The Reimagined Larynx《in 横浜 Yokohama》JOLT Arts

2024/12/01 日曜日

JOLT, SuperDeluxe, and Test Tone present:The Reimagined Larynx《in 横浜 Yokohama》JOLT Arts

Open: 16:00 | Start: 17:00 - 18:00


The Reimagined Larynx (世界初演)



青木涼子とジェイムス・ハリックは、BOLT️ String️ Quartet️ Japan と共に弦楽四重奏と 声のための 3 作品を演奏します。コンサートは音響インスタレーションで始まり、ハリッ クの新作 2 曲と坂田尚樹の優雅な「KANAWA」が特徴です。

THE REIMAGINED LARYNX (音響/ビデオインスタレーション) by ハリック featuring 青木涼子
KANAWA (声と弦楽四重奏) by 坂田尚樹 (2023) 歌:青木涼子
(DIA)MINE(D) (声と弦楽四重奏) by ハリック 歌:ハリック
I wouldn’t (声と弦楽四重奏) by ハリック 歌:青木涼子


2024年12月01日 (日曜日)
開場 16:00 / 開演 17:00 / 終演 18:00

《会場》横浜 BankART Station
横浜市西区みなとみらい5-1 新高島駅地下1F《アクセス Google Map
みなとみらい線「新高島駅」改札上 地下1F

チケット情報 🎟️
YPAM参加登録者:前売 ¥500/当日 ¥1,000
学生:前売 ¥1,500/当日 ¥2,000
一般:前売 ¥2,000/当日 ¥3,000


YPAM Fringe logo


ジェイムス・ハリック James Hullick
Strange James portrait
ジェイムス・ハリックは、世界的に作品を発表している作曲家、ミュージシャン、サウンドアーティストで、最近はシドニー・オペラハウスで公演も行いました。JOLT ArtsのCEOとして、多くの障害のあるアーティストを指導しています。RMIT大学で博士号を取得し、フェリックス・ウェルダーやジェームス・テニーに師事。マイケル・ハーヴィ賞やクリエイティブ・オーストラリア・フェローシップなどを受賞しています。

青木涼子 Ryoko Aoki
Ryoko Aoki portrait

BOLT Ensemble Japan
BOLT Ensemble performing with Ryoko Aoki

JOLT Arts (オーストラリア)

JOLTArtsは、ビクトリア州政府よりクリエイティブ・ビクトリアを通じて支援を受けています。 JOLT Artsは、オーストラリア政府の主要な芸術出資・諮問機関であるクリエイティブ・オー ストラリアを通じて後援を受けています。

JOLT, SuperDeluxe, and Test Tone present:
The Reimagined Larynx (World Premier) in Yokohama

A YPAM Fringe 2024 program

3 works for string quartet and an art installation that blend cultural vocal expression to create a 21st Century voice.

Together Ryoko Aoki and James Hullick perform 3 works for string quartet and voice, performed by the BOLT String Quartet Japan. Beginning with a multimedia installation, the concert features 2 premiere string quartets by Hullick, and the elegant KANAWA quartet by Sakata.

THE REIMAGINED LARYNX (sound/video installation) by Hullick featuring Hullick/Ryoko Aoki
KANAWA (voice & string quartet) by Naoki Sakata (2023) sung by Ryoko Aoki
(DIA)MINE(D) (voice & string quartet) by Hullick sung by Hullick
I wouldn’t (voice & string quartet) by Hullick sung by Ryoko Aoki

Sunday, December 1
Open 16:00 / Start 17:00 / End 18:00
5-11 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa《Google Map》
B1F of Shin-Takashima Station (Minatomirai Line) the floor just above the exit platform!

Tickets 🎟️
YPAM Registrant: Adv ¥500 / Door ¥1,000
Student: Adv ¥1,500 / Door ¥2,000
General: Adv ¥2,000 / Door ¥3,000
Tickets On Sale Soon via PEATIX

* Student discount is for University Students and under. Student ID required.
* Parents of children in preschool or under may bring 1 child per 1 parent.
* Tickets required for elementary school age children and older.

YPAM Fringe logo

Artist Information:

James Hullick
Strange James portrait
James Hullick is a leading composer, musician and sound artist who has presented his work worldwide, recently performing at the Sydney Opera House. James is CEO of JOLT Arts. James mentors many artists with disabilities including The Amplified Elephants. Holding a Doctorate from RMIT University, and taught by many leading composers (Felix Werder, James Tenney, and others), James has received many awards: i.e.: Michael Harvey Prize for Piano; Creative Australia Fellowship; McKenzie Fellowship University of Melbourne.

Ryoko Aoki
Ryoko Aoki portrait
Ryoko Aoki holds a unique position in the field of Noh theatre as a female singer and performer. She has performed in several traditional Noh plays, historically the reserve of male actors. Above all, she is the pioneer of and inspiration for a new artistic form combining utai – traditional Noh recitation – with contemporary music. More than 55 works have been written for her by various composers including Peter Eötvös, Toshio Hosokawa, Stefano Gervasoni, José María Sánchez-Verdú, and Oliver Schneller.

BOLT Ensemble Japan
BOLT Ensemble performing with Ryoko Aoki
Yasutaka Hemmi (Violin)
Yoshu Kamei (Violin)
Takahiro Yasuda (Viola)
Aki Kitajima (Violoncello)

JOLT Arts (Australia)
JOLT is a production house for sonic, media and visual arts. Based in its own heritage venue in Melbourne Australia the JOLT was founded by composer James Hullick in 2008. Roughly 50% of JOLT’s projects promote artists with disabilities. Since 2012 JOLT has presented regular events and festivals in Japan. 2024 has been a huge year for JOLT: presenting James Hullick and the BOLT Ensemble at the Sydney Opera House; Disruptive Critters at SIGGRAPH Denver; and Hagoromo with Noh artist Ryoko Aoki and The Amplified Elephants (artists with disabilities) at ISEA Brisbane.

JOLT Arts is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria. JOLT Arts is assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts investment and advisory body.

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  • 2024/12/01 日曜日

    JOLT, SuperDeluxe, and Test Tone present:The Reimagined Larynx《in 横浜 Yokohama》JOLT Arts

    Open: 16:00 | Start: 17:00 - 18:00

    3 works for string quartet and an art installation that blend cultural vocal expression to create a 21st Century voice.
    World Premier. A YPAM Fringe 2024 program

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