2023/06/10 土曜日土曜日
SuperDeluxe presents: SupernaturalDeluxe Vol.5坂田明 × Susana Santos Silva × Giovanni Di Domenico × 小暮香帆 × 中山晃子
Open: 16:30 | Start: 18:00 - 19:00
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ヨーロッパと日本の注目アーテイストによる音楽・ダンス・Alive Paintingのコラボレーションを見逃しなく!ジャンルやメディアを超えるワールドクラスの即興パフォーマンスを是非体験してください。
Awa Eye and Ear Control!
開場 16:30 / ライブ 18:00〜19:00 (1セット) / 閉店 20:00
前売 ¥3,500 | 学割 ¥2,500 | 当日 ¥4000
坂田明 (サックス、クラリネット、うた) × スザナ・サントス・シルヴァ (トランペット/ストックホルムより来日) × ジョバンニ・ディ・ドメニコ (フェンダー・ローズ/ブリュッセルより来日) × 小暮香帆 (ダンス) × 中山晃子 (Alive Painting)
坂田明 (サックス、クラリネット、うた)
1945年、広島県呉市出身、広島大学水産学科卒業。72年~79年山下洋輔トリオに参加、80年より「Wha ha ha」「SAKATA TRIO」結成してヨ-ロッパツア-を皮切りに独立。以後様々なグループの形成解体を繰り返しながら世界中をあちこちぐるぐるしながらあれこれして今日に至る。近著は「私説ミジンコ大全」CD「海」付(晶文社)。
スザナ・サントス・シルヴァ (トランペット) ストックホルムより来日
ソロ演奏のほか、自身のプロジェクト「Impermanence」「Life and Other Transient Storms」、またカヤ・ドラクスラー(スロベニアのピアニスト)やトビョルン・ゼッターバーグ(スウェーデンのベーシスト)とのバンド、ハンプス・リンドウォール(フランスの実験音楽家)とのトリオなど、その活動は多彩である。フレッド・フリス、アンソニー・ブラクストン、エヴァン・パーカー、ジョエル・レアンドル、パウル・ローフェンス、ハミッド・ドレイク、マッツ・グスタフソン、キャサリン・クリスター・ヘニックス、イクトゥス・アンサンブルをはじめとした傑出したミュージシャンとの共演多数。
ジョバンニ・ディ・ドメニコ (フェンダー・ローズ) ブリュッセルより来日
小暮香帆 (ダンス)
ダンサー・振付家。6歳より踊り始める。国内外で自身の作品を発表しながら劇場、ライブ、メディアなど様々な領域で活動。近年はミュージシャンはじめ他ジャンルのアーティストとのコラボレーション、映画/映像作品への振付出演 “beautiful people”S/S 2023 パリコレクション出演など活動の幅を広げている。第6回エルスール財団新人賞受賞。DaBYレジデンスアーティスト。めぐりめぐるものを大切にして踊っている。
中山晃子 (Alive Painting)
画家。液体から固体までさまざまな材料を相互に反応させて絵を描く「Alive Painting」というパフォーマンスを行う。科学的、物理的な法則に基づくあらゆる現象や、現れる色彩を、生物や関係性のメタファーとして作品の中に生き生きと描く。ソロでは音を「透明な絵の具」として扱い、絵を描くことによって空間や感情に触れる。近年では、アルスエレクトロニカフェスティバル、MUTEK モントリオール等。
アート倉持 (DJ)
1975年大阪生まれ。国内外の独立系文化とその周縁に集う人びとが生みだす表現、作品、場に強い関心を持つ。 1999年より約20年間、かつて東京の渋谷に存在した「UPLINK FACTORY」にてイベントや展示企画を担当。現在は拠点を房総半島に移し自身の活動を計画&展開中。漫画誌アックス(青林工藝舎)にてエッセイ『ル・デルニエ・クリの人びと』を、音楽レーベル「φonon」ウェブサイトに『東⚡️京⚡️感⚡️電⚡️帯⚡️通⚡️信』を連載中。バンド「黒パイプ」のボーカル。左利き。
SuperDeluxe presents:
SupernaturalDeluxe Vol.5
Join us for a very special performance of live music, dance, and Alive Painting!
Legendary Japanese saxophonist Akira Sakata meets ‘One of the most exciting improvisers in the world’ (Downbeat) Portuguese trumpeter Susana Santos Silva, virtuoso pianist Giovanni Di Domenico from Brussels, Belgium, internationally renown contemporary dancer Kaho Kogure, and groundbreaking multimedia artist Akiko Nakayama for a one of a kind cross-genre collaboration.
Awa Eye and Ear Control!
Don’t miss!
Saturday, June 10th 2023
Open 16:30 / Live 18:00~19:00 (1 set) / Close 20:00
Advance: ¥3500 | Student: ¥2500 | Door: ¥4000
Tickets On Sale Now via Peatix
* Student discount is for High School and under. Student ID required.
* Parents of children in preschool or under may bring 1 child per 1 parent.
* Tickets required for elementary school age children and older.
Akira Sakata (sax, clarinet, vo) x Susana Santos Silva (trumpet / from Stockholm) x Giovanni Di Domenico (Fender Rhodes / from Brussels) x Kaho Kogure (dance) x Akiko Nakayama (Alive Painting)
Art Kuramochi
Artist Information:
Akira Sakata (sax, clarinet, voc.)
Akira Sakata was born in Kure-city, Hiroshima in 1945. Studied marine biology at Hiroshima university. Formed a group Saibo-bunretsu (Cell fission) in Tokyo in 1969, and was also performing with various free-jazz musicians during this time. Since the late 1960s, Sakata has been a constant figure in jazz and creative music scenes as an ever evolving and adventurous, multi-instrumentalist, and member of classic groups such as Yamashita Yosuke Trio, from 1972 till 1979, and Wha-ha-ha plus many of his own, like the Sakata Akira mii. He has recorded with Chris Cosey, Peter Brotzmann in Last Exit, DJ Krush, Yoshimio, and others.
In 2005 he began peforming with guitarist Jim O’Rourke, drummer Chris Corsano and acoustic bassist Darin Gray. They’ve since released three albums together. Friendly Pants is the first American release by Sakata in more than 20 years. It pairs the 65-year-old traveler alongside bombast Chikamorachi (Corsano/Gray) and O’Rourke as the producer.
Susana Santos Silva (trumpet)
Susana Santos Silva is a Portuguese trumpeter, improviser and composer based in Stockholm, Sweden.
‘One of the most exciting improvisers in the world’ (Downbeat), Susana has a singular artistic approach that comes out of a comprehensive spectrum of influences from classical and contemporary music to jazz and textural sound art. She draws inspiration and works with other artistic expressions like image/video and body movement/dance. She is interested in expanding the sonic possibilities of her instrument, and creatively exploring the dissolution of boundaries of perception, genre and media.
Besides her solo practice, she has been working with her bands Impermanence and Life and Other Transient Storms and with collaborative projects with Kaja Draksler, Torbjörn Zetterberg, Hampus Lindwall, Ellen Arkbro, just to name a few.
Much in demand she has been playing with an array of different projects and with musicians such as Anthony Braxton, Fred Frith, Evan Parker, Joëlle Léandre, Mat Maneri, Paul Lovens, Hamid Drake, Mats Gustafsson, Lotter Anker, Sten Sandell, Catherine Christer Hennix and the Ictus Ensemble, among many others.
Giovanni Di Domenico (Fender Rhodes)
Pianist. Born in Rome on the 20th July 1977. Majoring in ‘jazz piano’ at music school – he further built on an encyclopedic technique; rhythm, harmony and tone are informed by non-western traditions yet equally sensitive to Debussy’s “Préludes”, Luciano Berio’s “Sequenzas”, to the ‘ambi-ideation’ heard in Borah Bergman’s Soul Note recordings, Cecil Taylor’s polissemic density, Paul Bley’s bruised transparency and of course, the most radical manifestations stemming from the underworld of pop music, invariably tied together by his own original praxis. A distinction – one would call it generational – he shares with many of the musicians he has crossed paths with recently, of which we could enumerate Akira Sakata, Chris Corsano, Arve Henriksen, Jim O’Rourke, Alexandra Grimal, Tetuzi Akiyama, João Lobo or Toshimaru Nakamura. Di Domenico has founded his own label, Silent Water, home of an eclectic and occasionally unclassifiable production. He lives in Brussels.
Kaho Kogure (dance)
Dancer/Choreographer. Began dancing when she was 6 years old. She has worked on her own solo pieces since 2012, with joining other performances at theater, music live, social media in variety scenes. She has worked with many choreographers, such as Akira Kasai. Currently she has been collaborating with various art projects, musicians and films then also choreographing for that like musical theater, commercials, movies and more. Repetitive experience what goes around is motivated for her dancing.
Akiko Nakayama (Alive Painting)
Akiko Nakayama’s work takes the classic medium of painting to unexpected and post-modern places. With a method she calls “Alive Painting,” the Japanese artist brings her experimental music to life using vibrant, brilliant liquids that combine and wash away, meant to represent the natural growth, change and life cycle of all things on earth. Familiar shapes take form before melting into each other and taking on new characteristics, a type of living art that mirrors her abstract music. As her sounds mutate through textures soft and hard, resonant and soothing, so do her liquids mimic those sounds, creating a visual paradigm that represents some of the most mind-blowing effects you’d see at any festival—except they’re happening in real life, right at her fingers.
Art Kuramochi (DJ)
More great eventsこちらもどうですか
2025/04/05 土曜日土曜日
Open: 15:00 | Start: 15:00 - 20:00
入場無料 Free Entry
開場 15:00 Open 〜 終了 20:00 Close
主催 Presented by: Permaculture AWA, Kosmic Market, SuperDeluxe
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