2018/10/19 金曜日金曜日
Akikazu Nakamura / Akiko Nakayama / Morgan Fisher中村明一/中山晃子/モーガン・フィッシャー
Open: 19:00 | Start: 20:00
前売/Advance: ¥0.00 | 当日/Door: ¥3300
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中村明一 Akikazu Nakamura
中山晃子 Akiko Nakayama
モーガン・フィッシャー Morgan Fisher
このコンサートのために特別に結成されたトリオ「The Bamboo Cutters」は最高の即興技術を持つメンバー:【中村明一】虚無僧尺八の音楽を伝統と最先端の音楽を織り交ぜることの出来る最高の尺八奏者。【中山晃子】21世紀にまで及ぶ、60年代の「リキッドライトショー」の技術に基づいた、ユニークな「Alive Painting」。【モーガン・フィッシャー】珍しいヴィンテージのキーボードと最新のエレクトロニクスを使用しているキーボード奏者。彼のルーツは70年代のロックであり、彼の音楽はアンビエント/トランスの音楽の領域とクロスしている。
The Bamboo Cutters(中村明一/中山晃子/モーガン・フィッシャー)Akikazu Nakamura / Akiko Nakayama / Morgan Fisher
中村明一 Akikazu Nakamura
横山勝也師、多数の虚無僧尺八家に師事。米国バークリー音楽大学及びニューイングランド音楽院大学院で作曲とジャズ理論を学ぶ。循環呼吸を操る尺八奏者として、古典を拠り所としつつ多岐に亘る活動を展開し世界40ヶ国余で公演。作曲家としても活躍し委嘱作品多数。日本現代音楽協会会員。桐朋学園芸術短期大学講師。文化庁芸術祭レコード部門優秀賞。文化庁舞台芸術創作奨励賞。CD「虚無僧尺八の世界 北陸の尺八 三谷」(ビクター VZCG349)、「super-nova/Kokoo」(キング KICP716)、他多数。
中村明一 official site
中山晃子 Akiko Nakayama
画家。液体から固体までさまざまな材料を相互に反応させて絵を描く「Alive Painting」というパフォーマンスを行う。科学的、物理的な法則に基づくあらゆる現象や、現れる色彩を、生物や関係性のメタファーとして作品の中に生き生きと描く。ソロでは音を「透明な図像」として扱い、絵を描くことによって空間や感情に触れる。近年では TEDxHaneda、Audiovisual Media festival 2015 (台湾) 、Ars Electronica Fes 2016 (オーストリア)にも出演。
中山晃子 official site
モーガン・フィッシャー Morgan Fisher
Morgan Fisher official site
The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter: Sound & Light Performance
The Bamboo Cutters (Akikazu Nakamura / Akiko Nakayama / Morgan Fisher)
The Bamboo Cutters are a trio specially formed for this one concert. The members are all experienced at the highest level of creative improvisation: Akikazu Nakamura renowned shakuhachi master, equally at home in the ancient Komuso monk tradition and the most cutting edge avant-garde music. Akiko Nakayama whose unique Alive Painting builds on the 60s techniques of “liquid light shows” and takes it far into the the 21st century. Morgan Fisher (UK) keyboardist using rare vintage keyboards and modern electronics. His roots are in 70s rock and his branches reach the outer edges of ambient/trance music.
The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter (Taketori Monogatari) is one of Japan’s oldest stories (10th century), about an extra-terrestrial princess sent to Japan from the moon via a magical, shining bamboo, being adopted by a humble bamboo cutter, and her eventual return home after bewitching the five princes with her incredible beauty, and tempting the Emperor with immortality. The tale will not be specifically told here, however its fascinating themes and symbols are the inspiration for this entirely improvised concert.
Of course the bamboo in the story can relate to the shakuhachi (with the tiny baby and gold hidden in the bamboo perhaps symbolising the vast range of music Nakamura can produce from this deceptively simple instrument). Nakayama’s complex, evolving abstract colour images can symbolise the impossible tasks and adventures in the story. And Fisher’s vast soundscapes provide a boundless space in which this extraordinary story can unfold, with its moon voyages, and the Emperor finally trying to send a message to the moon from Japan’s highest mountain – which, legend has it, has become known since that time as: Mount Fuji (from “fushi” = “immortality”).
Akikazu Nakamura
Studied with komuso shakuhachi master Katsuya Yokoyama, and at Berklee College. Performs worldwide, blending traditional music with rock, jazz, contemporary music, improvisation. First prize at the 1999 Cultural Affairs Arts Festival. Composed for NHK, German radio, Sibelius and Ravel String Quartets; member of the Japan Society of Contemporary Music. His progressive trio Kokoo (shakuhachi and two kotos) played songs by Bowie, King Crimson, Pink Floyd, etc. His new unit Forest plays original fusion music. CDs include The World of Zen Music(Victor VZCG349), Super-nova (King KICP716).
Akikazu Nakamura information in English
Akiko Nakayama
Visual artist Akiko Nakayama creates installations, live performance and photographic works dealing with energy cycles, movement and colors. Employing a wide range of techniques, her unique approach to live painting results in melting landscapes, kaleidoscopic patterns and surreal and saturated vistas. Working in collaboration with some of Japan’s most distinctive improvising artists, including Keiji Haino, Akira Sakata and Hiromichi Sakamoto, she pursues what she titles ‘alive painting’, in which she aims to find the ‘existence of life’ in the act of creating out of nothingness.
Akiko Nakayama official site
Morgan Fisher
Born in London. 1973-76 played with Mott the Hoople, produced by David Bowie. In 1980 produced “Miniatures” (51 one-minute tracks by Robert Fripp, Michael Nyman, Pretenders, XTC, Penguin Cafe Orchestra, Damned, etc. Made vol. 2 in 2000). In 1985 moved to Japan to create ambient and improvised music; composed TV commercial music for Cat Power, Jose Feliciano, Zap Mama and numerous other singers and leading clients. Worked with Yoko Ono, The Boom, Dip in the Pool, Haruomi Hosono, Kokoo. Owns many rare vintage analog keyboards; performs solo monthly at his home studio. Is also very active as a light artist (abstract photographer).
Morgan Fisher official site
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2025/04/05 土曜日土曜日
Open: 15:00 | Start: 15:00 - 20:00
入場無料 Free Entry
開場 15:00 Open 〜 終了 20:00 Close
主催 Presented by: Permaculture AWA, Kosmic Market, SuperDeluxe
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