2018/05/22 火曜日火曜日
Volkov + O'Rourke + Dunscombe + Talia | Syzygys | Chris SSGSuperDeluxe presents ヴォルコフ+オルーク+ダンスコンブ+タリア|Syzygys|Chris SSG
Open: 19:00 | Start: 20:00 - 22:30
前売/Advance: ¥0.00 | 当日/Door: ¥3500
ドリンク別/Plus drink
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イラン・ヴォルコフ + ジム・オルーク + サミュエル・ダンスコンブ + ジョー・タリア
Chris SSG
イラン・ヴォルコフ (Ilan Volkov)
(Photo by James Mollison)
5月20日(日) 横浜みなとみらいホール
5月24日(木) 東京オペラシティコンサートホール
5月30日(水) サントリーホール
イラン・ヴォルコフ アーティストプロフィール maestroarts.com
Tectonics festival tectonicsfestival.com
ジム・オルーク (Jim O’Rourke)
(Photo by Ujin Matsuo)
1969年シカゴ生まれ。1969年シカゴ生まれ。Derek Baileyの音楽と出会い、13才のジム少年はロンドンにBaileyを訪ねる。ギターの即興演奏に開眼し実験的要素の強い作品を発表、John Faheyの作品をプロデュースする一方でGastr Del SolやLoose Furなど地元シカゴのバンドやプロジェクトに参加。一方で、小杉武久と共に Merce Cunningham舞踏団の音楽を担当、Tony Conrad、Arnold Dreyblatt、Christian Wolffなどの作曲家との仕事で現代音楽とポストロックの橋渡しをする。1998年超現代的アメリカーナの系譜から『Bad Timing』、1999年、フォークやミニマル音楽などをミックスしたソロ・アルバム『Eureka』を発表、大きく注目される。1999年から2005年にかけてSonic Youthのメンバー、音楽監督として活動し、広範な支持を得る。2004年には、Wilcoの『A Ghost Is Born』のプロデューサーとしてグラミー賞を受賞、現代アメリカ音楽シーンを代表するクリエーターとして高く評価され、ヨーロッパでも数々のアーティストをプロデュースする。また、日本文化への造詣が深く、近年は東京に活動拠点を置く。日本でのプロデュース・ワークとしては、くるり、カヒミ・カリィ、石橋英子など多数。坂田明、大友良英、山本精一、ボアダムスなどとの共同作業や、武満徹作品『コロナ東京リアリゼーション』(2006)など現代音楽に至る多彩な作品をリリースしている。映像作家とのコラボレーションとしてWerner Herzog、Olivier Assayas、青山真治、若松考二などの監督作品のサウンドトラックを担当。
ジム・オルーク Bandcamp
サミュエル・ダンスコンブ (Samuel Dunscombe)
オーストラリア メルボルン出身、サンディエゴ在住。現代音楽の研究・作曲から即興演奏、オーディオプログラミング、サウンドインスタレーションなど幅広い分野で活躍する一方、アマゾンの熱帯雨林、米国のモハーヴェ砂漠や軍事基地、ドイツの駅や英国の精神病院など、さまざまな場所でのフィールドレコーディングを行う。
サミュエル・ダンスコンブ official site
ジョー・タリア (Joe Talia)
オーストラリア・メルボルン在住のドラマー/コンポーザー/プロデューサー/サウンドエンジニア。もともとコンテンポラリージャズ/インプロビゼーション界のドラマーとして評価を得ていた彼は、Andrea Keller Quartet、Oren Ambarchiとのデュオなど数多くのプロジェクトに参加しているが、近年はそれと平行して、ソロやJames Rushfordとのデュオ、またNed Collette、Francis Plagne、Yuko Konoなどアウトサイダーシンガーソングライターのドラマーとして、幅広く活動している。スタジオエンジニアとしては、NAZORANAI(Oren Ambarchi・Stephen O’Malley・灰野敬二)、灰野敬二・Jim O’Rourke・Oren Ambarchiトリオ、Richard Pinhasなどのアルバムのミックスの他、オーストラリアを中心とした様々なミュージシャンのアルバムのプロデュース・録音・ミックス・マスタリングを手がけている。
ジョー・タリア Official website
作曲家(Manual of Errors Artists)、ピアノ奏者、奈良生まれ。14才より作曲を学ぶ。1985年、43微分音オルガンを自作。TV、CM、映画、PS2等の映像音楽を多数作曲している。東宝映画「ウォーターボーイズ」で2002年日本アカデミー賞最優秀音楽賞受賞。好きな食べ物 甘いもの、トマト味。スタートレックファン。
バイオリニスト、東京生まれ。1995年-1998年、エジプト留学。Abdo Dagirに師事、アラビックバイオリンを学ぶ。ファティヒサラーマ、ムハメドムニール、ローマンブンカ等とのアンサンブルに参加。ワールドツアーもおこなっている。好きな食べ物 辛いもの、酒。料理が好き、塩に関心がある。自然療法を好む。
Syzygys official site
Chris SSG
Chris SSGと言えば、鋭い洞察力で的確な音楽批評を発信していた今は亡きMNML SSGSブログの創始者の一人だったことが一番良く知られているかもしれませんが、近年はオンライン上から東京のテクノシーンに活動の場を移し、MNML SSGSのイベントのオーガナイザー、非定期的に開催されているチルアウトパーティーSound Gardenのレジデントを務めています。ダンスミュージックという枠に囚われず、アンビエント、エクスペリメンタル、コスミックなサウンドをアブストラクトなテクノと織り交ぜながらDJ活動をし、Unit、Air、Dommune、Galaxy、SuperDeluxeなどの東京有名クラブの他に、FREEDOMMUNEやRuralなどのフェスにも出演。Chris SSGのニューヨークを拠点とする「Mysteries of the Deep」ミックスはClubbingSpainの2014年トップ10ミックスにも選ばれました。ブログとしてのMNML SSGSこそ廃止されてはいるものの、いつまでもMNML SSGSの美意識を、力強く刺激的な音楽を通して貫いています。
Chris SSG twitter
Ilan Volkov + Jim O’Rourke + Samuel Dunscombe + Joe Talia
Chris SSG
Artist information:
Ilan Volkov
(Photo by James Mollison)
Born in Israel in September 1976, Ilan Volkov began his conducting career at the age of nineteen. Following studies at London’s Royal Academy of Music, he secured positions as Principal Conductor of the London Philharmonic Youth Orchestra and Assistant Conductor of the Boston Symphony. In 2003 he was appointed Principal Conductor of the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and subsequently became its Principal Guest Conductor in 2009. Between 2011 and 2014 he held the post of Music Director and Principal Conductor of the Iceland Symphony Orchestra. Volkov’s arrival coincided with the opening of Harpa, Reykjavík’s visually striking new concert hall. During his tenure in Iceland, he created the Tectonics Festival, which features programmes of classical modern music combined with other new music genres such as improvisation, electronics and rock. Since then, Tectonics has expanded around the world with residencies in cities like Glasgow, Adelaide, Oslo, New York and Tel Aviv.
Ilan Volkov appears by the kind courtesy of the Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra (YNSO)
Don’t miss these concerts with Ilan Volkov & YNSO!
5/20 (Sun) Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall
5/24 (Thu) Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall
5/30 (Wed) Suntory Hall
More information about Ilan Volkov
Ilan Volkov artist profile maestroarts.com
Tectonics festival tectonicsfestival.com
Jim O’Rourke
(Photo by Ujin Matsuo)
Born 1969 in Chicago. O’Rourke encountered the music of Derek Bailey as youngster and began visiting him in London at the age of 13. Eyes opened to the power of improvisational guitar, he released several of his own highly experimental works and has worked closely with John Fahey and Loren Mazzacane Connors. During his long association with the Chicago experimental and improv scene O’Rourke participated in several bands and projects including Gastr Del Sol and Loose Fur. His work with Takehisa Kosugi music director of the Merce Cunningham Dance Company as well as Tony Conrad, Arnold Dreyblatt, Christian Wolff and others built bridges between contemporary and popular music. O’Rourke’s release of landmark albums Bad Timing and Happy Days in 1997 and Eureka in 1999 garnered much attention. From 1999 to 2005 he was a member of Sonic Youth, playing bass, guitar and synthesizer as well as recording and mixing the band. In 2004 he won a Grammy Award for his production of Wilco’s A Ghost is Born. O’Rourke has also earned a loyal following for his participation in numerous albums by various artists around the world. He has a deep knowledge of Japanese culture and currently lives in Tokyo. Some of his many production credits in Japan include Quruli, Kahimi Karie, and Eiko Ishibashi. He also continues to be a consummate collaborator, working with Akira Sakata, Merzbow, Yoshihide Otomo, Seiichi Yamamoto, Boredoms and others. His recordings of Toru Takemitsu’s Corona for pianists Tokyo Realization was awarded the Agency for Cultural Affairs Arts Festival Award for Excellence in 2006. He has also scored films by Werner Herzog, Olivier Assayas, Shinji Aoyama, Koji Wakamatsu and others. His own short films have been part of the 2004 and 2006 Whitney Biennial and the 2005 Rotterdam Film Festival. O’Rourke is a diverse and powerful artist. Always searching, his borderless activity goes beyond the common labels Alternative, Post-rock, Experimental-pop, Film music, Free music, Jazz, Americana, Contemporary music and continues to defly classification.
Jim O’Rourke Bandcamp
Samuel Dunscombe
Samuel Dunscombe is an Australia performer-composer specializing in the use of clarinets, computers, and microphones. From free improvisation to field recording, MaxMSP coding, and performing notated 20th and 21st century repertoire, Samuel is involved in a diverse array of sonic practices. His work has been presented at the Tokyo Experimental Festival, Toronto Electro-Acoustic Symposium, and the Bendigo International Festival of Exploratory Music in Australia. He has worked with musicians from improvisation legends Toshimaru Nakamura and Seijiro Murayama, to composers including Richard Barrett, Chikako Morishita, Iancu Dumitrescu and Ana-Maria Avram. He has undertaken field recording projects in the Brazilian Amazon (with Francisco López), Japan (at Taizai-Katsudou-Izu with Michiko Ogawa), and the Australian outback (with Thembi Soddell). Samuel’s latest projects include creating a set of three grid based field recording maps of the state of California, and a new revision of Horatiu Radulescu’s Capricorn’s Nostalgic Crickets. He is an ABD doctoral candidate at the University of California, San Diego.
Samuel Dunscombe official site
Joe Talia
Joe Talia is an Australian drummer, composer and record producer/engineer based in Tokyo. He first established his reputation as a drummer in contemporary jazz and improvised music fields in which he is now active as a member of the ARIA award winning Andrea Keller Quartet and in numerous collaborative projects, including a long-term duo with Oren Ambarchi. In the last few years a great deal of his work as a drummer has taken place alongside outsider singer-songwriters (such as Ned Collette, Yuko Kono and Francis Plagne), in groups which synthesize his adventurous, exploratory drumming with the demands of song form. His longstanding musical partnership with Ned Collette has resulted in four records, on which Talia acts as both drummer and producer/engineer, most recently Networking in Purgatory (Bronze Rat 2013). In addition to the collaborations above he has performed, recorded and toured with Jim O’Rourke, Anthony Pateras, Richard Pinhas, John Duncan, Brous, Mary Halvorson, The Australian Art Orchestra, Thembi Soddell, Anthea Caddy, Sean Baxter, Robbie Avenaim, David Shea, Marco Fusinato, Rand and Holland, Adam Simmons, Magic Mountain Band, among others.
Joe Talia official site
Hitomi Shimizu (43 microtone organ)
Composer(Manual Of Errors Artists), piano player. Born in NARA city. Majored in music composition at Toho-Gakuen. Writing a lot of soundtracks for films, TVCM,videos, and Playstation too. Won The Best Film Music in Japan Academy Award 2002 for Toho Cinema”WATERBOYS”. Favorite foods: sweets, tamatos. Interested in frontier things, especially sci-fi. A Star Trek fan, of course!!
Hiromi Nishida (Violin)
Violinist, born in Tokyo. Studied arabic style violin under Abdo Dagir in Cairo (1995~1998), played in his ensemble. Performed with Fathy Salama in Egypt and France, played and recorded with Nubian singer Mohamed Mounir. In 1999, played with German Oud player Roman Bunka group at the 1st oriental Jazz festival in Beirut. In 2001, toured in Tunisia with the classical arabic music group “Le club bachraf” supported by Japan Foundation. Favorite foods: hot stuffs, wine!! Likes to cook. Intersted in salt.
Syzygys official site
Chris SSG
Chris SSG is best known as the co-founder of the now defunct MNML SSGS blog, recognized as a leading source of critical insight on electronic music. In recent years, he has moved from the online world into the Tokyo techno scene. He is the organizer of a series of MNML SSGS events, and is a resident at the semi-regular Sound Garden chill out parties. As a DJ, Chris SSG eschews standard dancefloor music, instead focusing on a range of sounds from ambient, experimental, kosmische through to more abstract forms of techno. He has DJ’d at many major Tokyo clubs, including Unit, Air, Dommune, Galaxy, and SuperDeluxe, as well as at the FREEDOMMUNE and Rural festivals. His podcast for the New York based ‘Mysteries of the Deep’ series was included in Clubbing Spain’s top 10 mixes of 2014, and his podcast for Rob Booth’s ‘Electronic Exploration’ series was included in That Special Record’s ‘best of 2015’. Chris SSG commenced 2016 by playing in the Elektroakustischer Salon as part of Berghain’s Silvester party.
Chris SSG twitter
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