canzone della dea

2018/06/27 水曜日

canzone della dea

Open: 19:30 | Start: 20:00 - 22:30


前売/Advance: ¥0.00 | 当日/Door: ¥2800

ドリンク別/Plus drink


マリリヤ Marylya (声)
畠山祐介 (ギター)
鈴木余位 (映像)
市村隼人 (音響)

石橋英子 (ピアノ&フルート)
秋山徹次 (アコースティックギター)
マコ・クベック (ダンス)


Marylya × 畠山祐介 × 鈴木余位 × 市村隼人

マリリア Marylya

WHITELIGHTにて音響設計、音源制作を担当。MARYLYAのサポートギターとして、吉増剛造主催”Gozo Organic Fukubukuro Orchestra”に参加。インプロジャムバンド”COFFEE SHOP”ギター担当。



石橋英子 × 秋山徹次 × マコ・クベック

茂原市出身の音楽家。いくつかのバンドで活動後、映画音楽の制作をきっかけとしてソロとしての作品を作り始める。その後、6枚のソロアルバムをリリース。各アルバムが音楽雑誌の年間ベストに選ばれるなど高い評価を受ける。ピアノをメインとしながらドラム、フルート、ヴィブラフォン等も演奏するマルチ・プレイヤー。シンガー・ソングライターでもあり、セッション・プレイヤー、プロデューサーと石橋英子の肩書きでジャンルやフィールドを超え、漂いながら活動中。近年は演劇、映画の音楽も多く手掛けている。ソロライブと共に、バンド「石橋英子withもう死んだ人たち(ジム・オルーク、須藤俊明、山本達久、波多野敦子)」としても活発にライブを行う。4th Album「imitation of life」、そして2014年リリースの最新作「car and freezer」は米インディレーベル「Drag City」から全世界発売。2016年春にMerzbowとのDUO作品を電子音楽レーベルEditions Megoからリリースした。4年間の歳月を費やしたオリジナル・アルバム「The Dream My Bones Dream」が2018年7月にリリース予定。


静岡出身。幼少より前田バレエ学苑にてバレエを習う。日本大学芸術学部演劇学科卒業。1990年、珍しいキノコ舞踊団創立メンバーとして2009年まで国内外の全ての公演に出演。現在はソロのダンサーとしてロロロ、UA、Buffalo DaughterなどのPV・ライブに出演する他、KYOTARO、HAMADARAKA、金谷裕子、斎藤徹など 他ジャンルのアーティストと共演し、コラボレーション作品を演出、出演している。また、2015年ジャイロキネシス レベル1、2017年ジャイロトニック レベル1 の資格取得。認定トレーナーとしても活動している。
ホームページ hare dance

Marylya (voice)
Yusuke Hatakeyama (guitar)
Yoi Suzuki (video)
Hayato Ichimura (sound)

Eiko Ishibashi (piano & flute)
Tetuzi Akiyama (acoustic guitar)
Mako Kubeck (dance)

Artist information:

Marylya x Yusuke Hatakeyama x Yoi Suzuki x Hayato Ichimura


Singer, songwriter Marylya is an artist beyond genre and comparison. Her music does not belong to a specific culture and she moves freely between improvisation and structured songs, tension and appeasement, lyricism and force. Her voice is haunting and compelling. She has performed extensively around the world with musicians, visual artists and dancers.

Yuusuke Hatakeyama
Sound design and sound production for WHITELIGHT. Hatakeyama joined Gozo Yoshimasu’s Gozo Organic Fukubukuro Orchestra as support guitarist of Marylya. Guitarist for improvisational jam band Coffee Shop.

Yoi Suzuki
Filmmaker, who presented “gozoCine” by Gozo Yoshimasu. Suzuki shoots, projects and presents performances by Yoshimasu. Suzuki also participated in the collaboration between Yoshimasu and music group Kukan Gendai as a part of the Sapporo International Art Festival in 2017. Suzuki’s work with Yoshimasu has also been featrued in Europe and is now being screened as part of the Yoshimasu Gozo exhibition at Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum.

Hayato Ichimura

Eiko Ishibashi x Tetuzi Akiyama x Mako Kubeck

Eiko Ishibashi

Eiko Ishibashi is a session musician, producer, and singer song writer who is based in Japan. Though mainly playing the piano, she is a multi-instrumentalist who is also able to play the drums, flute, and vibraphone. In recent years, she has been performing over 100 shows annually, sharing the stage with many artists such as Jim O’Rourke, Keiji Haino, Akira Sakata, Charlemagne Palestine, Seiichi Yamamoto, Gasper Claus, Oren Ambarchi, Glenn Kotche, Darling Gray and Merzbow. She has also recently had 2 European tours and has performed in the Fuji Rock Festival. Eiko Ishibashi started her musical career as a drummer, performing in several bands. She started playing the piano a few years back, when she began to score music for films and work as a solo musician. Since then, she has released 2 solo albums and the album “slip beneath the distant tree” under the name of Eiko Ishibashi + Tatsuya Yoshida. Her 2nd album “drifting devil” which featured artist such as Seiichi Yamamoto, had created buzz being critically appraised by both critics and fellow musicians, and was selected for the years best album list in Japanese magazines. Her first album in 4 years will be released in July 2018.

Tetuzi Akiyama

Akiyama specializes in creating music with elements of both primitivism and realism by connecting his own aspirations, in a minimal and straightforward way, to the special instrumental qualities of the guitar. Sometimes delicately and sometimes boldly, he controls sound volumes ranging from micro to macro, in an attempt to convert the body into an electronic entity.

Mako Kubeck

Born in Shizuoka, Mako started ballet as a child at Maeda Ballet Gakuen. She graduated Nihon University College of Art Theater Department and as an original member of Strange Kinoko Dance Company performed in all domestic and foreign productions until 2009. Currently a choreographer and solo dancer, she has appeared in music videos and live performances by Kuchiroro, UA, and Buffalo Daughter. She’s also collaborated with artists from other genres such as Kyotarow, HAMADARAKA, Yuko Kanatani, and Tetsu Saito. Mako is a Certified Trainer of GYROKINESIS® (since 2015) and GYROTONIC® (since 2017).
Homepage hare dance

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