Day 1:Joe Talia|日高理樹|Konrad Sprenger

2022/12/17 土曜日

SuperDeluxe presents: SupernaturalDeluxe Vol.3Day 1:Joe Talia|日高理樹|Konrad Sprenger

Open: 15:30 | Start: 17:00 - 18:00

鴨川 SupernaturalDeluxe


開場 15:30 / 開演 17:00 (ソロ x3, 休憩 x2) / 閉店 19:30
前売【1日券】¥3,800【1日券・学割】¥2,500【2日通し券】¥7,000 | 当日【1日券】¥4000



ジョー・タリア Joe Talia

日高理樹 Riki Hidaka

コンラッド・スプレンガー Konrad Sprenger

DJ:DJ Atechra (aka 石橋英子)、DJ ECM (aka 山本達久)


ジョー・タリア Joe Talia
Joe Talia performing at Cage Oto
オーストラリア・メルボルン在住のドラマー/コンポーザー/プロデューサー/サウンドエンジニア。もともとコンテンポラリージャズ/インプロビゼーション界のドラマーとして評価を得ていた彼は、Andrea Keller Quartet、Oren Ambarchiとのデュオなど数多くのプロジェクトに参加しているが、近年はそれと平行して、ソロやJames Rushfordとのデュオ、またNed Collette、Francis Plagne、Yuko Konoなどアウトサイダーシンガーソングライターのドラマーとして、幅広く活動している。スタジオエンジニアとしては、NAZORANAI(Oren Ambarchi・Stephen O’Malley・灰野敬二)、灰野敬二・Jim O’Rourke・Oren Ambarchiトリオ、Richard Pinhasなどのアルバムのミックスの他、オーストラリアを中心とした様々なミュージシャンのアルバムのプロデュース・録音・ミックス・マスタリングを手がけている。

日高理樹 Riki Hidaka
Riki Hidaka portrait with guitar
2010年頃から数枚のアルバムを自主制作、また広島・STEREO RECORDSより発表。2021年にジム・オルーク、石橋英子とのトリオ編成でのアルバム「置大石」をSTEREO RECORDSよりリリース。2022年、小山登美夫ギャラリー、茅ヶ崎市美術館で発表された桑久保徹の12枚の絵画のために制作した12曲を収録したCD3枚組アルバム「Music For 12 Painters, A Calendar And Toru Kuwakubo」をリリース。

コンラッド・スプレンガー Konrad Sprenger
Konrad Sprenger portrait
作曲家、音楽プロデューサー、楽器制作、アーティストとしてベルリンを拠点に活動しているヨルグ・ヒラー(Joerg Hiller)によるプロジェクト。その作品は、パフォーマンス、インスタレーション、作曲、研究と様々な分野で発表されています。最近ではコンピューターで制御されたマルチチャンネルのエレクトリックギターにフォーカスしたライブパフォーマンスを行っており、ギターの弦をまるで周波数発生器のように使用するアプローチを追及することで得たフルスペクトルなサウンドは、テクノやクラウトロック、ミニマリズムの催眠的な繰り返されるリズムともリンクして、オーディエンスを共有の高みへと推進していく。このカスタムされた楽器は、彼のアイデアによって考え出され、Sukandar KartadinataとDaniel van den Eijkelの二人により制作された。スイスの「バーゼル美術館」、ニューヨークの「MoMA PS1」、ロンドンの「Cubitt Gallery」や本場であるバルセロナ「Sonar」でのパフォーマンスを行うなど、ドイツ国内外を問わず精力的に活動している。自身の作品はもちろん、Arnold DreyblattやEllen Fullman、Robert Ashley、Terry Foxといったアーティストの作品をこれまでにプロデュース、リリースしている音楽レーベルChoose recordsも主宰している。

DJ Atechra
DJ Atechra in a  blue truck

DJ ECM portrait

SuperDeluxe presents:
SupernaturalDeluxe Vol.3 DAY 1
Join us for these special performances by world-renowned artists from Australia, Germany and Japan!
Open 15:30 / Live 17:00 (3 solos, 2 breaks) / Close 19:30
Advance: ¥3800 | Student: ¥2500 | Two Day Pass: ¥7000 | Door: ¥4000
Tickets On Sale Now via Peatix

* Two Day Pass via advance sale only.
* Student discount is for High School and under. Student ID required.
* Parents of children in preschool or under may bring 1 child per 1 parent.
* Tickets required for elementary school age children and older.


Joe Talia (solo) from Australia

Riki Hidaka (solo)

Konrad Sprenger (solo) from Germany

DJ: DJ Atechra (Eiko Ishibashi), DJ ECM (Tatsuhisa Yamamoto)

Artist Information:

Joe Talia
Joe Talia performing at Cage Oto
Born in Melbourne, Australia, Joe Talia is an improviser and composer who works with percussion, tape and electronics. Focusing on the use of Revox tape machine and analogue synthesizers in combination with instruments and field recordings, Talia’s electronic works patiently build up sparkling, detail-rich sound worlds of gliding tones, skittering percussion and burbling location atmospherics. In live situations, Talia often uses tape and effects to process and warp his own and others’ playing into uncanny chains of echoes and spectral smears of sound.
A virtuoso drummer, as a percussionist Talia emerges from the traditions of jazz and free improvisation and has developed a unique personal language of shifting accents, subtle virtuosity and discreet extended technique that he welds equally ably in jazz, rock, new music and improvisational contexts. Like his electronic works, his drumming often demonstrates a keen attention to long-form structures, dynamic development and group interactions.
An important member of Tokyo’s vibrant improvised music scene and internationally active as a performer, Talia performs and records regularly with Oren Ambarchi, Eiko Ishibashi, Jim O’Rourke, James Rushford and Tatsuhisa Yamamoto. In addition to these regular collaborations, he has also been involved in projects with Keiji Haino, Chris Abrahams, Tetuzi Akiyama, Akira Sakata, John Duncan, Richard Pinhas and many others. His work has been published by international labels such as Black Truffle, Bocian, Kye and Touch.

Riki Hidaka
Riki Hidaka portrait with guitar
Riki Hidaka is a Japanese guitar player.
He has played with Eiko Ishibashi, Jim O’Rourke, Akira Sakata and many more.
In 2021, the collaboration album “Okioishi” with Eiko Ishibashi / Jim O’Rourke was released from STEREO RECORDS .
In 2022, he released the music recorded for Toru Kuwakubo (Tomio Koyama Gallery)’s exhibition “A Calendar for Painters Without Time Sense. 12/12” at Chigasaki City Museum of Art, Kanagawa, Japan, 2020.

Konrad Sprenger
Konrad Sprenger portrait
Konrad Sprenger is the pseudonym of Joerg Hiller. He is a composer, music producer, instrument builder and artist based in Berlin.
His work ranges between the fields of performance, installation, composition and research.
Originally a trained drummer his musical work is informed by historic positions as well as contemporary concepts such as AI-based algorithmic composition and Instrument construction.
His recent focus has been on live performance with his computer-controlled multi-channel electric guitar. He approaches the strings of the guitar as frequency generators, tuned and set into motion by various electronically controlled mechanical actions. The music relates to the insistent rhythms of Minimalism, Krautrock and Techno, and their shared focus on transcendence through propulsive, full-spectrum sound. The custom-built instrument was conceived by Konrad Sprenger, and realized by Sukandar Kartadinata and Daniel van den Eijkel.
In 2017 he started an extensive collaboration with Phillip Sollmann. Their project Modular Organ System is a site-specific, spatially expansive sound installation based on organ pipes. After a series of performances and Exhibitions the duo´s first archival recording will be released on Sprengers Choose Records Label in 2023.
Hiller has long-term collaborations with Arnold Dreyblatt, Ellen Fullman and Oren Ambarchi, Rom, Ei, Ethnostress and the art collective Honey-Suckle Company.
As a producer and Engineer he has realized several albums (Ambarchi, Dreyblatt, Fullman) and has released on labels like PAN, A-Ton or Schoolmap.
His work has been featured in numerous exhibitions, including Moma PS1 New York, KW Berlin or ICA London.
His Label Choose Records was established in 2001 and has released a wide range of timeless music ranging from archival recordings to contemporary composition by the likes of Terry Fox, Walter Marchetti, Robert Ashley, Ellen Fullman, Robin Hayward, Sprenger himself among many others.

DJ Atechra
DJ Atechra in a  blue truck

DJ ECM portrait

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    Open: 15:00 | Start: 15:00 - 20:00

    入場無料 Free Entry
    開場 15:00 Open 〜 終了 20:00 Close
    主催 Presented by: Permaculture AWA, Kosmic Market, SuperDeluxe

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