Your True Story

2005/11/09 水曜日

Your True StoryYour True Story

Open: 00:00:00 | Start: 00:00 - 23:59




あなたの真実の物語 – 夢を解き放ち — 作り変え思いのままに操ろう
DJ : ヤコブ・ルーセンスキー、アリエール・ラミレズ + more!

- Unleash Your Dream - Redesign the Rules
In cities all over the world an underground movement is growing. On the streets, in abandoned buildings and alternative clubs people are starting to dream. Your True Story is a night club where your dreams and longings about the future meet other people's dreams, and interact with Scandinavian design and club music. The world is changing. Your dreams can redesign reality. Dress for dreaming,,,
DJ : Jakob Lusensky, Ariel Ramirez + more!

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