Crooked Sun 1st album release Live!!

2018/10/31 水曜日

galabox disx presentsCrooked Sun 1st album release Live!!

Open: 19:30 | Start: 20:00


前売/Advance: ¥0.00 | 当日/Door: ¥3500

ドリンク別/Plus drink


制作から1年、満を持して、遂に1stアルバム『Crooked Sun』完成!!2018年12月の一般発売に先駆け、先行発売ライブ!

本文:氏名 (ふりがな)人数電話番号

LIVE: CROOKED SUN(伏見蛍、山本哲也、ナスノミツル、城戸紘志)
Kei Fushimi, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Mitsuru Nasuno, Hiroshi Kido

Crooked Sun オフィシャル (galabox disx)

伏見蛍 Kei Fushimi (guitars)

東京都出身。ギタリスト。10代の頃よりプロとして活動を始める。現在は自身のインストバンド”Crooked Sun”や、ナスノミツル、沼澤尚との音響ギターユニット”The Maker”(2017年FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL出演)で活動する他、様々なアーティストのライブサポートやレコーディング(ももいろクローバーZ、KERA、鈴木慶一、吉澤嘉代子、他)、また舞台音楽(ケラリーノ・サンドロヴィッチ演出「ワーニャ伯父さん」「祈りと怪物」他)やCM音楽の劇伴等に参加している。

山本哲也 Tetsuya Yamamoto (keyboards, programming)

大阪府出身。日大芸術学部音楽学科作曲コース卒業。作・編曲家、キーボーディスト、プログラミング(ライブ・マニュピレーター含む)&エンジニアリング。 自身のユニット「anonymass」(MIDI)で4枚のアルバムを発表。現在は鈴木惣一朗率いるWORLD STANDARD、伏見蛍率いるCrooked Sunに参加中。 バンドプロデュース、ライブ、CM音楽、映像音楽、舞台音楽、ゲーム音楽、雑誌執筆等多岐にわたり活動。多くのアーティストのレコーディングやライブツアーにプロデュース、アレンジ、キーボード・プレーヤー、エンジニア、シンセ・プログラマーとして参加。2003年よりプライベート・スタジオ「目黒倉庫」を立ち上げ、制作の拠点と実験の場に。参加アーティスト: luki、DAITA、aiko、西野カナ、岸谷香、No Lie-Sence 他、多数・・・2018年夏は、THE BEATNIKSのサポートメンバーを務める。

ナスノミツル Mitsuru Nasuno (bass)

アンダーグラウンドシーンの最重要ベースマンマシーン。90年代前半に「アルタードステイツ」結成。東京移住後に大友良英の第2期「グラウンドゼロ」に参加。 現在の参加ユニットは「是巨人」,「ウンベルティポ」,「不失者」,「MUGAMICHIRU」,「The Maker」等、独自の空間的アプローチはエレクトリックベースの領域を突破し成層圏に到達するかの如くに上昇中。

城戸紘志 Hiroshi Kido (drums)

幼少期よりピアノ、クラシックギターを始め、16歳で初めてドラムセットを叩く。20歳の時に「本当の8ビート」を探しに、単身渡米。帰国後、オーディションを経て、元Blankey Jet Cityの浅井健一率いるJUDE に若干22歳で加入。JUDE活動休止後、2006年にTOKIE、青木裕とunkieを結成。バンド活動と平行して、様々なプロジェクトにてレコーディング、ツアーサポートなども行っている。主な参加プロジェクト:フジファブリック、 吉井和哉、DREAMS COME TRUE、HYDE、J (LUNA SEA)、PUFFY、SE7EN、いきものがかり、藤巻亮太(レミオロメン)、秦基博、MiChi、矢井田瞳、初音ミク、 iLL、Peridots、ハルカトミユキ、OLDE WORLDE、THE SLUT BANKS等。

Crooked Sun 1st album release Live!!

Come celebrate the release of their long-awaited 1st album CROOKED SUN!

Reserve via email here >
Please include the following:
Email subject: “10/31 reservation
Email body: first & last namenumber of ticketstelephone number

Artist information:

Crooked Sun

An instrumental jam band with their unique brand of ambient and heavy music, with members: Kei Fushimi (lead guitar), Tetsuya Yamamoto (keyboards), Mitsuru Nasuno (bass), and Hiroshi Kido (drums).

Crooked Sun official (galabox disx)

Kei Fushimi guitars

Born in Tokyo. Already playing the guitar professionally since his teenage years. Besides being an active member in his own instrumental band Crooked Sun and The Maker, an ambient guitar band whose other members include Mitsuru Nasuno and Takahashi Numazawa, which performed in the 2017 Fuji Rock Festival, Kei Fushimi also engaged in live concert support and recordings of other artists (Momoiro Clover Z, KERA, Keiichi Suzuki, Kayoko Yoshizawa, etc.), theater music (Keralino Sandrovich’s Uncle Vania and A Prayer and A Monster, etc.), commercial music and background accompaniments.

Tetsuya Yamamoto keyboards, programming

Born in Osaka, and graduated with a degree in music composition from Nihon University College of Art. Composer, keyboardist, specializes in audio programming (including live and electronic music) and engineering. Has released 4 albums with his own band anonymass (MIDI). Currently an active member of World Standard, led by Soichiro Suzuki, and Kei Fushimi’s Crooked Sun. Has experience working in a wide range of fields, namely record production, live performances, production of commericial music, film scores, theater music, magazine journalism, etc. Has participated in the recordings and live tours of many artists as a producer, arranger, keyboardist, sound engineer and synthetic programmer. Established his own private studio Meguro Soko in 2003 as his base for production and experimentation. Artists he has collaborated with in the past: luki, DAITA, aiko, Nishino Kana, Kaori Kishitani, No Lie-Science, etc. Joined THE BEATNIKS as a supporting member this Summer 2018.

Mitsuru Nasuno bass

A important bassist figure in the underground scene. Form the band Altered States during the first half of the nineties. Joined Yoshihide Otomo’s group Ground Zero in its second member rotation after moving to Tokyo. Currently participating actively in bands such as Korekyojin, Unbeltipo, Fushitsusha, MUGAMICHIRU, The Maker, one would be under the impression Mitsuru Nasuno is always striving to surpass the limits of the electric bass and eventually reach the stratospheric pinnacles of his music with his distinctive musical style.

Hiroshi Kido drums

Began his musical education with the piano and classical guitar during his early childhood years, and later moved on to playing the drums when he was 16. At age 20, moved to the United States alone to master the 8th note beat. At around age 22, after returning to Japan and passing an audition, joined the group ‘JUDE’ led by former member of Blankey Jet City, Kenichi Asai. After taking a break from Jude, formed the band ‘unkie’ with Tokie and Yutaka Aoki. Engaged in recording and tour support for various projects while balancing his time with band activities. Main projects include: Fujifabric, Kazuya Yoshii, DREAMS COME TRUE, HYDE, J (LUNA SEA), PUFFY, SE7EN, Iki-monogakari, Ryota Fujimaki (Remioromen), Motohiro Hata, MiChi, Hitomi Yaida, Hatsune Miku, iLL, Peridots, Haruka to Miyuki, OLDE WORLDE, THE SLUT BANKS, etc.

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