2025/02/10 月曜日月曜日
SuperDeluxe presents: SupernaturalDeluxe Vol.14Day 1:「セッション夜会!」
Open: 17:00 | Start: 18:00 - 20:30
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2月10日(月)「セッション夜会!」DAY 1
営業時間 🍷 17:00 〜 20:30 入場無料
ライブ 🎵 18:00 と 19:00 (入れ替えなし)
コンサートチケット 🎟️
【1日券】前売¥3,000 | 千葉県民割¥2,500 | 20歳以下¥1,000 | 当日¥3,500
【2日通し券・前売のみ】一般¥5,000 | 千葉県民割¥4,000
チケットは ➡【Peatix】⬅ にて発売中
🎵 安藤巴と楠瀬亮(パーカッション、サックスなど)
🎵 角銅真実(パーカッションなど)
🎵 宮坂遼太郎(パーカッションなど)
Shinobu Hashimoto
天然酵母のピザ生地をフィルさんのアースオーブンで焼き上げたフワフワもちもちカリッカリッピザ🍕 (鴨川)
安藤巴と楠瀬亮 Tomo Ando & Ryo Kusunose
毎日料理、たまに演奏。荒汁、カレー担当:楠瀬 パスタ、焼き鳥担当:安藤
これまでに小伝馬町ツバメスタジオ、神宮前bonobo、京都堀川会議室、金沢21世紀美術館、千葉市美術館などで演奏。伊東篤宏、山内弘太、沢田穣治、はながっつ、Momose Yasunagaらと共演。南房総地域でも道の駅保田小学校、鴨川SupernaturalDeluxeをはじめ、雑貨店や飲食店などで演奏している。
安藤巴 Tomo Ando
1997年生まれ、千葉県柏市出身。音楽家、打楽器奏者。幼い頃から多様な音楽に親しみ、東京藝術大学では打楽器専攻にてクラシック音楽を学ぶ。現在はオーケストラ、現代音楽、打楽器独奏、即興音楽のフィールドを自由に横断し演奏、創作している。2024年には東京・京都にて「安藤巴パーカッションソロ」を開催。NHK FM「リサイタル・パッシオ」など出演多数。
楠瀬亮 Ryo Kusunose
角銅真美 Manami Kakudo
宮坂遼太郎 Ryotaro Miyasaka
1995年まれ。長野県諏訪市出身。主に打楽器や打楽器的なものと一緒に演奏する。画一的な矯正に抵抗し、未知の温度に達することを精神の礎としている。バンドへの参加や歌手との協働、即興演奏やソロ演奏など様々な方法で音楽と関わる。安部勇磨、折坂悠太、大石晴子、kanekoayano、xiangyu、蓮沼執太、浮、本日休演、増田義基、RYOZO BAND…など様々なバンド、ミュージシャンのライブやレコーディングに参加するほか、メンバーとしてアナウンサーズ、ガラグア、clouds犬、グリーティング霊長類ズ、秘密基地などのバンド、ユニットでも活動している。これまでに単独の宅録作品を2作リリースしたほか、ftarriレーベルより秋山徹次、波多野敦子、嶺川貴子とのデュオ・ライブ盤計3作が発売されている。
Shinobu Hashimoto
SupernaturalDeluxe (鴨川)
Photo by Tsuyoshi Kamaike
SuperDeluxe presents:
SupernaturalDeluxe Vol.14
”In Awa”
Tomo Ando and Ryo Kusunose, two emerging musicians based in the southern Boso area, are on their musical journey performing all over Japan. They are joined by musicians they deeply admire —Manami Kakudo and Ryotaro Miyasaka— for a two-day musical adventure at Kamogawa SupernaturalDeluxe.
On the first day 2/10 (Mon), all of them will perform together in a session. Enjoy music being spontaneously created by musicians who are known for their unique works, spanning genres such as contemporary music, jazz, experimental music, and pop, often crossing boundaries in refreshing ways.
On the second day 2/11 (Tue/Holiday), Tomo Ando and Ryo Kusunose will perform a piece they composed, inspired by the poetry of Saijo Yaso, a poet who left his mark in the town of Kyonan, where they currently reside. This performance will be a premiere of a new work born in modern Awa. Don’t miss it!
2/10 (Mon) “Session Night Party!” DAY 1
Open Hours 🍷 17:00 – 20:30 (Free Admission)
Come enjoy food & drinks on-site
Live Music 🎵 18:00 and 19:00 (two sets, one ticket)
Concert Tickets 🎟️
[One-day ticket] Advance ¥3,000 | Chiba Resident Discount ¥2,500 | Under 20 ¥1,000 | Door ¥3,500
[Two-day pass] General ¥5,000 | Chiba Resident Discount ¥4,000
Tickets On Sale Now at Peatix
※Two-day passes are only available in advance.
※Chiba Resident discount is for people living in Chiba Prefecture. ID required.
※ID required for Under 20 discount.
※Parents of children in preschool or under may bring 1 child per 1 parent.
※Tickets required for elementary school age children and older.
🎵 Tomo Ando & Ryo Kusunose (percussion, saxophone, etc.)
🎵 Manami Kakudo (percussion, etc.)
🎵 Ryotaro Miyasaka (percussion, etc.)
Space Design
Shinobu Hashimoto
Fluffy, chewy, crispy pizza made with natural yeast dough, baked in Phil’s Earth Oven🍕 (Kamogawa)
Organizers: Tomo Ando and Ryo Kusunose
Production: Machi Machi Okurai
Cooperation: Noriaki Maeda (Hota Bunko), SupernaturalDeluxe
Support: Chiba Prefecture Artist Follow-up
Artist Information:
Tomo Ando & Ryo Kusunose
They were classmates during University and currently share a house in Kyonan Town, Chiba Prefecture.
They cook daily and occasionally perform. Kusunose is in charge of Ara-jiru and curry. Ando handles pasta and yakitori.
They have performed at venues such as Tsubame Studio in Kodemmacho, Jingumae bonobo, the Kyoto Horikawa Conference Room, the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa, and the Chiba City Museum of Art. They have collaborated with Atsuhiro Ito, Kouta Yamauchi, Joji Sawada, Hanagatsu, and Yasunaga Momose, among others. They continue to perform in the southern Boso region at locations like the Michi-no-Eki Hota Elementary School, SupernaturalDeluxe, as well as various shops and restaurants.
Tomo Ando
Born in 1997 in Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture. Musician and percussionist. Having grown up surrounded by diverse music, he studied classical music in the percussion department at Tokyo Geidai. He now freely crosses the boundaries of orchestras, contemporary music, solo percussion, and improvised music in his performances and compositions. In 2024 he held percussion solo performances in Tokyo and Kyoto. He has appeared on numerous programs, including NHK FM’s Recital Passio.
Ryo Kusunose
Born and raised in Konan City, Kochi Prefecture. As a child, he enjoyed catching insects and crafting. During university, he focused on classical music and improvisational performance. In recent years, he has dedicated himself to creating and performing music in various forms within the Kanto area. Currently, his focus is on observing and reinterpreting his accumulated experiences. He graduated from the Instrumental Music Department of Tokyo Geidai.
Manami Kakudo
A musician and percussionist who uses various percussion instruments, her voice, words, and objects around her to create compositions and perform freely. In January 2024 released her first solo album in four years, titled Contact.
Ryotaro Miyasaka
Born in 1995 in Suwa City, Nagano Prefecture. He performs mainly with percussion and percussion-like instruments. Resisting standardized correction, he considers reaching unknown temperatures to be the foundation of his spirit. He collaborates with bands and singers, as well as engaging in improvisational and solo performances. He has worked with musicians such as Yuma Abe, Yuta Orisaka, Haruko Oishi, Kaneko Ayano, Xiangyu, Shuta Hasunuma, Uki, and others, and has been involved in the live shows and recordings of several bands. He has released two solo home-recorded albums and three duo live albums with Tetuzi Akiyama, Atsuko Hatano, and Takako Minekawa under the ftarri label.
Shinobu Hashimoto
An artist who creates a different sense of time.
Shop Information:
SupernaturalDeluxe (Kamogawa)
Fluffy, chewy, crispy pizza made with natural yeast dough, baked in Phil’s Earth Oven🍕
Photo by Tsuyoshi Kamaike
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