。それが、私たちMatch&Fuseのはじまりです。Match(マッチ)とは、いろいろな国のアーティストを合(会)わせる事。Fuse(フューズ)とは、そのアーティストの架け橋となり新しい絆を繋げる事。今や私たちの拠点は、チューリッヒ、ロンドン、トゥールズ、ブリュッセル、ダブリン、オスローと広がりました。そして、2018年10月待望の日本に上陸!東京 六本木と大阪 堺を新たな拠点として、国と国とのMatchとアーティストのFuseを実現。第一回目となる今年はスイスと日本をMatchさせます。
23歳以下 2000円+ドリンク
18:30 開場
18:45 トークショー
19:45 コリン・ヴァロン ソロ
20:35 石橋英子 ソロ
21:25 トビヤス・プライシク ソロ
22:15 Fuse (トリオセッション)
コリン・ヴァロン (Colin Vallon)
Colin Vallon official site
Photo © Severin Novacki
石橋英子 (Eiko Ishibashi)
千葉県茂原市出身。映画音楽の制作をきっかけとしてソロとしての作品を作り始め、6枚のソロアルバムをリリース。音楽雑誌の年間ベストに選ばれるなど高い評価を受ける。ピアノをメインとしながらドラム、フルート、ヴィブラフォン等も演奏するマルチ・プレイヤー。近年は演劇、映画の音楽も多く手掛けている。4年間の歳月を費やした最新アルバム「The Dream My Bones Dream」は米インディレーベルDrag Cityから全世界発売。
Eiko Ishibashi official site
トビヤス・プライシク (Tobias Preisig)
Tobias Preisig official site
Photo © Jean-Marc Guelat
MATCH & FUSE official site
Match & Fuse DAY 1 – Art of Solo
Under 23 ¥2000 + drink
18:30 Open
18:45 Panel discussion
19:45 Colin Vallon solo
20:35 Eiko Ishibashi solo
21:25 Tobias Presig solo
22:15 FUSE trio collaboration
Artist information:
Colin Vallon
After studying classical music for 2 years Colin Vallon (born November 17 1980 in Lausanne) took classes with jazz pianist Marc Ueter at the age of fourteen. He enrolled at the Swiss Jazz School when he was 18 and studied with Silvano Bazan, William Evans, Manuel Bärtsch and Bert Joris. In 1999, he founds the Colin Vallon trio with Lorenz Beyeler on double-bass and Raphaël Pedroli on drums; in 2004 it released his debut-album « Les Ombres ». At that time, he starts to use and develop his own prepared piano techniques. In January 2005, the trio opens the Swiss Diagonales Festival with New-York guitarist Kurt Rosenwinkel. 2005, he forms a new trio with Patrice Moret on double-bass and Samuel Rohrer on drums and records « Ailleurs » published in 2007 by HatHut Records. «Rruga» the third recording of the trio is released in 2011 on the prestigious international Label ECM Records. In 2012 drummer Julian Sartorius replaces Rohrer in the trio. The trio’s fourth album « Le Vent » is released on 2014 on the same label. The trio is very active on the international jazz scene. Numerous concerts at international festivals (Wilisau, Paris, Vienne, Rome, London, Portland, Montreal, …) and tours in Europe, Canada, USA, Japan, South Corea, … Colin Vallon is also active as a composer.
Colin Vallon official site
Photo © Severin Novacki
Eiko Ishibashi
Eiko Ishibashi is a session musician, producer, and singer song writer who is based in Japan. Though mainly playing the piano, she is a multi-instrumentalist who is also able to play the drums, flute, and vibraphone. In recent years, she has been performing over 100 shows annually, sharing the stage with many artists such as Jim O’Rourke, Keiji Haino, Akira Sakata, Charlemagne Palestine, Seiichi Yamamoto, Gasper Claus, Oren Ambarchi, Glenn Kotche, Darling Gray and Merzbow. She has also recently had 2 European tours and has performed in the Fuji Rock Festival. Eiko Ishibashi started her musical career as a drummer, performing in several bands. She started playing the piano a few years back, when she began to score music for films and work as a solo musician. Since then, she has released 2 solo albums and the album “slip beneath the distant tree” under the name of Eiko Ishibashi + Tatsuya Yoshida. Her 2nd album “drifting devil” which featured artist such as Seiichi Yamamoto, had created buzz being critically appraised by both critics and fellow musicians, and was selected for the years best album list in Japanese magazines. Her first album in 4 years will be released in July 2018.
Eiko Ishibashi official site
Tobias Preisig
Tobias Preisig is a Swiss violinist and composer. His style can be described as alternative jazz or experimental improvised jazz. He plays mainly with his electronica duo Egopusher.
Tobias Preisig official site
Photo © Jean-Marc Guelat
MATCH & FUSE official site
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